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Zimmerman found not guilty

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Lmfao idk how the fuck anyone can defend Zimmerman..a GROWN ASS MAN in possession of a firearm pursued a MINOR.  Zimmerman called 911, the operator told him NOT to pursue, which didn't hold up because supposedly the operator SUGGESTED he shouldn't pursue which is ridiculous.  That's like me walking on the side of the road and a cop goes "Hey stop there."  While I blatantly disregard anything he says and keep on walking?  "No wait he suggested me to stop." Yeah lets see how far that'll get me lmfao.  And some dude said a personal trainer determined his physical level or whatever is 1 out of 10?  Yeah because Zimmerman gained 100 fucking pounds throughout all of this probably just to use that bullshit defense.  If you were Trayvon, and seen some douche following you what are you going to do?  Turn around and press them and see wtf they want.  There's no denying Zimmerman initiated EVERYTHING, which could have been so easily avoided if he just kept his fat ass in his house and let the police handle it.  The ONLY reason he's innocent is because of the fucked up laws in Florida.  In my god honest opinion, those who defends Zimmerman, are the most weak minded individuals I ever came across, and are a prime example of why this world is going to shit.

Edited by ThatNigga
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This is getting stupid now if someone jumped you and overpowers you and is throwing punches etc you obviously going to pull a gun if you have one

Also if your crying about racially profiling people that's your own fault Tbh if black people didn't go round smoking weed in gangs etc then it wouldn't happen I bet people profile people with full selves and fat people all the time saying they are lazy when it could be a medical reason just like black people being in gangs when they could be perfectly normal people

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Lmfao idk how the fuck anyone can defend Zimmerman..a GROWN ASS MAN in possession of a firearm pursued a MINOR. Zimmerman called 911, the operator told him NOT to pursue, which didn't hold up because supposedly the operator SUGGESTED he shouldn't pursue which is ridiculous have That's like me walking on the side of the road and a cop goes "Hey stop there." While I blatantly disregard anything he says and keep on walking? "No wait he suggested me to stop." Yeah lets see how far that'll get me lmfao. And some dude said a personal trainer determined his physical level or whatever is 1 out of 10? Yeah because Zimmerman gained 100 fucking pounds throughout all of this probably just to use that bullshit defense. If you were Trayvon, and seen some douche following you what are you going to do? Turn around and press them and see wtf they want. There's no denying Zimmerman initiated EVERYTHING, which could have been so easily avoided if he just kept his fat ass in his house and let the police handle it. The ONLY reason he's innocent is because of the fucked up laws in Florida. In my god honest opinion, those who defends Zimmerman, are the most weak minded individuals I ever came across, and are a prime example of why this world is going to shit.

Again someone only taking into account one side

Lets say what you is true then he followed him and T reacts badly to being followed they argue and then get into a fight where Z is overpowered with all of the emotion etc at that time he doesn't know if T is armed or anything about him all he knows is that he's being overpowered and has a gun where you are able to use legally in a situation as this for self defence

Z may have set off a chain of events that would have easily been avoided but not illegal and the end shouldn't of happened but Did it doesn't mean he is guilty of murder but it was self defence

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Almost every one smokes weed and in the south almost every one has a gun...
Please backup what you say with stats etc don't just pull random shit like "everyone smokes weed" out your ass
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Almost every one smokes weed and in the south almost every one has a gun...

Please backup what you say with stats etc don't just pull random shit like "everyone smokes weed" out your ass


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so because he smokes weed and has a gun like the majority of us citizens have, he deserves to be shot??



Yes kid was a fucking hoodlum and I'm glad there is one less of them in Florida
So he's a hoodlum because he smokes weed? And has a gun? Ok mind u it's the south almost every one down their has a fucking gun
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so because he smokes weed and has a gun like the majority of us citizens have, he deserves to be shot??



Yes kid was a fucking hoodlum and I'm glad there is one less of them in Florida
So he's a hoodlum because he smokes weed? And has a gun? Ok mind u it's the south almost every one down their has a fucking gun


well tbh yes... hes breaking the law hes 17 and has a gun im sure thats is a crime in the us and im not 100% sure if weed is illegal in florida but if it is again the law that would be a crime


hes got images of guns/weed and trying to look like a gangsta and then people fucking cry when he is "racially profiled" (stereotyped)  for being "black"


don't play up to a stereotype and maybe you wont be profiled for that reason


also saying "almost every smokes weed" is 100% bullshit if you're going to say shit like x amount of people smoke back it up with proof of stats etc don't pull random shit like that out of your ass thats the same as me saying all black people are in gangs and jump white people

Edited by i tauntz i
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so because he smokes weed and has a gun like the majority of us citizens have, he deserves to be shot??



Yes kid was a fucking hoodlum and I'm glad there is one less of them in Florida
So he's a hoodlum because he smokes weed? And has a gun? Ok mind u it's the south almost every one down their has a fucking gun

well tbh yes... hes breaking the law hes 17 and has a gun im sure thats is a crime in the us and im not 100% sure if weed is illegal in florida but if it is again the law that would be a crime


hes got images of guns/weed and trying to look like a gangsta and then people fucking cry when he is "racially profiled" (stereotyped)  for being "black"


don't play up to a stereotype and maybe you wont be profiled for that reason


also saying "almost every smokes weed" is 100% bullshit if you're going to say shit like x amount of people smoke back it up with proof of stats etc don't pull random shit like that out of your ass thats the same as me saying all black people are in gangs and jump white


I read an article a year ago in health class about weed and it stated over 70% of people in the us admited to trying weed / smoking weed and that's the people that ADMITED to it. Also it's not fucking hard to get weed Lmfao or a gun I live in New York and its easy af to get weed n a gun in the south it's way worst. I even have a dime of weed in my draw right now and he puts the middle finger up in a picture and is acting like a gang banger? Lol in New York gun laws possession of weed is very strict law up here in the south laws r more loose.

It's funny most of the guys arguing on this topic are people who are not even from the us let alone never even been their prolly

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so because he smokes weed and has a gun like the majority of us citizens have, he deserves to be shot??



Yes kid was a fucking hoodlum and I'm glad there is one less of them in Florida
So he's a hoodlum because he smokes weed? And has a gun? Ok mind u it's the south almost every one down their has a fucking gun
well tbh yes... hes breaking the law hes 17 and has a gun im sure thats is a crime in the us and im not 100% sure if weed is illegal in florida but if it is again the law that would be a crime


hes got images of guns/weed and trying to look like a gangsta and then people fucking cry when he is "racially profiled" (stereotyped)  for being "black"


don't play up to a stereotype and maybe you wont be profiled for that reason


also saying "almost every smokes weed" is 100% bullshit if you're going to say shit like x amount of people smoke back it up with proof of stats etc don't pull random shit like that out of your ass thats the same as me saying all black people are in gangs and jump white


I read an article a year ago in health class about weed and it stated over 70% of people in the us admited to trying weed / smoking weed and that's the people that ADMITED to it. Also it's not fucking hard to get weed Lmfao or a gun I live in New York and its easy af to get weed n a gun in the south it's way worst. I even have a dime of weed in my draw right now and he puts the middle finger up in a picture and is acting like a gang banger? Lol in New York gun laws possession of weed is very strict law up here in the south laws r more loose.

