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Spittles (Old School)

No point trying to persuade people that weed is good. People who smoke it will smoke it and people who like to stay clean will not, and personally good for them. The world would be weird if everyone smoked weed lol, good to have a mix.

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No point trying to persuade people that weed is good. People who smoke it will smoke it and people who like to stay clean will not, and personally good for them. The world would be weird if everyone smoked weed lol, good to have a mix.

everybody would be happy... and that isn't a bad thing.

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No point trying to persuade people that weed is good. People who smoke it will smoke it and people who like to stay clean will not, and personally good for them. The world would be weird if everyone smoked weed lol, good to have a mix.

everybody would be happy... and that isn't a bad thing.

Weed doesn't magically and instantly make you happy

But it damages your brain and you tend to forget things.

It is and always will be a drug, as soft as it might seem, and drugs aren't legal in most civilized countries.

As to "legalizing will make the prices go high" bullshit, I doubt that's true: drugs are expensive because they have to pay people a lot to smuggle them into a country, pay corrupted officials, and then the local dealer takes a lot extra...

So legalizing wouldn't make the prices go up imo.

And the weed quality would increase: the government would keep an eye on the product, and adding 10000 products wouldn't be allowed.

So it would also be good for smokers' health.

On the other hand, legalizing weed would make smoking weed as ok as smoking a cig. More people would smoke and probably more, which isn't good for their health either.

So imo, keep it illegal.

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No point trying to persuade people that weed is good. People who smoke it will smoke it and people who like to stay clean will not, and personally good for them. The world would be weird if everyone smoked weed lol, good to have a mix.

everybody would be happy... and that isn't a bad thing.

Weed doesn't magically and instantly make you happy

But it damages your brain and you tend to forget things.

It is and always will be a drug, as soft as it might seem, and drugs aren't legal in most civilized countries.

As to "legalizing will make the prices go high" bullshit, I doubt that's true: drugs are expensive because they have to pay people a lot to smuggle them into a country, pay corrupted officials, and then the local dealer takes a lot extra...

So legalizing wouldn't make the prices go up imo.

And the weed quality would increase: the government would keep an eye on the product, and adding 10000 products wouldn't be allowed.

So it would also be good for smokers' health.

On the other hand, legalizing weed would make smoking weed as ok as smoking a cig. More people would smoke and probably more, which isn't good for their health either.

So imo, keep it illegal.

Okay but just so you know if weed is illegal then so should cigs and alcohol

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there has never been a single case of death from marajuana, it's not addictive, you can't OD on it.

Tobacco and alcohol are far worse for your health than cannabis. It would be "as okay as smoking a cig", in fact it would be better.

Recently, one of the top anti-drug researchers who was doing a series of tets on marajuana to try and prove that it causes lung cancer. 30 years later he is now in favour of legalisation.

acrticle here

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No point trying to persuade people that weed is good. People who smoke it will smoke it and people who like to stay clean will not, and personally good for them. The world would be weird if everyone smoked weed lol, good to have a mix.

true dat

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I guess it's good to have a mix, just like there's people who don't drink alcohol or don't smoke tobacco. My point isn't really that everybody should smoke weed all the time because it's the greatest thing ever more that it's safer than alcohol and tobacco and I can't fathom why it's illegal. It doesn't really make sense that you can use a whole host of drugs legally which are more dangerous than marajauna. Even caffeine is a deadlier drug, as in it's caused fatalities where cannabis has not.

If you want to smoke it, good for you. If you don't, then you're probably missing out. I only starting smoking about 6 months ago. I was completely apposed to all drugs and wouldn't consider anything to do with the science of it and just said "it's illegal, it must be dangerous." Thenn I was chilling with a friend while he was smoking and he accidently passed me the reef and since then I was like AAAAAAAWWWWWWW YYYEEEEEEEAAAAAHH!!!!!

The entire reason cannabis is illegal in the first place is because a show called "reefer madness" which depicted black people smoking cannabis, becoming violent and then having sex with white women. Well ofcourse, during that time America was quite segregated so they banned it. Then in WW2 they decriminilized hemp to use during the war. As such the US Army began smoking it, naturally :). The US Government then criminilised it again for the opposite reason they had done previously. Cannabis was turning soldiers into pacifists! You can't have peace and love in a war can you?

But surely peace and love in everyday life isn't a bad thing.

TL;DRCannabis is safe, fun and makes you enjoy life.

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I guess it's good to have a mix, just like there's people who don't drink alcohol or don't smoke tobacco. My point isn't really that everybody should smoke weed all the time because it's the greatest thing ever more that it's safer than alcohol and tobacco and I can't fathom why it's illegal. It doesn't really make sense that you can use a whole host of drugs legally which are more dangerous than marajauna. Even caffeine is a deadlier drug, as in it's caused fatalities where cannabis has not.

If you want to smoke it, good for you. If you don't, then you're probably missing out. I only starting smoking about 6 months ago. I was completely apposed to all drugs and wouldn't consider anything to do with the science of it and just said "it's illegal, it must be dangerous." Thenn I was chilling with a friend while he was smoking and he accidently passed me the reef and since then I was like AAAAAAAWWWWWWW YYYEEEEEEEAAAAAHH!!!!!

The entire reason cannabis is illegal in the first place is because a show called "reefer madness" which depicted black people smoking cannabis, becoming violent and then having sex with white women. Well ofcourse, during that time America was quite segregated so they banned it. Then in WW2 they decriminilized hemp to use during the war. As such the US Army began smoking it, naturally :). The US Government then criminilised it again for the opposite reason they had done previously. Cannabis was turning soldiers into pacifists! You can't have peace and love in a war can you?

But surely peace and love in everyday life isn't a bad thing.

TL;DRCannabis is safe, fun and makes you enjoy life.


