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rofl i found out that my adblock was blocking pictures on this website for some reason... i honestly have zero idea how that could even happen

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farmoil invited 2 random ppl in our team on ts lols


josh did you rape them

Lol me and delta duo Q and asked if they wanted to come on ts, lol its soo good because people dont rage over mic and play as a actual team lol

Stomped 1st game then 2nd we kinda came back into it D:


rofl ppl dont rage over mic u say

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most cs ive had on a jungler at that time in a while


edit weird pic crop, time was 29:51 + i was playing eve

Edited by Skidddz
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probably 5-20 in the past 4 days. Went from my promo from silver2 to silver1 to 30 lp in silver 3


Ha reminds me of my first plat promos

I went 1-0 only to throw the following 2 games and then to lose the next i think it was 15 games to go from gold 1 100 points 1-0 to gold2 zero points. My mmr was godlike before that so i lost like less then 10 points per lose  -_-


Was painfull.

Edited by X0
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so enemy team had a fiddle support.

i bought a qss

"omg focus fiddle that fear" - draven

"draven buy a qss."

"wats qss?"




lost that and the next game. im done for tonight.

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so enemy team had a fiddle support.

i bought a qss

"omg focus fiddle that fear" - draven

"draven buy a qss."

"wats qss?"




lost that and the next game. im done for tonight.

the struggle is real

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