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The End Of One Story, The Beginning Of Two New Stories.


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On the 16th of december the guy from Australia came all the way to the Netherlands. We all didn't really expected him to come, but yeah, he did. :o. They are probably in a relationship now, but luckily I met another girl. I was at a party two days ago, hanging out with some friends/girls, Naomi hanged out with us too, she found the party boring, so she left early. Anthony picked her up and hugged her but I did not fucking care at all anymore, my friends didn't know I didn't care anymore, so they were like wtf what a fucking whorebitchslut. I completely ignored them, and it even felt good o.O.

So I met a totally different girl, with completely different interests and stuff, she probably isn't as hot as Naomi, but one thing I learnt from this is that beauty isn't the most important thing at all. I think she likes me too, I am almost sure, but my selfconfidence is so very low at the moment, because of stuff that happened to me in the past. She was at the party too, and I heard she was looking for me everywhere. I wanted to ask her to dance, but I was so nervous and I just couldn't get closer to her, so strange... I danced with like every girl out there, but I was too nervous to ask HER to dance. :embarrased:

Everyone was like: Just friggin ask her! You know she likes you and stuff!

Well, I told her I was too cared to ask her, but she said it was her fault because she was nervous too.

Uhh that's the end of the story, I would love to her opinions and advice.

Should I ask her out or something? Should I beat Anthony up? Or what's the best thing I can do right now, so I get more selfconfidence? ;o

Thanks guys.

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do u rly want the same thing to happen to this topic as to ur last?

get it into ur head that none of us know you, therefore none of us care.

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Thanks to the people that actually do care a little :o. I will try and ask her out:d I just like talking about stuff that seems to happen to more people, not just to me. If you don't care at all, just don't read my topics. I like to make them, because there are many people around on these forums with the same age as me, who want to talk about it and give opinions. Thanks.

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Antony flew ACROSS THE EARTH to be with her, you done fuck all. He wins. Go away.

That's exactly what I thought too. I now finally DO understand that she isn't worth it. I've learned alot from this and I am moving on, atleast trying hard to. Trying to meet other people, with different interests. And for the people who think I am emo, well that's your opinion. I don't dress like one, nor trying to be like one. Although Avenged Sevenfold is an amazing band in my opinion... They are considered as an emo metal/hard rock/metalCore band though.
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Id like to think i was supportive on ur last topic, but seriously, life isnt all about girls.. Well it is when ur young and u havent had any, but when u start gettin them i swear you'll be makin topics telling us how bored of girls u are and that u wish they'd leave u alone.. after a while they get boring as shit lol

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but seriously, life isnt all about girls..

i beg to differ. pussypussypussypussypussypussypussypussypussypussypussypussypussypussy <3

anyway dude try reaching out to people who will actually listen and give valuable advice, not an rs forum, even if it is offtopic. unless you're a respected member of the community, you'll just be shit on with unnecessary and unwanted comments, which i'm sure you've already had a taste of. anyway best of luck with the new girl.

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Id like to think i was supportive on ur last topic, but seriously, life isnt all about girls.. Well it is when ur young and u havent had any, but when u start gettin them i swear you'll be makin topics telling us how bored of girls u are and that u wish they'd leave u alone.. after a while they get boring as shit lol

Haha, you might be right:p But it's still way better than living alone. I just feel like I really need somebody, but atleast I have learned alot from this. Thanks for your comments, you atleast take them serious :).

PS: I like to make topics about all kind of stuff. You hear opinions, and my English gets better and better. (Not saying it's perfect). I want to be an English teacher and I will study English, so yeah. :) Only sixteen years old atm.

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but seriously, life isnt all about girls..

i beg to differ. pussypussypussypussypussypussypussypussypussypussypussypussypussypussy <3

anyway dude try reaching out to people who will actually listen and give valuable advice, not an rs forum, even if it is offtopic. unless you're a respected member of the community, you'll just be shit on with unnecessary and unwanted comments, which i'm sure you've already had a taste of. anyway best of luck with the new girl.

Yeah I know, I am just ignoring the troll comments, like to hear other opinions and stuff  ;o. I just think there should be more topics about these kind of things, cause it seems to happen to more people. It would be fun to combine a good game with real life issues or things you are going trough, right?
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