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Weed is not a drug, it happens to be if u light it up and hit it u get high, crack is a drug pills is a drug weed...not a drug


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Weed is not a drug, it happens to be if u light it up and hit it u get high, crack is a drug pills is a drug weed...not a drug


THIS is why weed should stay illegal.

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Weed is not a drug, it happens to be if u light it up and hit it u get high, crack is a drug pills is a drug weed...not a drug


THIS is why weed should stay illegal.

not everyone is a retard that smokes weed lol

A lot of the most brilliant people in the word smoked kush, Einstein for example.

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Weed is not a drug, it happens to be if u light it up and hit it u get high, crack is a drug pills is a drug weed...not a drug


THIS is why weed should stay illegal.

not everyone is a retard that smokes weed lol

A lot of the most brilliant people in the word smoked kush, Einstein for example.

I'm not going to start stating facts again because nobody will listen anyways.

Weed damages brain, especially kids'.

That alone makes it a harmful drug.

as to why we don't ban cigs and alcohol, that's simply because it's in our culture, whereas weed isn't.

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Weed is not a drug, it happens to be if u light it up and hit it u get high, crack is a drug pills is a drug weed...not a drug


THIS is why weed should stay illegal.

not everyone is a retard that smokes weed lol

A lot of the most brilliant people in the word smoked kush, Einstein for example.

I'm not going to start stating facts again because nobody will listen anyways.

Weed damages brain, especially kids'.

That alone makes it a harmful drug.

as to why we don't ban cigs and alcohol, that's simply because it's in our culture, whereas weed isn't.

Ever been to america? lol weed is in our culture pretty hard.

And I's smoke weed over cigs anyday tbh

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where are your facts?

There was once one study that proved that cannabis killed brain cells, this is true. Do you know that experiment was conducted? They fitted gas masks to monkeys and forced them to smoke continuously. Well, that's due to lack of oxygen.

Here I suggest you watch the entire documentary but this is the part about brain cells.

The beggining explains how cannabis has been part of America since it was "discovered".

Also: The best quote in that documentary is "I've heard you have to smoke 20,000 joints in about 20 minutes for you to die from cannabis. I challenge anyone to do that."

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where are your facts?

There was once one study that proved that cannabis killed brain cells, this is true. Do you know that experiment was conducted? They fitted gas masks to monkeys and forced them to smoke continuously. Well, that's due to lack of oxygen.

Here I suggest you watch the entire documentary but this is the part about brain cells.

The beggining explains how cannabis has been part of America since it was "discovered".

Also: The best quote in that documentary is "I've heard you have to smoke 20,000 joints in about 20 minutes for you to die from cannabis. I challenge anyone to do that."

I see you watch the union? :P

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Scroll up to my older posts

I'll just add that I used to smoke weed at least once a day. At first it was all good, social success blah blah blah

But then I started forgetting things, couldn't learn as fast as I used to. Once I had smoked I couldn't study properly for the evening.

And I was starting to close myself. I almost fucked up my studies but I quit overnight (yeah it's not addictive) and I managed to make it right.

I was then able to think fast once again, went back to being myself and I never smoked weed again (except for the odd one here or there).

I'm glad I stopped, weed wasn't for me. If you smoke, fine. But making it legal is making it right for children to smoke, put their future in danger for your own egotistical pleasure.

some people actually need their brain to work properly.

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bullshit. making it legal makes it right for children to smoke?

do you think that it's acceptable then for children to drink alcohol and smoke tobacco? Should it belegalised it will still have to be controlled...

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bullshit. making it legal makes it right for children to smoke?

do you think that it's acceptable then for children to drink alcohol and smoke tobacco? Should it belegalised it will still have to be controlled...

Already answered that.

It's sad how people only answer where they find counter arguments, ignoring the rest of the post.

I guess the only thing left to do is to give arguments 1 by 1....

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bullshit. making it legal makes it right for children to smoke?

do you think that it's acceptable then for children to drink alcohol and smoke tobacco? Should it belegalised it will still have to be controlled...

Already answered that.

It's sad how people only answer where they find counter arguments, ignoring the rest of the post.

I guess the only thing left to do is to give arguments 1 by 1....

fair enough.

cba scrolling up. You only smoked weed once a day and memory loss insued? That is a shame, how much weed did you smoke during this one session? Why study anyway? I just rest on my natural intelligence. Yes, it isn't addictive which is pretty good and fair play getting your life back in shape. My brain works properly with or without cannabis. The only difference is I get angry a lot more easily whilst I'm not smoking.

I smoke every day. a joint every 1-3 hours depending on how I feel. I'm currently living back at home for Easter holidays so I won't be smoking for 2 weeks and so far nothing's different other than everything doesn't feel as good as it does when I am high.

and my point wasn't answered in your post so nevermind. I could scroll up but I'm playing guitar and about to make food so nty. Care to rewrite it?

I think I've covered everything now.

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bullshit. making it legal makes it right for children to smoke?

do you think that it's acceptable then for children to drink alcohol and smoke tobacco? Should it belegalised it will still have to be controlled...

Already answered that.

It's sad how people only answer where they find counter arguments, ignoring the rest of the post.

I guess the only thing left to do is to give arguments 1 by 1....

fair enough.

cba scrolling up. You only smoked weed once a day and memory loss insued? That is a shame, how much weed did you smoke during this one session? Why study anyway? I just rest on my natural intelligence. Yes, it isn't addictive which is pretty good and fair play getting your life back in shape.

and my point wasn't answered in your post so nevermind. I could scroll up but I'm playing guitar and about to make food so nty. Care to rewrite it?


Na.  :Hi:

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why you no happy?

I'm pretty happy. I think you should at least try and be happy. When you're sad, it saddens the people around you so cheer up old chap.

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