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Are you really that stupid? Its because you have a 300M poulation, if you compared Eurpoe and the US you'd see you aren't all that brilliant.

Beijing Olympics 2008;

Europe - 273 medals.

The US - 110 medals.

you have to be fucking retarded

i just counted 55 european nations, totaling a population of 830mil.

so what would happen if we had that many teams? we're just 1 fucking country, the fact that we have 300mil population doesnt change the number of athletes we send to the olympics

brb, being the greatest country ever

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I'm talking about the ratio you fucking brain-dead spaka. They're near enough the same with medal/population wise.

I also beg to differ that you're the best country, far from it.

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I'm talking about the ratio you fucking brain-dead spaka. They're near enough the same with medal/population wise.

I also beg to differ that you're the best country, far from it.

lol u mad. we still sending the same amount of teams so medal/population is irrelevant. pea brain
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I'm talking about the ratio you fucking brain-dead spaka. They're near enough the same with medal/population wise.

I also beg to differ that you're the best country, far from it.

lol u mad. we still sending the same amount of teams so medal/population is irrelevant. pea brain

Its far from irrelevant.. Yes you send the same about of people to the olympics.. BUT a higher poppulation allows you to pick from a lot more athletes.. The #1 sweedish athlete, might be ranked in the 100's in america..

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If you're being serious you are the biggest fucking idiot in the world.. Your country has tens times more people in it than England and you're comparing the medals England has. Your country is the most obese country in the world, it's a statistic, deal with it, but just because you have the highest rate of obesity, doesnt mean that you don't have more athletes than other countries, i mean, fuck, it'd be a bit pathetic if England did have more athletes based on how many more people your country has overall.

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I'm talking about the ratio you fucking brain-dead spaka. They're near enough the same with medal/population wise.

I also beg to differ that you're the best country, far from it.

lol u mad. we still sending the same amount of teams so medal/population is irrelevant. pea brain

Lets pull some bad analogies out in this bitch; We have two prisons. One has 1,000 prisoners, the other has 10,000, who do you think will have the most theft-related prisoners?

Its common-fucking-sense.

Also, not mad just bored. Very bored. Bored of you being an obvious newfag.

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I'm talking about the ratio you fucking brain-dead spaka. They're near enough the same with medal/population wise.

I also beg to differ that you're the best country, far from it.

lol u mad. we still sending the same amount of teams so medal/population is irrelevant. pea brain

Lets pull some bad analogies out in this bitch; We have two prisons. One has 1,000 prisoners, the other has 10,000, who do you think will have the most theft-related prisoners?

Its common-fucking-sense.

Also, not mad just bored. Very bored. Bored of you being an obvious newfag.

lol he mad.

the fact is america has the stereotype for being fat slobby losers, but we mop everyone in the olympics  ;)

England has a population of what, 61milion, if you guys are so much better it shouldnt matter, cuz we're fat and lazy so that should cut down the pick of athletes to choose from.

so adding to your analogy, two prisons, one has 1,000, the other 5,000. but the prison with 5,000 is famous for being lazy and fat, while the 1,000 pride themselves in not being fat like 5,000. yet 5,000 still mops 1,000

lesson learned? America ftw

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youre ignorant

you're  ^_^, i deflect your post and send it right back

@sky: it was an analogy, i just pulled england because it's a big medal contender from Europe

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I'm not English, fuck off.

Just so you know, I've never pulled the 'Fat card' before, mainly because I don't give a shit, but I think its safe to say I'll be pulling the 'Americans are so fucking stupid they don't understand statistics or ratios card' a lot more now.

& Change your avatar text you tool.

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What these idiots mean is...

If america had a lower population, the chances of you having as many successful athletes would be alot lower, because such a large %age of your population is FAT.

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I'm not English, fuck off.

Just so you know, I've never pulled the 'Fat card' before, mainly because I don't give a shit, but I think its safe to say I'll be pulling the 'Americans are so fucking stupid they don't understand statistics or ratios card' a lot more now.

& Change your avatar text you tool.

I'll bet you're Welsh...
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I'm not English, fuck off.

Just so you know, I've never pulled the 'Fat card' before, mainly because I don't give a shit, but I think its safe to say I'll be pulling the 'Americans are so fucking stupid they don't understand statistics or ratios card' a lot more now.

& Change your avatar text you tool.

I'll bet you're Welsh...
lol what he is, is mad
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I'm not English, fuck off.

Just so you know, I've never pulled the 'Fat card' before, mainly because I don't give a shit, but I think its safe to say I'll be pulling the 'Americans are so fucking stupid they don't understand statistics or ratios card' a lot more now.

& Change your avatar text you tool.

I'll bet you're Welsh...
lol what he is, is mad
You swear, therefore are mad, derp.

Yes, I'm Welsh.

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truth ^

though if i did snowboard id fucking shit on the winter olympics :shifty:

i went snowboarding last weekend for the first time, and i thought since i was good at skate boarding id be good at snowboarding.. not the case. it took like an hour for me to make it down the hill without a crash.
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