It's funny most of the guys arguing on this topic are people who are not even from the us let alone never even been their prolly


because its easy does not make it ok.. i could easily get a knife and stab anyone i wanted but would that be fine? no i don't think it would also trying something is not really using it. also saying "i once read somewhere" isn't really proof i could go on some random site that claims if you have blue eyes you are 5000x taller than someone with brown eyes.. because i say its true or i read it somewhere doesn't make it a fact also claiming 70% of all people in the us is also massive bullshit they would have asked possibly 1000 people and on average around 70% of them may have tried/smoked weed depending on where these people are from and how old they are it would have a massive effects on the results of this for example if i asked 1000 people ages 16-19 from a poor nyc area the results would be massively higher than if i asked people of the same age group from a upper class area of nyc


and for the images of him all i'm saying is people are crying because he was "racially profiled" because he was black he was auto in a gang etc all i'm saying is well.. he was playing into that stereotype with images of guns/weed all that shit acting like gangsta wannabe etc you can't do all that shit then cry when you get pulled up for it. its the same as if you were calling all the dutch kids 4rns and then they turn around and call you a fat american you can't cry because you were "racially profiling" them first


also the fact that i'm not from the us doesn't make me dumber than you or any other american on this topic i'm not taking any side on this case i'm just pointing out how stupid people are being trying to defend/accuse people on this from what they have mainly heard/read or personal views 

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Someone reply to my post. It appears all the people defending trayvon are too feeble minded to respond.


Lol feeble minded.  I'll reply to the close minded individuals defending Zimmerman.



People try to make cases a racial thing. It's ridiculous. There were a lot a facts involved and they were all in favor of Zimmerman. The forensic investigator (who is touted to be the greatest of our time) said that all the forensics lined up with Zimmerman's story. Trayvon had grass stains on his knees and Zimmerman had grass stains on his back; doesn't take a forensic examiner to figure out what that means. Also, the only eye witness said that the man in the hoodie (which turned out to be Trayvon) was on top of the other man performing an MMA style ground and pound. Also Zimmerman was severely physically outmatched. The professional trainer who was brought to the stand during the trial rated Zimmerman's fitness as a 1 out of 10. On the other hand, you have trayvon who is 17, in much better shape, and has a few inches in height on Zimmerman. Zimmerman had lacerations on the back of his head and a broken nose. It is sad that Trayvon died but George did what he had to do to protect himself, which he has the right to do.  It's just a matter of fact. They got this one right.


Honostly I can't see how anyone can justify what Zimmerman did.  Let me ask you this.. WTF do you think Zimmerman was doing?  He sees some kid in a hoodie walking around, decides to grab his pistol and play some cops and robbers?  What was Zimmerman trying to accomplish?  Was he going to make a citizens arrest?  Was he going to tell Trayvon, "Hey wait here for the police so they can check you out."  Come the fuck on lmfao.  I could give a fuck about what some forensics dude says because theres 2 sides to every story and the other person is fucked DEAD, I don't think you know how serious death is, until you're dead yourself lol. Zimmermans physical level was 1 out of 10 because the fat fuck gained over 100 pounds throughout this entire thing, probably just so he can use it as a defense and have people like you eat it up lmao.  There was NO DNA evidence under Trayvons fingernails, there was NO DNA evidence on the gun, I don't understand how people can sit there and say that Zimmerman was acting in self-defense when he provoked the conflict.  That is complete hypocrisy and it baffles me to the point of non belief.  How about we take into the extent of the blatant irresponsibility that resulted in the death of a child?   WHAT IF, Zimmerman was a big fat black dude and Trayvon was a little white kid.. "Oh what would a white kid be doing robbing houses?"  "Oh I don't think a little 17 year old white kid could have beaten up a fat black dude to death with his own bare hands."  That's where the racism comes into play my friend.  Plus, ZIMMERMAN WASN'T EVEN BEAT UP THAT BAD LMFAO.  I seen kids get fucked up and I mean fucked up and I'm sure plenty of us have on here. Shit, I've even been in fights coming out looking worse than Zimmerman, and this mother fucker feared for his life?  Lmao nahhhhhhhh.  Regardless of the fact, this kid was profiled, targeted, and pursued, by a man who was told by the police dispatcher NOT to follow. THE ONLY THING ZIMMERMAN WAS LOOKING FOR, WAS TROUBLE.  And you can't tell me otherwise as much as you try to word it.


Zimmerman called the police and said I quote, "He looks black." and let me remind you he never gave a description without a dispatcher asking first... He then goes on to say, "These assholes they always get away"  Zimmerman said, "Hes running."  Then goes onto grabbing his pistol and heading after him.  Too do what? IDK.  If you heard the recording, the dispatcher asks if he was following him.  Zimmerman replies yeah.  This dispatcher tells him not too and Zimmerman says okay.  Later on, the dispatcher asks if which entrance Zimmerman is at, then Zimmerman says the back entrance.  Then whispers "FUCKING COONS" INTO THE DISPATCHERS RECORDING LMFAO.  HOW IN THE FUCKING WORLD IS THAT NOT RACIAL PROFILING? So so so close minded.  Now, Zimmerman pursued Trayvon with a firearm, while told by police not to pursue.  When police arrive Zimmerman is standing next to the body of a 17 year old kid, DEAD.  Zimmerman then says he was screaming for help.  WHY THE FUCK would the man with a gun be screaming for fucking help?  PLEASE explain why the man with the upper hand is screaming for fucking help lmfao.  And if you heard that "HELP" its gut wrenching and could only come from someone desperately making an attempt to save their own life, and the only one who lost their life was Trayvon.  Also, the person who made that call, thinks it was TRAYVON who was screaming for help.  You probably think OJ is innocent, and that Casey Anthony is innocent too..  so naive lmfao.  To top it all off, this is only a media frenzy, to divide people and take attention away from the big picture, which you all probably don't even know about. Lol.


Now please tell me what you have to say.

Edited by ThatNigga
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what you all fail to understand is that even if he was a huge cunt, even if he owned 50kg of weed, had a tank plus 5 guns in his garage and showed everyone the finger he still does not deserve to be killed.


punished, yes. hated, yes. killed, no.



