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Huge problem


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Well it is very hard to explain, but I will do my best. Well, I have met a girl for about 1.5 months ago now. I started with replying to her pictures on Facebook etc, followed by MSN and we started to hangout more and more. I found out that she has many problems, like her sister who has ano, and is very depressed and even cuts herself. So at one evening I was sleeping over at her house in one room with another girl. We unfortunately only had two beds (Yeah I didn't seem to bother somehow:D) And that's why I slept in her bed. The bed was for two persons, but slowly we went closer to eachother, ending kissing and hugging eachother. Until that is was the real good part. Ok so I woke up and we were talking to eachother and it seemed she regretted it, (no not that I am not good in bed or w/e). Ok from now on the bad part; I only knew her for about 1.5 weeks but she was telling me everything etc. I found out that she was talking lots and lots to someone from Australia (I live in Holland), Eventually I found out that that guy was mentally fucking retarded, he was trying to manipulate her, she has some kind of attention disorder. He also said that he was coming to Holland to meet her etc. At first I didn't believe it at all, but on the cam I saw that he had burned her name in his own leg and he showed her the tickets. He is like fucking 19 years old, and Naomi (the girl) is only 16 years old. That guy (Anthony) is mentally retarded and he says and does things that are extremely wrong. I really love Naomi, she also likes me, but is ''in love'' with that guy. I feel really bad about this and I really have no idea what to do, he will come on the 4th of december and all he wants is sex. And she would probably even agree to it if he comes because she can't think properly because of all the problems. If that happens I really feel like I have been used.

If you read all of this, good job and I really appreciate it if you guys could give any tips cause it is REALLY bothering me.

Sorry if I did not spell everything correctly.

I did my very best to give you guys a view of the situation, it might all sound a little stupid, but it means alot to me.

Thanks guys.

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1.find another girl cant find another solution

2.the guy is a desperate fuck to travel the country to fuck a girl why not just hire a hooker?


4.you dont think so but maybe she wasnt impressed in bed

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1.find another girl cant find another solution

2.the guy is a desperate fuck to travel the country to fuck a girl why not just hire a hooker?


4.you dont think so but maybe she wasnt impressed in bed

Dude to be honest we didn't have sex, and she definately liked it as her eyes were sparkling and she was like ahhhhhh. Yeah bro that guy def. is fucking desperate, paying 2000 Euro's. Why 'doesn't he fuck off and find a girl in his own country instead of ruining our life?
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Evidently you have to murder him.

Yeah, to be honest I want to but I can't murder someone:O and besides that, he's probably way stronger than me, I m not that of a fighter and hes 19 years old. :omg:
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I'm going to post a serious, non douchey answer unlike everybody else.

What you need to do is tell her that she NEEDS to block him out of her life, remove all communication with him, and tell him that if he comes to her house she will call the police, if he does turn up, if she doesn't want him to, it'd be wise for you to be there to defend her just for her well-being, not just to get in her pants, I mean the guy fucking burnt her name onto his leg he sounds like a serial killer. As for going with her - if she has personality/attention disorders, I would NOT recommend going there - my ex had multiple personality disorders, she ended up trying to kill herself multiple times, she treated me like shit all the time, and was really clingy, it's NOT worth it - IDK if this girl is like that, but it could turn out that way. So yeah, make sure she tells this bloke where to go, and if she doesn't, don't let her get dragged away into a van and gutted like a fish for god's sake.. -.-'

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I'm going to post a serious, non douchey answer unlike everybody else.

What you need to do is tell her that she NEEDS to block him out of her life, remove all communication with him, and tell him that if he comes to her house she will call the police, if he does turn up, if she doesn't want him to, it'd be wise for you to be there to defend her just for her well-being, not just to get in her pants, I mean the guy fucking burnt her name onto his leg he sounds like a serial killer. As for going with her - if she has personality/attention disorders, I would NOT recommend going there - my ex had multiple personality disorders, she ended up trying to kill herself multiple times, she treated me like shit all the time, and was really clingy, it's NOT worth it - IDK if this girl is like that, but it could turn out that way. So yeah, make sure she tells this bloke where to go, and if she doesn't, don't let her get dragged away into a van and gutted like a fish for god's sake.. -.-'

Dude thank you so much for your help <3 <3 Yeah the situation is really, I mean really really bad. Her parents even accept that he comes to holland. All he is after is sex, that's for sure since he asked me if she was wet etc..... I really want to prevent that he comes to Holland, but at the same time SHE has to make the decision. He is seriously manipulating her, even has a bloodfetish and all that scary crap. He has been trough the same things like her (w/e) and that's why she feels attracted to him and I really tried everything but she is not going to block him.:(
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I'm going to post a serious, non douchey answer unlike everybody else.

What you need to do is tell her that she NEEDS to block him out of her life, remove all communication with him, and tell him that if he comes to her house she will call the police, if he does turn up, if she doesn't want him to, it'd be wise for you to be there to defend her just for her well-being, not just to get in her pants, I mean the guy fucking burnt her name onto his leg he sounds like a serial killer. As for going with her - if she has personality/attention disorders, I would NOT recommend going there - my ex had multiple personality disorders, she ended up trying to kill herself multiple times, she treated me like shit all the time, and was really clingy, it's NOT worth it - IDK if this girl is like that, but it could turn out that way. So yeah, make sure she tells this bloke where to go, and if she doesn't, don't let her get dragged away into a van and gutted like a fish for god's sake.. -.-'

burn her name on his leg he sounds emo

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Bitches and whores.

move along.

She is definately not a whore, she is just mentally fucked up right now because everything is going like shit for us.
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I'm going to post a serious, non douchey answer unlike everybody else.

What you need to do is tell her that she NEEDS to block him out of her life, remove all communication with him, and tell him that if he comes to her house she will call the police, if he does turn up, if she doesn't want him to, it'd be wise for you to be there to defend her just for her well-being, not just to get in her pants, I mean the guy fucking burnt her name onto his leg he sounds like a serial killer. As for going with her - if she has personality/attention disorders, I would NOT recommend going there - my ex had multiple personality disorders, she ended up trying to kill herself multiple times, she treated me like shit all the time, and was really clingy, it's NOT worth it - IDK if this girl is like that, but it could turn out that way. So yeah, make sure she tells this bloke where to go, and if she doesn't, don't let her get dragged away into a van and gutted like a fish for god's sake.. -.-'

burn her name on his leg he sounds emo

Yeah he is a mental fucktard ruining our life... I have never had any selfconfidence until I met her... And then all this shit happens. Sometimes life really sucks tbh.
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Or burn your name into hers.

I have talked alot about it now with my parents, I have come to the conclusion that I should give her less attention and stuff so she sees then shes not everything and that I am not a toy to play with. I also hope that when that guy comes that he dissapoints her so bad.
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So this girl is going to get raped by a retard who burns things into himself and you feel used? Hmmm.. Fucked up situation though

Yeah it is fucked up, I really love her... And I do feel used, because we slept together, had fun together, we hug eachother etc, and then, all of a sudden when that retard comes to Holland she will let me fall. :omg: :(
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