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3 games. 1 won 2 losses. 0lp


first game had the most toxic vayne ever who fed his lane. then bot lane and the jungler camped my lane. pretty much geegee.

second game we had a duo top lane with twitch/olaf who gave a double kill to riven. yeah.

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its not even on the new map...u could already do this in custom games lol..


fun to cheese a few times with summoner spells and/or runes but i really dont see the point of this shit on howling abbys..



And also i need tips to not rage in soloq.... really feel like its holding me back from climbing

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Probably for the first time ever I stopped caring about winning, and just caring about how I play and noticing my mistakes. I played great in earlygame the previous game on Lee and made some huge mistakes midgame that ended in losing the game. I actually acknowledged my mistakes instead of blaming my teammates for being too weak etc etc. I should not have gone into a 3v3 and focused their tank which ended up in them getting baron and winning the game.


I actually feel like I learned a lot that game hope this continues.

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Also felt like I played my best and did some good plays and calls, had dragon control for the entire game, 4/4 smites, stole 2 buffs and took towers with teammates.


We were winning by a lot but the mistakes too strong

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I have tried to point my mistakes out in past and sometimes I do, but I do get pretty mad/toxic at my team now and then :c

One person who always blames other ppl is skidddz rofl pretty funny when it happens

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Hard to not get pissed at myself when im getting fukt by bronzies


O lord please have mercy on me, few losses away from silver 5 what happened.


think ive lost like 7 in a row in ranked

Edited by Lennu
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Confirmed zed is strong as fuck at snowdown


@insecurities Renekton hard counters jax. Best you could do is just let him push and just farm/ask jungler for help lol


Omg urgot owns too! Nearly lost to a darius cheese with his bleed and ignite but i baited with barrier. This is fun

Edited by Wrecka
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How to gain Elo:


Step 1: Buy elise

Step 2: Get jungle

Step 3: Do buffs

Step 4: Kill top laner/counter gank

Step 5: Get Sorc boots and Ancient Golem

Step 6: Take Drake + Time it


ez life

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