There must be a reason he turned the way he did which means his parents and the state failed at educating him.

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what you all fail to understand is that even if he was a huge cunt, even if he owned 50kg of weed, had a tank plus 5 guns in his garage and showed everyone the finger he still does not deserve to be killed.


punished, yes. hated, yes. killed, no.



There must be a reason he turned the way he did which means his parents and the state failed at educating him.


don't bring ignorance into an educated debate. troll.

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what you all fail to understand is that even if he was a huge cunt, even if he owned 50kg of weed, had a tank plus 5 guns in his garage and showed everyone the finger he still does not deserve to be killed.

punished, yes. hated, yes. killed, no.

There must be a reason he turned the way he did which means his parents and the state failed at educating him.

You missing the point of this topic no one has ever said he deserved to be killed and ur totally wrong if you think Z went out that night with the intention of killing someone your just being a close minded moron if you think that
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newline" post="1274866" alonetamp="1374307738"]

Someone reply to my post. It appears all the people defending trayvon are too feeble minded to respond.

Lol feeble minded. I'll reply to the close minded individuals defending Zimmerman.

People try to make cases a racial thing. It's ridiculous. There were a lot a facts involved and they were all in favor of Zimmerman. The forensic investigator (who is touted to be the greatest of our time) said that all the forensics lined up with Zimmerman's story. Trayvon had grass stains on his knees and Zimmerman had grass stains on his back; doesn't take a forensic examiner to figure out what that means. Also, the only eye witness said that the man in the hoodie (which turned out to be Trayvon) was on top of the other man performing an MMA style ground and pound. Also Zimmerman was severely physically outmatched. The professional trainer who was brought to the stand during the trial rated Zimmerman's fitness as a 1 out of 10. On the other hand, you have trayvon who is 17, in much better shape, and has a few inches in height on Zimmerman. Zimmerman had lacerations on the back of his head and a broken nose. It is sad that Trayvon died but George did what he had to do to protect himself, which he has the right to do. It's just a matter of fact. They got this one right.

Honostly I can't see how anyone can justify what Zimmerman did. Let me ask you this.. WTF do you think Zimmerman was doing? He sees some kid in a hoodie walking around, decides to grab his pistol and play some cops and robbers? What was Zimmerman trying to accomplish? Was he going to make a citizens arrest? Was he going to tell Trayvon, "Hey wait here for the police so they can check you out." Come the fuck on lmfao. I could give a fuck about what some forensics dude says because theres 2 sides to every story and the other person is fucked DEAD, I don't think you know how serious death is, until you're dead yourself lol. Zimmermans physical level was 1 out of 10 because the fat fuck gained over 100 pounds throughout this entire thing, probably just so he can use it as a defense and have people like you eat it up lmao. There was NO DNA evidence under Trayvons fingernails, there was NO DNA evidence on the gun, I don't understand how people can sit there and say that Zimmerman was acting in self-defense when he provoked the conflict. That is complete hypocrisy and it baffles me to the point of non belief. How about we take into the extent of the blatant irresponsibility that resulted in the death of a child? WHAT IF, Zimmerman was a big fat black dude and Trayvon was a little white kid.. "Oh what would a white kid be doing robbing houses?" "Oh I don't think a little 17 year old white kid could have beaten up a fat black dude to death with his own bare hands." That's where the racism comes into play my friend. Plus, ZIMMERMAN WASN'T EVEN BEAT UP THAT BAD LMFAO. I seen kids get fucked up and I mean fucked up and I'm sure plenty of us have on here. Shit, I've even been in fights coming out looking worse than Zimmerman, and this mother fucker feared for his life? Lmao nahhhhhhhh. Regardless of the fact, this kid was profiled, targeted, and pursued, by a man who was told by the police dispatcher NOT to follow. THE ONLY THING ZIMMERMAN WAS LOOKING FOR, WAS TROUBLE. And you can't tell me otherwise as much as you try to word it.

Zimmerman called the police and said I quote, "He looks black." and let me remind you he never gave a description without a dispatcher asking first... He then goes on to say, "These assholes they always get away" Zimmerman said, "Hes running." Then goes onto grabbing his pistol and heading after him. Too do what? IDK. If you heard the recording, the dispatcher asks if he was following him. Zimmerman replies yeah. This dispatcher tells him not too and Zimmerman says okay. Later on, the dispatcher asks if which entrance Zimmerman is at, then Zimmerman says the back entrance. Then whispers "FUCKING COONS" INTO THE DISPATCHERS RECORDING LMFAO. HOW IN THE FUCKING WORLD IS THAT NOT RACIAL PROFILING? So so so close minded. Now, Zimmerman pursued Trayvon with a firearm, while told by police not to pursue. When police arrive Zimmerman is standing next to the body of a 17 year old kid, DEAD. Zimmerman then says he was screaming for help. WHY THE FUCK would the man with a gun be screaming for fucking help? PLEASE explain why the man with the upper hand is screaming for fucking help lmfao. And if you heard that "HELP" its gut wrenching and could only come from someone desperately making an attempt to save their own life, and the only one who lost their life was Trayvon. Also, the person who made that call, thinks it was TRAYVON who was screaming for help. You probably think OJ is innocent, and that Casey Anthony is innocent too.. so naive lmfao. To top it all off, this is only a media frenzy, to divide people and take attention away from the big picture, which you all probably don't even know about. Lol.

Now please tell me what you have to say.

Obviously retarded

If you read what I said in a earlier post you would understand better

I 100% agree that Zimmerman followed T and that it was uncalled for however lets say T and Z got into an Argument that then turned into a fight And during the right lets say that T overpowers Z in which case there would be multiple emotions etc going through his head like fear adrenalin etc what do you think you would honestly do if your on the ground with someone that is stronger/fitter than you alone at night and you had a gun??

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newline" post="1274866" alonetamp="1374307738"]



Someone reply to my post. It appears all the people defending trayvon are too feeble minded to respond.

Lol feeble minded. I'll reply to the close minded individuals defending Zimmerman.


People try to make cases a racial thing. It's ridiculous. There were a lot a facts involved and they were all in favor of Zimmerman. The forensic investigator (who is touted to be the greatest of our time) said that all the forensics lined up with Zimmerman's story. Trayvon had grass stains on his knees and Zimmerman had grass stains on his back; doesn't take a forensic examiner to figure out what that means. Also, the only eye witness said that the man in the hoodie (which turned out to be Trayvon) was on top of the other man performing an MMA style ground and pound. Also Zimmerman was severely physically outmatched. The professional trainer who was brought to the stand during the trial rated Zimmerman's fitness as a 1 out of 10. On the other hand, you have trayvon who is 17, in much better shape, and has a few inches in height on Zimmerman. Zimmerman had lacerations on the back of his head and a broken nose. It is sad that Trayvon died but George did what he had to do to protect himself, which he has the right to do. It's just a matter of fact. They got this one right.

