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[ Founder ] Bonesaw Pk, Ilx Ace Ilx [ Leader ] Danny
[ High Council ] Colin
[ Council ] Rob

This Bloke ****ing Feeds


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Everday half of my class plays league in english class l0l

bunch of 13 year olds playing ranked at around 4-7 gmt?? time to go ranked na and get 2k elo LOL!

not ranked, were not all level thirty. And I'm the best out of my school

Anyone who plays LoL knows NA is the easiest out the regions

Nah m8, Brazil is, you could have brain damage and be Challenger Tier on Brazil servers.

NA is 2nd easiest. Had a friend who was 950 elo(when it was elo) on EUW, 1600 on NA

brazillians have their own server? why are they still on fuking NA then.

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Started red pot, their zed (started dorans shield) Facechecked the top brush i all-ind him and he went to like 50hp, then their vi comes to hold the minions wave on like 75%hp and she decides to fight me while i had 5 minions (and that red pot+fiora W passive=105ad lvl 2/3) and gave me FB+buffs.. they surrendered ;p gl me on iv series for silver 1.

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Started red pot, Me and lee singah battle it out lvl 1 me being on top with 200hp he flashing over top wall into our jungle with about 100.

Then i saw hold flashed over, little did i know lee singahs q has a shorter cd then mine and he fucked me.

Started 0-3 ended 5-4 (including fountain dive at win)

Btw count the health


Edited by X0
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especially when u get a triple cus 3 retards chase u whilst your Q is active

fuckin league of legends

try blitz hes even more of a troll champ lol
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Started red pot, Me and lee singah battle it out lvl 1 me being on top with 200hp he flashing over top wall into our jungle with about 100.

Then i saw hold flashed over, little did i know lee singahs q has a shorter cd then mine and he fucked me.

Started 0-3 ended 5-4 (including fountain dive at win)

Btw count the health


all i see is warmogs everywhere

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just wen 2-10 secon promo game.

Started 1-0 come back darius q's me twice zones me hit 6 before me snowballed me after, Stopped caring abou dieing at 1-4 and jungler/mid not trying to come top.

Also our botlane (Annie,mf premade) vs ez/leona ended the game 4-20.

Didn' really care about my feeding since i wasnt gonna carry against a fed ez, khazix (jungle) or ryze...

better win next game lol

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Mhm lost again, Cant complain got stomped twice by a darius in lane lol.

Current game their sejuani jungle who had no buffs (Darius passive took blue, we stole red) is 8-1..lol

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