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Update friends.


On a bit of a surplus at the moment.


Lifts currently at :


Bench: 100 x 3

Dead: 140 x 3

Squat 100 x 5


Squat/bench should come together once mobility and stability is better throughout scapula and calves/feet. 

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DID 110.5x5 squats today, felt stronger than last squat session.  112.5 next session for 5x5.


Gonna try go up 1.25-2.5 kgs a week on heavy sessions.

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120x5x5 squats today after 112.5 and 115 for a few sets. 


Gains mates, gains.


Gonna go for 145 deads for 5x5 next session potentially. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bit of an update.


Squat is sitting at 140 x 2

Deadlift is sitting at 180 x 2  (switched back to mix grip, was using double over grip  prior in case I ever make the switch to olympic lifts but I'm far off with mobility)

Bench is still sitting at 110 x 2-3  ( haven't been doing as much bench since I'm working on fixing my upper body muscle imbalances/mobility and bench aggravates the issue).


Currently on a slight deficit.  Reverse dieting.  At around 2500 calories, 344 carbs.  Both numbers will drop each week slightly until I go away to Bali.  Once I'm back I'll be reverse dieting back up until I make slight gains every week weight/visual/lift stat wise.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nice Koray mate, your strength is up there :)


Still thrashing out mobility for the most part.  Yet to get my wisdom teeth out which apparently will help my neck/jaw shit.


Deadlift is up to 182.5kg, dat 2.5kg gain.  


Bench is still the same, 130 for squat.


Lifts should go up as my mobility gets better since that's the weak aspect of my lifting.

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Nice Koray mate, your strength is up there :)


Still thrashing out mobility for the most part.  Yet to get my wisdom teeth out which apparently will help my neck/jaw shit.


Deadlift is up to 182.5kg, dat 2.5kg gain.  


Bench is still the same, 130 for squat.


Lifts should go up as my mobility gets better since that's the weak aspect of my lifting.


myron man

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swapped to a hypertrophy routine and added extra to gym days, currently going 6 days a week


push/legs/pull rest push/legs/pull


want to start making faster gains, currently at 87kg 5"10 18-20%

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Ready Ok FOE

swapped to a hypertrophy routine and added extra to gym days, currently going 6 days a week


push/legs/pull rest push/legs/pull


want to start making faster gains, currently at 87kg 5"10 18-20%

ur going hard man, u should post a b4 after pic sometime

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Dropped calories slightly, down to 2300 now for cut.  280 carbs, 64 fat, 150 protein.  Bali in 5 weeks and then back to a surplus once I'm back in mid June.  Will be reverse dieting back up to 2800-3000 calories, Going to track weight/visual/lift gains when I do.


Still thrashing out mobility and getting my wisdom teeth out in 5 days as well as a night brace shortly after.  Grinding of teeth has been bad lately.  It will be interesting to see how much of an effect this has on my lifting as both create problems with the muscles and nerves surrounding my neck/shoulders.

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185 dead yesterday friends.


Leaning out slowly.


Getting all four of my wisdom teeth out in 2 hours.  Won't be lifting for a week or so.


Wish me luck lads.

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  • 2 weeks later...

190 kilogram deadlift last night, 200 soon doe.  https://instagram.com/p/2dppCnHgmp/?taken-by=trisfitnz .  Had to work hard for the 190, was shaky.   Need to work on my lower posterior chain activation, glutes/hams while sitting back onto my heels more.  Accessory work to come.


Jaw specialist in four days to see whats up there.  Gotta get a night brace too for the grinding.


Bali in 20 days.  Might increase my HIIT to 3 times a week at least to lose a bit more before the trip.  Not going to be 8-10% by any means but I might be able to get below 12%.  #nattylyfe.

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here is some of the cut progress pics i promised 






18-20 bf?






NO homo



15-17 bf?


cutting down to around  8-10%

Edited by k or as i
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Will look sickkkkkk once below 10 Koray, dem lats and chest will be defined as fuarkkkk.


Squats and leg accessory work today.

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Had my TMJ specialist appointment yesterday and it went really well.  Basically all my neck, back and shoulder problems over the past two years have been because of the alignment of my jaw due to heavy grinding of my teeth at night.  Need to realign jaw because of grinding.

My TMJ is causing my nerves to misfire, i failed 15/19 neurological tests cause of the alignment/position.  They put in a liquid gel that set to my jaw and pushed it into proper alignment and then i only failed 2/19 of the tests.  Said that long term heavy grinding is the culprit and my gym performance and lifts will potentially increase by 20-30% after 1-2 weeks of having the splints in. ( They've had athletes in the past come in and go from a 200 squat to a 230 squat in under a week due to the nerves firing correctly).   It's also why the muscles in my neck/back/shoulders are always so tight and immobile despite all the mobility I do.


Two options for treatment:  Not cheap.  Specialist is recommending Option 1.  I don't have private health in Australia so I'm going to need to do some serious saving or parents will need to chip in.


Option 1)  Day time and night time splint to be made  with treatment every 2 weeks for 4 months:  $1750 up front then $1750 after I receive the two splints (two week to make) remainder is $300 every 2 weeks and they're estimating up to $6000 to fix it.


Option 2)  Night time splint, $1900, may see results but not as effective or quickly as having a day time splint plus treatment.


Once its fixed I should be pain free and my gym performance will dramatically improve compared to the last two years.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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