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First off this book is dedicated to young dolph a father a role model entertainer and playmaker. RIP. I present below KFAFA a story written on September 16 2021



brother: @easyprocess

servant: harry

ranger: @Jordai

melle: @l8l

leader: @K2P

friend: @Fred





                     Hush said the servant. Nolife looked. He really was dreaming in a dream. The clock had just struck 4 am he was up all night sleeping here and there and rambling in his sleep about the city of 333 his clan his demons and the kiss that had left him in a daze. This daze wasn't just a temporary fix it seemed permanent as he was kissed by a frozen arrow leaving him entangled in a web that he could not get himself out of left by a forsaken angel that he couldn't seem to get rid of her face.


                        Silence! Harry shouted as Nolife got dressed I am not going to be here in your life if you are going to keep retracing her. You are a warrior and you have one day just one day yai for one of the biggest comebacks in your life the almighty wilderness weekend and you sir are in no shape to be thinking in the past for tomorrow is the future! Nolife scratched his head looked back at Harry and said gimme 3 hours I need to go about my day.


                       Quickly using his high agility levels Nolife ran to the window jumped out the window and landed 300 feet down into a pricker bush. This is not how he wanted to see his day but eversince this arrow struck him his days seemed numbered. Using his messenger device he quickly called a friend a friend he wanted to talk to but couldnt find the way to but thought of him throughtout the time @K2P.



                      "Sup bro" K2P said into the discord chat. His usual. Nolife hyped to hear his voice said omg bro im so happy to see you its been such a long time. K2P knew Nolife was crazy but knew he added a touch to the clan. K2P asked "bro where have you been what have you been up to" Nolife responded busy busier then the last time you seen me but making my best for this clan K2P. K2P smiled to himself the legend was back. "yeah you wanna chill you busy?" lets go! 30 minutes later they were both laid back with 4 LY females doing whatever they were asked. Basically their vacumns for 30 minutes. K2P said " I never do this tpye of shit Nolife" Nolife responds i been infected and itching for years welcome to the club.


                       After a long and hard strenuous night Nolife yawned turning comfortably in his bed. "Fun you had last night didnt you" said Harry. "Ah Yes" cant complain Nolife remarked just a good night with some old friends. as he was saying that he looked out his window of his 30 tower Victorian Mansion and saw a creature doing snow angels without snow selling stock to farm animals Nolife glanced even deeper it was Easy Process. "EP GET INSIDE HERE WE GOT THREE 3 HOURS TILL SHOWTIME U COMING" EP responded lets go! Nolife rushed downstairs grabbed the teleports gave one to EP and before you knew it they were in falador after a 7 month Hiatus making it seem like Christmas morning a brand new world.


                         Falador didn't sem what it did before. Goblins were everywhere and it seemed everywhere the two goblins would follow. EP shouted "IM SCARED" "I wanna go home" Not now. Nolife said we are almost there the destination of this journey the almighty grand exchange. You could see the towers of the exchange in the distance meaning this F2P pk trip was under way. U ready EP? They had been waiting on this since like 10.


                         The two were off just leaving Falador. Messages were coming in left and right. You coming? You coming? Nolife responded u already. He looked over to EP called @zl8l took the whole bag of zamorak kush and smoked it EP said u motherfucker Nolife smiled l8l answered. "DRAIN GANG HOW MAY I HELP YOU" Yo Nolife said we 15 minutes away save a spot for me at mass right next to the flag l8l responded "we been waiting on this and don't forget the -e"


                         They were finally there. The grand exchange. Blue flags were everywhere risen high in the skies in the background you could se K2P just telling some little rage slut u are my to and your ranking are lisps you are my spy! She was a dirty girl she was every clans toy she smelt like so much damn raw tuna and uncooked raw beef. 2008 style. Nolife looked to the side someone had shouted to him "sup fucker" he looked it was @Jordai THE GOD. Damn bro long time no see it was that bond never break relationship. Where's @Fred asked Nolife. After hearing about jordai and freddies relationship and how they met made nolifeleft till this day intrigued and his wish he had joined. Freds doing great hes not on as much but hes a manager of perkys the chicken joint right down the street last time I seen him he was with some blonde in this big bus called taxi.


                     All was all they hopped the ditch Nolife looked down his messenger flooded purple dots making him feel as if he was home a second home his family. RAGE and LY members were in disgust you could hear the slurp in rage members and panic in Zenith adament arrows were everywhere. This all felt like pure bliss. The arrows that had looked frozen once upon a time were alive and well he was back they were disappearing anytime soon.



                   Hours passed the trip was over and the community was partying over a new high tech device called teamspeak. New and older members rejoiced about being #1 in a action and the discord lounge was buzzing. Nolife drove home harry was well into sleep Nolife rolled his usual .7 in a joint sparked it and first thought "yai."



                    - NOLIFELEFT

                like i said this story is dedicated to dolph and his family at this these horrific times. Next up thanks to K2P helping me get active again on boards. L8L JORDAI FRED EP AND RET OF GANG SALUTE WE DID IT FIRST BOOK DONE GANG GANG GANG







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1 hour ago, Daddy stink said:

#1 book from now on. Cat in the hat who???


1 hour ago, Daddy stink said:

#1 book from now on. Cat in the hat who???


1 hour ago, Divine said:

how am i supposed to read this without the soundtrack 

And you didn’t think I was gonna drop it today ha 


1 hour ago, Divine said:

how am i supposed to read this without the soundtrack 


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