Honostly I can't see how anyone can justify what Zimmerman did. Let me ask you this.. WTF do you think Zimmerman was doing? He sees some kid in a hoodie walking around, decides to grab his pistol and play some cops and robbers? What was Zimmerman trying to accomplish? Was he going to make a citizens arrest? Was he going to tell Trayvon, "Hey wait here for the police so they can check you out." Come the fuck on lmfao. I could give a fuck about what some forensics dude says because theres 2 sides to every story and the other person is fucked DEAD, I don't think you know how serious death is, until you're dead yourself lol. Zimmermans physical level was 1 out of 10 because the fat fuck gained over 100 pounds throughout this entire thing, probably just so he can use it as a defense and have people like you eat it up lmao. There was NO DNA evidence under Trayvons fingernails, there was NO DNA evidence on the gun, I don't understand how people can sit there and say that Zimmerman was acting in self-defense when he provoked the conflict. That is complete hypocrisy and it baffles me to the point of non belief. How about we take into the extent of the blatant irresponsibility that resulted in the death of a child? WHAT IF, Zimmerman was a big fat black dude and Trayvon was a little white kid.. "Oh what would a white kid be doing robbing houses?" "Oh I don't think a little 17 year old white kid could have beaten up a fat black dude to death with his own bare hands." That's where the racism comes into play my friend. Plus, ZIMMERMAN WASN'T EVEN BEAT UP THAT BAD LMFAO. I seen kids get fucked up and I mean fucked up and I'm sure plenty of us have on here. Shit, I've even been in fights coming out looking worse than Zimmerman, and this mother fucker feared for his life? Lmao nahhhhhhhh. Regardless of the fact, this kid was profiled, targeted, and pursued, by a man who was told by the police dispatcher NOT to follow. THE ONLY THING ZIMMERMAN WAS LOOKING FOR, WAS TROUBLE. And you can't tell me otherwise as much as you try to word it.

Zimmerman called the police and said I quote, "He looks black." and let me remind you he never gave a description without a dispatcher asking first... He then goes on to say, "These assholes they always get away" Zimmerman said, "Hes running." Then goes onto grabbing his pistol and heading after him. Too do what? IDK. If you heard the recording, the dispatcher asks if he was following him. Zimmerman replies yeah. This dispatcher tells him not too and Zimmerman says okay. Later on, the dispatcher asks if which entrance Zimmerman is at, then Zimmerman says the back entrance. Then whispers "FUCKING COONS" INTO THE DISPATCHERS RECORDING LMFAO. HOW IN THE FUCKING WORLD IS THAT NOT RACIAL PROFILING? So so so close minded. Now, Zimmerman pursued Trayvon with a firearm, while told by police not to pursue. When police arrive Zimmerman is standing next to the body of a 17 year old kid, DEAD. Zimmerman then says he was screaming for help. WHY THE FUCK would the man with a gun be screaming for fucking help? PLEASE explain why the man with the upper hand is screaming for fucking help lmfao. And if you heard that "HELP" its gut wrenching and could only come from someone desperately making an attempt to save their own life, and the only one who lost their life was Trayvon. Also, the person who made that call, thinks it was TRAYVON who was screaming for help. You probably think OJ is innocent, and that Casey Anthony is innocent too.. so naive lmfao. To top it all off, this is only a media frenzy, to divide people and take attention away from the big picture, which you all probably don't even know about. Lol.

Now please tell me what you have to say.

Obviously retarded

If you read what I said in a earlier post you would understand better

I 100% agree that Zimmerman followed T and that it was uncalled for however lets say T and Z got into an Argument that then turned into a fight And during the right lets say that T overpowers Z in which case there would be multiple emotions etc going through his head like fear adrenalin etc what do you think you would honestly do if your on the ground with someone that is stronger/fitter than you alone at night and you had a gun??


Everything I just posted went over your head.. what you're saying is irrelevant to everything I just said.  How about commenting on what I just posted lmfao instead of saying the same shit.  Justify everything I just posted like I did with you and lets see who's feeble minded.  Now THAT'S obviously retarded lmfao.




EDIT: What you said was, 


Anyone who disagrees with the outcome is an idiot.

1. Jury knows more

2. They have reasonable doubt for a reason 


I say anyone who agrees with the outcome is an idiot.

We're not going off of what the Jury said, we allllllllllllll fucking know that Zimmerman was found not guilty.  There is a difference between the law and what people think is fundamentally justice.  And there is no denying that Floridas laws are fucked.  Let it be any other state, and Zimmerman would be GUILTY.  So you mean to tell me that because the jury says he's innocent you think he's innocent?  99% of people think Zimmerman should be in jail, and you're apart of the 1% who can't think for themselves.

Edited by ThatNigga
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Like I said I'm not taking any sides at all but your a fucking idiot your basically just saying he he black and was shot by a white guy who was obvious wrong because he is white and apparently you won't consider any other outcome but that a white guy followed a black guy and shot him because he was black

If your going to argue that Zimmerman was guilty please provide an argumeant that's more than he was a fat white man that shot someone because he was black

All I'm doing on this topic is putting an arguemeant for the other side like you said there is always two sides to a story but 90% of the response for saying Zimmerman is guilty is fucking retarded saying he was racist and basically saying he went out to kill a black man

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Like I said I'm not taking any sides at all but your a fucking idiot your basically just saying he he black and was shot by a white guy who was obvious wrong because he is white and apparently you won't consider any other outcome but that a white guy followed a black guy and shot him because he was black

If your going to argue that Zimmerman was guilty please provide an argumeant that's more than he was a fat white man that shot someone because he was black

All I'm doing on this topic is putting an arguemeant for the other side like you said there is always two sides to a story but 90% of the response for saying Zimmerman is guilty is fucking retarded saying he was racist and basically saying he went out to kill a black man


You're the fucking idiot that must not be able to read because I said a lot more shit than that.  Lol, don't try and simplify what I said, because you obviously didn't word it right.

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what you all fail to understand is that even if he was a huge cunt, even if he owned 50kg of weed, had a tank plus 5 guns in his garage and showed everyone the finger he still does not deserve to be killed.

punished, yes. hated, yes. killed, no.

There must be a reason he turned the way he did which means his parents and the state failed at educating him.

You missing the point of this topic no one has ever said he deserved to be killed and ur totally wrong if you think Z went out that night with the intention of killing someone your just being a close minded moron if you think that


People said because he was doing things like weed, owning a gun and the middlefinger he deserves to be shot.

