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Stellar Gaze - My latest creation [Progression / Achievements ]

The Blood Anthem

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The Blood Anthem

Good afternoon, everyone. I will be heading out of town here for the weekend for a brief vacation before settling in for the remainder of the summer. Starting today I will be gone until Sunday, so the training will grind to a temporary halt here in a couple of hours when I leave. I am now an official member of the clan Peacefull (http://www.peacefull.rsbandb.com), and I have been participating in their skill war this week! The last four days have been great fun. As of right now, I am in the lead for most experience gain, but since I won't be participating these last couple days, that position is subject to change.

Oh well, I'm 94 thieving now. And I'll be 99 soon after I return. Here are the statistics for the skill war.

Stellar Gaze

Starting Exp - 3,799,203

Day 1 - 5,248,993 (+1,449,790)

Day 2 - 5,783,893 (+534,900)

Day 3 - 6,894,023 (+1,110,130)

Day 4 - 8,042,723 (+1,148,700)

I hope that gives you a little idea of how much experience I have been getting on a day-to-day basis. I'll be back on Sunday, so until then, cheers and have a good weekend!

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The Blood Anthem

The eve of August 1 brings me to the end of my current thieving goal. I trained my thieving doing pyramid plunder. I trained in pyramid plunder somewhat differently than most people do in order to maximize my exp / hour. It's a little complicated to put into words on a screen, so perhaps one day I will make a video explaining my ways. To help you understand, here is some of the math from the last few days of thieving starting on the third day (day I returned) after a three day vacation.

Day 1 - 9,684,218 (+671,060)

Day 2 - 10,355,278 (+1,425,490)

Day 3 - 11,777,323 (+1,422,045)

Day 4 - 13,034,436 (+1,257,113)

If you would like to read more, you can check out some more random math experiments and experience gains on my miniature blog on the first page of this topic. You'll also find my 99 thieving picture if you're interested. So do make sure to check it out. What's up next for Stellar Gaze? You'll find out soon.

Thank you for reading :)

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You got 99 thieving quick, congratulations and goodluck on the rest of your goals.

And can I ask why are all your characters female?

I know Fear Figment was from the videos and I'm pretty sure Blood Anthem was too?

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The Blood Anthem

You got 99 thieving quick, congratulations and goodluck on the rest of your goals.

And can I ask why are all your characters female?

I know Fear Figment was from the videos and I'm pretty sure Blood Anthem was too?

That would be incorrect. Fear Figment and Stellar Gaze have female character models and Heroes Fail and Blood Anthem have male character models.

In recent news, I've changed a few things up with the original post. And posted an exciting new goal!

- Augmented the organization of original post in order to further compress space and provide better 'flow.'

- Switched up the structure of original post to make way for new goals.

- Added '21 Days Of Fishing' miniature blog / goal.

- Made some minor edits to the FAQ section of original post.

I hope you've enjoyed reading so far, and thank you for all the encouraging comments! I read every single one.

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