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And @ TJ, i've never hated you even from the start i liked you and didn't know why everyone else hated you XD  :victory:

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Gareth l Rare

Dude, that was so gay....

Pur3, you cant love TJ, your a dogg

Your a dogg on the computer (pur3 irl)

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Cellblock A

a half a 40 in 20 minutes?

son we play edward 40 hands,  tape a 40 to each hand and youre not allowed to take the tape off till both are empty

you stole this from that lame ass hollywood undead song, shut up

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Last nite i cut my hand open so badly ffs, gg fosters

Thats what you get for drinking fosters  :lol: na bless, you ok m8?

Errm, since i only posted pics, might aswell tell a story (8) please mr story teller tell us all a story(8)

Well, when im in the mood i can drink like the booze is water but if im in wrong mood and i drink it has bad consequences  :whistle:

For example

Worked a 9am-7 pm then half dead, changed fully to go pub for a free drink (m8 owed me one) get my beer and Q calls (boss) "can you come back G, we got 5 ppl working and place looks like shit, please ill buy you a beer after work" so i drink the beer and head to work.


Fucking new employee's fucked the place up so i had to wash up (i hold the record for making breakfast gear last 2 hours)<-- normally get sacked if it takes more than 1 hour  :wub: they just love me

so skip alot (did 8-11pm shift bonus)

finish and Q had no cash on her  :wow: "bitch" na jokes i love her 2 bits, so i got a hug nd a kiss nd went home

pissed off i decided to wack out the big guns (not literally but when your skint you have to get what you can afford.)

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i got loads of drinking storys but thats for another time  :wow:

(ps, G is nick name/ initials bcoz i dont like my real name, only my mum nd nan call me by it)

i totally agree mate, i deserve it for drinkin cheap shit lol, another time when i was like 15.. we had this big party at a mates house all drunk far too much, we went 2 the fridge stole blocks of cheese and swedes and through them at limos and got fined 200 quid, gg (random eh)?

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Gareth l Rare

What you get for being dumb...

no wait? Sounds like my childhood....

ok ok ... serves you right for getting caught... :shifty: never get caught RULE NO.1

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What you get for being dumb...

no wait? Sounds like my childhood....

ok ok ... serves you right for getting caught... :shifty: never get caught RULE NO.1

thing is, was a limo rental round the back of his garden bit, we smashed all the windows with various veg n that, then in the mornin the bloke came and told my mates dad, so impossible not 2 get caught, however i never payed the 200 squid :D

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Gareth l Rare

Thats just like? wtf? You idiot hahahahahahhahahahaha

Thats like living next to a police station and growing weed in your front garden (been done before trust me) but its just like WHAT THE FUCK WAS YOU THINKING?

lol lucky you got off with it this time but cant always get lucky.

If this thread go's somewere ill post more stories but inb4 "stay on topic and stop spamming" NO :king:

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i know man i was young n stupid, now im just a little bit older and still stupid

pfft spam, whos gonna tell us what 2 do we run this thread!

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a half a 40 in 20 minutes?

son we play edward 40 hands,  tape a 40 to each hand and youre not allowed to take the tape off till both are empty

you stole this from that lame ass hollywood undead song, shut up

Yeah, beause you can only take part in drinking games that you invented yourself, right guys.


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Thats just like? wtf? You idiot hahahahahahhahahahaha

Thats like living next to a police station and growing weed in your front garden (been done before trust me) but its just like WHAT THE FUCK WAS YOU THINKING?

lol lucky you got off with it this time but cant always get lucky.

If this thread go's somewere ill post more stories but inb4 "stay on topic and stop spamming" NO :king:

red text


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same :( accidently spent 60 bucks on white t shirts and sox... didnt even look at the price and got some cologne on top of dinner :(

oh and a 140 dollr phone bill  :angry:

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Gareth l Rare

same :( accidently spent 60 bucks on white t shirts and sox... didnt even look at the price and got some cologne on top of dinner :(

oh and a 140 dollr phone bill  :angry:

Well thats what you get for relapsing and smoking crack again.  (n) (L)

Thats just like? wtf? You idiot hahahahahahhahahahaha

Thats like living next to a police station and growing weed in your front garden (been done before trust me) but its just like WHAT THE FUCK WAS YOU THINKING?

lol lucky you got off with it this time but cant always get lucky.

If this thread go's somewere ill post more stories but inb4 "stay on topic and stop spamming" NO :king:

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i have a lot of drunken stories, so here's one :p

I was at my mates place in the country side last summer.

We were 3 and totally out of soft drinks so we took 3 empty bottles, filled one up 1/3rd with pastis (french anise tasting alcohol) rest with water.

we still had 1L of tequila with nothing else on our hands. so we tried a few tequila+grenadine+water combos until we found the right one and we filled the last 2 bottles with half tequila rest grenadine+water  :wow:

It actually tastes good lol

So then we started drinking and thought it would be funny to finish our drinks on the small river in my friend's canoos. (i know drinking at 3pm is gay but meh)

The hardest part was getting in them in the first place

then we started going downstream (not like there was much stream but w/e)

we sang lots of songs and shit, had a good laugh, got a few wierd looks from the people on the land, finished our bottles and we started going back.

that's when the alcohol really kicked in. i was getting pretty dizzy, and needed to take a piss badly...

so i tried to get up on my canoo, pulled down my shorts and as i started pissin i lost balance i fell in the water.

I spent some time getting back in my flooded boat, and one of my friends also tried to stand and piss, but he fell before he could even start >.<

the way back was pretty hard since my canoo was flooded and i couldnt paddle properly

when we finally got back we layed on the grass and messed around with my friend's quads (that was really dumb...) we were getting sober and i had a headache kicking in, so we took whiskey and got even more drunk

rest of the afternoon is another story which i dont remember very well  :rolleyes:

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Gareth l Rare

^imagining you trying 2 piss is what gave me lulz and epic memories :)

+1 to people of OT who tried to piss in some sort of boat while pissed... Ot never works out the way you plan it in your head.

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We were 3


u never been at a mates place with another friend after exams?

and take ur mind off sex for at least a minute (and no im not gay)...

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Gareth l Rare

We were 3


u never been at a mates place with another friend after exams?

and take ur mind off sex for at least a minute (and no im not gay)...

WTF does that have to do with "we were 3" ? o.O
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We were 3


u never been at a mates place with another friend after exams?

and take ur mind off sex for at least a minute (and no im not gay)...

He didn't say anything about gay sex? You assumed it, which means it's your mind that cannot stop thinking about it, not his, he thought you meant "we were 3 years old", use your fucking head before you look like an idiot  :whistle:

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We were 3


u never been at a mates place with another friend after exams?

and take ur mind off sex for at least a minute (and no im not gay)...

He didn't say anything about gay sex? You assumed it, which means it's your mind that cannot stop thinking about it, not his, he thought you meant "we were 3 years old", use your fucking head before you look like an idiot  :whistle:

i assumed he was talking about sex because i didnt see any other possible meaning for that quote

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