Z did not go out that night with the intention of killing anyone. None the less he did not have the right to do so. Also he was not in the situation where it was the only possible solution.

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newline" post="1274866" alonetamp="1374307738"]



Someone reply to my post. It appears all the people defending trayvon are too feeble minded to respond.

Lol feeble minded. I'll reply to the close minded individuals defending Zimmerman.


People try to make cases a racial thing. It's ridiculous. There were a lot a facts involved and they were all in favor of Zimmerman. The forensic investigator (who is touted to be the greatest of our time) said that all the forensics lined up with Zimmerman's story. Trayvon had grass stains on his knees and Zimmerman had grass stains on his back; doesn't take a forensic examiner to figure out what that means. Also, the only eye witness said that the man in the hoodie (which turned out to be Trayvon) was on top of the other man performing an MMA style ground and pound. Also Zimmerman was severely physically outmatched. The professional trainer who was brought to the stand during the trial rated Zimmerman's fitness as a 1 out of 10. On the other hand, you have trayvon who is 17, in much better shape, and has a few inches in height on Zimmerman. Zimmerman had lacerations on the back of his head and a broken nose. It is sad that Trayvon died but George did what he had to do to protect himself, which he has the right to do. It's just a matter of fact. They got this one right.

Honostly I can't see how anyone can justify what Zimmerman did. Let me ask you this.. WTF do you think Zimmerman was doing? He sees some kid in a hoodie walking around, decides to grab his pistol and play some cops and robbers? What was Zimmerman trying to accomplish? Was he going to make a citizens arrest? Was he going to tell Trayvon, "Hey wait here for the police so they can check you out." Come the fuck on lmfao. I could give a fuck about what some forensics dude says because theres 2 sides to every story and the other person is fucked DEAD, I don't think you know how serious death is, until you're dead yourself lol. Zimmermans physical level was 1 out of 10 because the fat fuck gained over 100 pounds throughout this entire thing, probably just so he can use it as a defense and have people like you eat it up lmao. There was NO DNA evidence under Trayvons fingernails, there was NO DNA evidence on the gun, I don't understand how people can sit there and say that Zimmerman was acting in self-defense when he provoked the conflict. That is complete hypocrisy and it baffles me to the point of non belief. How about we take into the extent of the blatant irresponsibility that resulted in the death of a child? WHAT IF, Zimmerman was a big fat black dude and Trayvon was a little white kid.. "Oh what would a white kid be doing robbing houses?" "Oh I don't think a little 17 year old white kid could have beaten up a fat black dude to death with his own bare hands." That's where the racism comes into play my friend. Plus, ZIMMERMAN WASN'T EVEN BEAT UP THAT BAD LMFAO. I seen kids get fucked up and I mean fucked up and I'm sure plenty of us have on here. Shit, I've even been in fights coming out looking worse than Zimmerman, and this mother fucker feared for his life? Lmao nahhhhhhhh. Regardless of the fact, this kid was profiled, targeted, and pursued, by a man who was told by the police dispatcher NOT to follow. THE ONLY THING ZIMMERMAN WAS LOOKING FOR, WAS TROUBLE. And you can't tell me otherwise as much as you try to word it.

Zimmerman called the police and said I quote, "He looks black." and let me remind you he never gave a description without a dispatcher asking first... He then goes on to say, "These assholes they always get away" Zimmerman said, "Hes running." Then goes onto grabbing his pistol and heading after him. Too do what? IDK. If you heard the recording, the dispatcher asks if he was following him. Zimmerman replies yeah. This dispatcher tells him not too and Zimmerman says okay. Later on, the dispatcher asks if which entrance Zimmerman is at, then Zimmerman says the back entrance. Then whispers "FUCKING COONS" INTO THE DISPATCHERS RECORDING LMFAO. HOW IN THE FUCKING WORLD IS THAT NOT RACIAL PROFILING? So so so close minded. Now, Zimmerman pursued Trayvon with a firearm, while told by police not to pursue. When police arrive Zimmerman is standing next to the body of a 17 year old kid, DEAD. Zimmerman then says he was screaming for help. WHY THE FUCK would the man with a gun be screaming for fucking help? PLEASE explain why the man with the upper hand is screaming for fucking help lmfao. And if you heard that "HELP" its gut wrenching and could only come from someone desperately making an attempt to save their own life, and the only one who lost their life was Trayvon. Also, the person who made that call, thinks it was TRAYVON who was screaming for help. You probably think OJ is innocent, and that Casey Anthony is innocent too.. so naive lmfao. To top it all off, this is only a media frenzy, to divide people and take attention away from the big picture, which you all probably don't even know about. Lol.

Now please tell me what you have to say.



Please, share with us this "big picture" that you apparently know about

Edited by Trev|Low Bridd
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Florida Guy0

im sure people will do something about this personally or some shit for sure but not an easy decision to make

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Someone reply to my post. It appears all the people defending trayvon are too feeble minded to respond.


Lol feeble minded.  I'll reply to the close minded individuals defending Zimmerman.



People try to make cases a racial thing. It's ridiculous. There were a lot a facts involved and they were all in favor of Zimmerman. The forensic investigator (who is touted to be the greatest of our time) said that all the forensics lined up with Zimmerman's story. Trayvon had grass stains on his knees and Zimmerman had grass stains on his back; doesn't take a forensic examiner to figure out what that means. Also, the only eye witness said that the man in the hoodie (which turned out to be Trayvon) was on top of the other man performing an MMA style ground and pound. Also Zimmerman was severely physically outmatched. The professional trainer who was brought to the stand during the trial rated Zimmerman's fitness as a 1 out of 10. On the other hand, you have trayvon who is 17, in much better shape, and has a few inches in height on Zimmerman. Zimmerman had lacerations on the back of his head and a broken nose. It is sad that Trayvon died but George did what he had to do to protect himself, which he has the right to do.  It's just a matter of fact. They got this one right.


