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I carry from jungle all the time! I hate adc'in now cause if mid or top feeds I just get fukt even if i'm ahead. Plus this whole tank top thing isn't fun to play adc against. Jungle ftw

Edited by Wrecka
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i was thinking about trying dota but dont u have to pay for it?


EDIT: and are there eu/na servers for dota? or just one?

Edited by One Flame
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camped by nasus for first 10 mins was 2/6, meanwhile every lane was dominating since they had no jungler presence lol


shutting down mid doesnt work when it makes everyone else get op fed




series for gold! will play tomorrow morning since off work, wish luck etc x

Edited by My Gwas
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need some advice from the higher elo players


i overextend on kayle


when you lane with kayle you need to use e often to farm, because otherwise you are melee'ing the minions and therefore taking ability damage from your opponent since you're clumped w/ their farm so they will do dmg 


e is aoe dmg which means you naturally push the lane due to farming with e, if you use e less, you get less farm. but then you don't push.


what tactics to avoid pushing but still being able to farm with kayle?


i max Q btw

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^ Just like karthus etc, go farm wraiths or wolves then come back when it's pushed back to you


@Farmoil wtf jungle reqs mechanics too lol.. and takes more decision making etc. I like to adc but it just sucks cause if other lanes lose you're gonna get fukt anyways

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So many people in silver/bronze can only play 1 role, so stupid lmfao


I can play jungle/adc well and toplane somewhat well I just don't know matchups thats it.


I feel like I wanna get more toplane champs and try carry from there with like renekton or nasus.

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