Honostly I can't see how anyone can justify what Zimmerman did.  Let me ask you this.. WTF do you think Zimmerman was doing?  He sees some kid in a hoodie walking around, decides to grab his pistol and play some cops and robbers?  What was Zimmerman trying to accomplish?  Was he going to make a citizens arrest?  Was he going to tell Trayvon, "Hey wait here for the police so they can check you out."  Come the fuck on lmfao.  I could give a fuck about what some forensics dude says because theres 2 sides to every story and the other person is fucked DEAD, I don't think you know how serious death is, until you're dead yourself lol. Zimmermans physical level was 1 out of 10 because the fat fuck gained over 100 pounds throughout this entire thing, probably just so he can use it as a defense and have people like you eat it up lmao.  There was NO DNA evidence under Trayvons fingernails, there was NO DNA evidence on the gun, I don't understand how people can sit there and say that Zimmerman was acting in self-defense when he provoked the conflict.  That is complete hypocrisy and it baffles me to the point of non belief.  How about we take into the extent of the blatant irresponsibility that resulted in the death of a child?   WHAT IF, Zimmerman was a big fat black dude and Trayvon was a little white kid.. "Oh what would a white kid be doing robbing houses?"  "Oh I don't think a little 17 year old white kid could have beaten up a fat black dude to death with his own bare hands."  That's where the racism comes into play my friend.  Plus, ZIMMERMAN WASN'T EVEN BEAT UP THAT BAD LMFAO.  I seen kids get fucked up and I mean fucked up and I'm sure plenty of us have on here. Shit, I've even been in fights coming out looking worse than Zimmerman, and this mother fucker feared for his life?  Lmao nahhhhhhhh.  Regardless of the fact, this kid was profiled, targeted, and pursued, by a man who was told by the police dispatcher NOT to follow. THE ONLY THING ZIMMERMAN WAS LOOKING FOR, WAS TROUBLE.  And you can't tell me otherwise as much as you try to word it.


Zimmerman called the police and said I quote, "He looks black." and let me remind you he never gave a description without a dispatcher asking first... He then goes on to say, "These assholes they always get away"  Zimmerman said, "Hes running."  Then goes onto grabbing his pistol and heading after him.  Too do what? IDK.  If you heard the recording, the dispatcher asks if he was following him.  Zimmerman replies yeah.  This dispatcher tells him not too and Zimmerman says okay.  Later on, the dispatcher asks if which entrance Zimmerman is at, then Zimmerman says the back entrance.  Then whispers "FUCKING COONS" INTO THE DISPATCHERS RECORDING LMFAO.  HOW IN THE FUCKING WORLD IS THAT NOT RACIAL PROFILING? So so so close minded.  Now, Zimmerman pursued Trayvon with a firearm, while told by police not to pursue.  When police arrive Zimmerman is standing next to the body of a 17 year old kid, DEAD.  Zimmerman then says he was screaming for help.  WHY THE FUCK would the man with a gun be screaming for fucking help?  PLEASE explain why the man with the upper hand is screaming for fucking help lmfao.  And if you heard that "HELP" its gut wrenching and could only come from someone desperately making an attempt to save their own life, and the only one who lost their life was Trayvon.  Also, the person who made that call, thinks it was TRAYVON who was screaming for help.  You probably think OJ is innocent, and that Casey Anthony is innocent too..  so naive lmfao.  To top it all off, this is only a media frenzy, to divide people and take attention away from the big picture, which you all probably don't even know about. Lol.


Now please tell me what you have to say.


I have a lot to say. If you want to debate you should get your information from the courtroom testimony not from a media outlet. Since you made the assumption that i don't know the "big picture" i would like to know what you mean. Is it Bradley Manning, PRISM, Drone strikes? It's ironic that you wrote, "which you all probably don't even know about."  when all your information is based off the shitty sources that spout nonsense and divert society from the "big picture". 


I never said all of Zimmerman's actions were correct. That being said they were all legal and he has a right to do so. I applaud you on your word choice because it is excellent . Yourself and the media portrayed Trayvon as an innocent child, which he was not.  First, the picture that the media showed, over and over, was from when Martin was a cute 12 year old. It was over five years old. Martin was 6'2" tall, and muscular. He was BIG. (Zimmerman, by comparison, was almost six inches shorter, with no muscle tone, at all.) Martin was old enough to have numerous tattoos and gold teeth. NOT A CHILD. The media lied to everyone so that they could sensationalize this case. Better ratings equals more money from advertisers. Second, he was FAR from innocent. He had been suspended from school on numerous occasions ...for possession of a controlled substance and paraphernalia, for vandalism, and for possession of stolen property and burglary tools. He bragged about attacking a bus driver, he sent texts about talking about trying to acquire an illegal gun. Hardly innocent, hardly a child.


Zimmerman wasn't the only who pursued. After Zimmerman lost Trayvon for a period of four minutes Trayvon found zimmerman and initiated the attack. It was Martin who threw the first punch and he was the only one who actually threw a punch. People seem to make the argument that Trayvon was sacred and was acting in self defense but in reality it seems like he did the opposite. If Martin was actually frightened, he could have called 911.....Or run away. He chose to come back, re-engage, then attack. There was NOTHING defensive about his actions. In fact, Martin had a self professed penchant for attacking people (As per one of his own texts, he physically attacked a bus driver for daring to demand that Martin actually pay the required bus fare.)


This case was about racism. Only partially true. Zimmerman has been shown not to have a racial slant. The Zimmerman quote that NBC ran "He is black" was proven to be edited, by NBC, to be more sensational. He ONLY said that in response to the dispatcher's query as to the race of the person he was calling in. Zimmerman never called anyone a "coon". The only person who used racially derogatory language, as per court testimony, was Martin who said, Zimmerman was a cracker.


The majority of your beliefs were based on wrong information. You claim you know the picture? Then why the fuck are your letting distorted ideas shape your ideas? You are a sheep.  

Edited by Veta
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Someone reply to my post. It appears all the people defending trayvon are too feeble minded to respond.


Lol feeble minded.  I'll reply to the close minded individuals defending Zimmerman.



People try to make cases a racial thing. It's ridiculous. There were a lot a facts involved and they were all in favor of Zimmerman. The forensic investigator (who is touted to be the greatest of our time) said that all the forensics lined up with Zimmerman's story. Trayvon had grass stains on his knees and Zimmerman had grass stains on his back; doesn't take a forensic examiner to figure out what that means. Also, the only eye witness said that the man in the hoodie (which turned out to be Trayvon) was on top of the other man performing an MMA style ground and pound. Also Zimmerman was severely physically outmatched. The professional trainer who was brought to the stand during the trial rated Zimmerman's fitness as a 1 out of 10. On the other hand, you have trayvon who is 17, in much better shape, and has a few inches in height on Zimmerman. Zimmerman had lacerations on the back of his head and a broken nose. It is sad that Trayvon died but George did what he had to do to protect himself, which he has the right to do.  It's just a matter of fact. They got this one right.


Honostly I can't see how anyone can justify what Zimmerman did.  Let me ask you this.. WTF do you think Zimmerman was doing?  He sees some kid in a hoodie walking around, decides to grab his pistol and play some cops and robbers?  What was Zimmerman trying to accomplish?  Was he going to make a citizens arrest?  Was he going to tell Trayvon, "Hey wait here for the police so they can check you out."  Come the fuck on lmfao.  I could give a fuck about what some forensics dude says because theres 2 sides to every story and the other person is fucked DEAD, I don't think you know how serious death is, until you're dead yourself lol. Zimmermans physical level was 1 out of 10 because the fat fuck gained over 100 pounds throughout this entire thing, probably just so he can use it as a defense and have people like you eat it up lmao.  There was NO DNA evidence under Trayvons fingernails, there was NO DNA evidence on the gun, I don't understand how people can sit there and say that Zimmerman was acting in self-defense when he provoked the conflict.  That is complete hypocrisy and it baffles me to the point of non belief.  How about we take into the extent of the blatant irresponsibility that resulted in the death of a child?   WHAT IF, Zimmerman was a big fat black dude and Trayvon was a little white kid.. "Oh what would a white kid be doing robbing houses?"  "Oh I don't think a little 17 year old white kid could have beaten up a fat black dude to death with his own bare hands."  That's where the racism comes into play my friend.  Plus, ZIMMERMAN WASN'T EVEN BEAT UP THAT BAD LMFAO.  I seen kids get fucked up and I mean fucked up and I'm sure plenty of us have on here. Shit, I've even been in fights coming out looking worse than Zimmerman, and this mother fucker feared for his life?  Lmao nahhhhhhhh.  Regardless of the fact, this kid was profiled, targeted, and pursued, by a man who was told by the police dispatcher NOT to follow. THE ONLY THING ZIMMERMAN WAS LOOKING FOR, WAS TROUBLE.  And you can't tell me otherwise as much as you try to word it.


Zimmerman called the police and said I quote, "He looks black." and let me remind you he never gave a description without a dispatcher asking first... He then goes on to say, "These assholes they always get away"  Zimmerman said, "Hes running."  Then goes onto grabbing his pistol and heading after him.  Too do what? IDK.  If you heard the recording, the dispatcher asks if he was following him.  Zimmerman replies yeah.  This dispatcher tells him not too and Zimmerman says okay.  Later on, the dispatcher asks if which entrance Zimmerman is at, then Zimmerman says the back entrance.  Then whispers "FUCKING COONS" INTO THE DISPATCHERS RECORDING LMFAO.  HOW IN THE FUCKING WORLD IS THAT NOT RACIAL PROFILING? So so so close minded.  Now, Zimmerman pursued Trayvon with a firearm, while told by police not to pursue.  When police arrive Zimmerman is standing next to the body of a 17 year old kid, DEAD.  Zimmerman then says he was screaming for help.  WHY THE FUCK would the man with a gun be screaming for fucking help?  PLEASE explain why the man with the upper hand is screaming for fucking help lmfao.  And if you heard that "HELP" its gut wrenching and could only come from someone desperately making an attempt to save their own life, and the only one who lost their life was Trayvon.  Also, the person who made that call, thinks it was TRAYVON who was screaming for help.  You probably think OJ is innocent, and that Casey Anthony is innocent too..  so naive lmfao.  To top it all off, this is only a media frenzy, to divide people and take attention away from the big picture, which you all probably don't even know about. Lol.


Now please tell me what you have to say.


I have a lot to say. If you want to debate you should get your information from the courtroom testimony not from a media outlet. Since you made the assumption that i don't know the "big picture" i would like to know what you mean. Is it Bradley Manning, PRISM, Drone strikes? It's ironic that you wrote, "which you all probably don't even know about."  when all your information is based off the shitty sources that spout nonsense and divert society from the "big picture". 


I never said all of Zimmerman's actions were correct. That being said they were all legal and he has a right to do so. I applaud you on your word choice because it is excellent . Yourself and the media portrayed Trayvon as an innocent child, which he was not.  First, the picture that the media showed, over and over, was from when Martin was a cute 12 year old. It was over five years old. Martin was 6'2" tall, and muscular. He was BIG. (Zimmerman, by comparison, was almost six inches shorter, with no muscle tone, at all.) Martin was old enough to have numerous tattoos and gold teeth. NOT A CHILD. The media lied to everyone so that they could sensationalize this case. Better ratings equals more money from advertisers. Second, he was FAR from innocent. He had been suspended from school on numerous occasions ...for possession of a controlled substance and paraphernalia, for vandalism, and for possession of stolen property and burglary tools. He bragged about attacking a bus driver, he sent texts about talking about trying to acquire an illegal gun. Hardly innocent, hardly a child.


Zimmerman wasn't the only who pursued. After Zimmerman lost Trayvon for a period of four minutes Trayvon found zimmerman and initiated the attack. It was Martin who threw the first punch and he was the only one who actually threw a punch. People seem to make the argument that Trayvon was sacred and was acting in self defense but in reality it seems like he did the opposite. If Martin was actually frightened, he could have called 911.....Or run away. He chose to come back, re-engage, then attack. There was NOTHING defensive about his actions. In fact, Martin had a self professed penchant for attacking people (As per one of his own texts, he physically attacked a bus driver for daring to demand that Martin actually pay the required bus fare.)


This case was about racism. Only partially true. Zimmerman has been shown not to have a racial slant. The Zimmerman quote that NBC ran "He is black" was proven to be edited, by NBC, to be more sensational. He ONLY said that in response to the dispatcher's query as to the race of the person he was calling in. Zimmerman never called anyone a "coon". The only person who used racially derogatory language, as per court testimony, was Martin who said, Zimmerman was a cracker.


The majority of your beliefs were based on wrong information. You claim you know the picture? Then why the fuck are your letting distorted ideas shape your ideas? You are a sheep.


You have a lot to say, but really you're not saying anything.  If you want to debate, than take into consideration that the laws that are enforced inside that court room, the complexity of the case and the undeniable conclusion that a more complex case favors the defense in almost any court room, can easily deem a guilty man innocent.  Though, the evidence came short in the jurys eyes, claiming that he didn't kill Trayvon out of spite.  Even so, the jury could have EASILY came to the conclusion, that even if Trayvon got physical, that Trayvon hadn't done so with the extremity necessary for Zimmerman to reasonably believe he had to act in self defense using deadly force.  You fail to realize that Florida is one of the few states that would allow Zimmerman to be found not guilty.  In Florida, there is no law saying that you CAN'T provoke a confrontation, and then act in self defense.  Which means it's perfectly legal for a man to be the sole cause of a physical confrontation with another man, get into a fight, claim you feared for your life, and leave the man dead.  Which ultimately leads into the alleged killer finding a way justify his actions (because no one wants to serve life in prison) so what do you do?  Say you acted in self defense. Also, nobody was there to explain exactly what happened BUT Zimmerman.  So don't give me this bullshit 4 minutes, Trayvon initiated the attack, whatever mumbo jumbo, about how you know exactly what happened that night.  You notice how I didn't go off an alive mans word versus a dead mans word right?  So please spare me.  The eye witness said that Trayvon was in a straddle position, which is different than an MMA ground and pound, Good goes on to say, "The person on top being able to punch the person on the bottom, but the person on the bottom also has a chance to throw punches or get out.  Which undoubtedly contradicted Zimmermans, "Head getting slammed" claim.  ANOTHER witness, also said that, "Zimmerman wasn't acting any different" when he described Zimmerman after the shooting.  He goes on to say that, "He was coherent, responding to my questions like it was nothing."  Does that sound like a man, who just got the beating of his life, so scared to the point where he had to pull his pistol and unload? Does that sound like a man, who was frantically screaming for help?  Calm as a breeze?  Let me remind you, according to Zimmerman, his gun was already cocked before he pursued Trayvon.  Another witness claimed Zimmerman was on top before the gun shot, so why are you believing one and not the other?  And asked if he could go back would the do the same thing, and Zimmerman says he wouldn't change anything and that it's all gods plan.  How can you justify something you consciously did, as god's plan? Completely baffles me, no remorse what so ever.


 I'm 19 years old, I know a good amount of kids who are 17 that aren't big at all that I could never classify as "adults."  Meaning, it doesn't matter about his fucking size that makes him a kid.  HE WAS A MINOR.  So you're basically saying if Trayvon was lets say 15 about to be 16, 6'2 and muscular it'd still be okay?  Let me remind you, Trayvon was 17 for only 21 days, he was killed 3 weeks after his birthday.  AND, Zimmerman was training in MMA intensely leading up to the incident.  So this man who can't defend himself, knows how to fight?  Oh, so a grown ass man, who trained in MMA, can't defend himself against a 17 year old kid?   Also, Zimmerman was the one looking for Trayvon, so HOW THE FUCK, did Trayvon find Zimmerman?  Lol, you're so stubbornly spewing nonsense, selling bull shit for gold, when it's in fact bull shit.  If Martin was actually frightened he could have called 911?  How fucking dumb do you sound?  Saying if a kid, that is now dead, was actually frightened he could have ran and called 911?  Since Zimmerman was supposedly getting his ass whooped, why the fuck wouldn't Zimmerman run and call 911?   Oh right, he did call 911, before the confrontation, and before Trayvon even knew Zimmerman profiled him..  But instead of Zimmerman RUNNING so helplessly away from the confrontation, he pursued.  You incompetent tool.


 If you want to get into, "Trayvon got suspended."  "Trayvon wore gold teeth."  "Trayvon got tattoos."  Let me tell you, I got my first tattoo when I was 16 years old.  What does that make me?  I'm not painting him out to be an innocent angel, I'm painting him out to be a 17 year old kid.  You're saying he wasn't innocent because of things that happened prior the incident?  If he wasn't innocent than what was he?  Guilty?  Guilty of what?  You're saying it's wrong for a media outlet that believes this is outrageous, to grieve for a child that was senselessly murdered?  But it's okay to demonize Trayvon, in any way possible to benefit the defense, right?  All your doing is contradicting yourself, one ignorant statement at a time. If you want to get into legal troubles, than lets bring up Zimmermans.  Zimmerman was charged with assaulting a police officer and resisting arrest, because the officer questioned his friend about underage drinking.  Which is oh, I don't know, a prime example of his belligerence and irresponsibility?  Or how about his ex-fiancee filing restraining orders against him because of domestic violence?  Another contradiction my friend.  


Also, I already said he never gave a description without a dispatcher asking first, as you can so clearly read, so how are you gna try using that "oh the call was edited to make him sound more racist than he already was" bullshit with me?  The edited version says, "This guy looks like hes up too no good, he's black"  Without a dispatcher asking anything you dull minded "sheep."  He did IN FACT, say "Fucking coons" or "Fucking punks."  HE SAID HIMSELF, that he didn't say coon he said punk, but who the fuck is going to admit to that? LMFAO. Educate yourself before you try and talk about something, because I am very well educated of this case from my "shitty sources."  To top it all off, your going to sit there and tell me that Trayvon used the word cracker and is racist?  WHAT CONTEXT DID HE USE THE WORD CRACKER IN? WHAT DID HE SAY? "Some creepy ass cracker is (key word) following me."  You dimwit.


After showing you how committed I am in completely discrediting everything you say, do you really think I'm letting distorted ideas shape my point of view?  It's common fucking sense. Now please throw some more ignorant hypocrisy at me to debunk, or are you starting to realize how dumb you sound?  I know that losing in a debate is a shot to the pride, but ignoring what I'm saying and sticking to your guns (which metaphorically speaking IMO are, cap guns) at all costs does nothing but reflect your pertinacious tendencies.  I will still respect your initial opinion, once you understand that you're the one brainwashed by the media, while you think that everyone who defends Trayvon is.  Accusing me of using propaganda when that's all I see you using is just another one of the many contradictions, you so confidently spread.  I apologize if this offends you, but you come off as a smart ass know it all, who doesn't know when to admit he's wrong.  I thank you for the compliment about my word choice, I do commend myself for being so meticulous while wording my outlook.  But I'm sorry to say that, YOU my friend, are the sheep.  Because at the end of the day, if Zimmerman never made that 911 call.  Then Trayvon would still be alive today. And maybe, if Trayvon happened to be a white kid he may not have been profiled for being up to no good.  


Try matching this phone call with Zimmermans reenactment and tell me how you make out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zj7qEcD8R-8  (Also, at 2:24 is when Zimmerman says, "Fucking coons."  Or in your case "Fucking punks")


Zimmerman Reenactment: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PX1sxARNq_c (Notice how we almost forgets to mention that the police dispatcher says not to follow him on top of it all.  The comments are disabled for a reason.)  Zimmerman says he was screaming for help at the top of his lungs, while he was supposedly getting the beating of his life. He even goes on to say that the person in the house behind him opens the door, and Zimmerman told the guy, "Hey help me out."  And the guy says, "I'll call 911."  And Zimmerman says, "No help me I need help."  If that's the case, then Trayvon heard them both talking, and didn't even flinch to the fact that somebody acknowledged what was going on and is calling the police, so WHY THE FUCK wouldn't Trayvon jump up and run the fuck away.  Lmfao are you FUCKING JOKING ME.  This dude is having a full blown conversation while he's supposedly getting beaten to death?  He then says that after he shot Trayvon, that Trayvon said, "Okay you got it."  Lmfao like some 17 year old kid who just got shot is going to say some shit like that.  Zimmerman says he flipped him over and spread his arms out then waited for police to arrive. Yet Trayvons arms were found underneath him clutching his chest.


Let me know how you make out with matching the story he told with the phone call.


ALSO @ TREV|LOWBRID, that goes without saying.

Edited by ThatNigga
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