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Ughh because for every 1 medal we get thats 1/1b and for some country's that have medals it counts as 1/1000 so technically we suck.

In Olympic history(winter/summer):

America has over twice as many medals as the #2 holder (USSR)

America has over three times as many medals as England and Australia combined.

brb, being the fattest nation in the world and still kicking everyone else's ass

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ur dumb right? for example country with 1milion ppls vs USA with over 100m ppls around 70% are fat but less 30% are not fat 30%is more than 1mill ppls and in that 1mill ppls about 500k sportsmans

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if ur talking about winter olympics... its cause in alot of australia it doesnt snow =[

ive never even seen snow =|

truth ^

though if i did snowboard id fucking shit on the winter olympics :shifty:

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Ughh because for every 1 medal we get thats 1/1b and for some country's that have medals it counts as 1/1000 so technically we suck.

Yeah well every country can only enter so many people so that doesn't really make any sense.
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Ughh because for every 1 medal we get thats 1/1b and for some country's that have medals it counts as 1/1000 so technically we suck.

Yeah well every country can only enter so many people so that doesn't really make any sense.
exactly, u guys trying to say that america has better genes? and we're fat :omg:?
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Ughh because for every 1 medal we get thats 1/1b and for some country's that have medals it counts as 1/1000 so technically we suck.

Yeah well every country can only enter so many people so that doesn't really make any sense.
exactly, u guys trying to say that america has better genes? and we're fat :omg:?

More inhabitants > more talents = more medals.

Summer olympics > winter olympics.

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(Not including 2010)

America's total gold medals



Soviet Union






Great Britain




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it may be the fattest nation but it doesnt stop you spending lots of money on fancy new undetectable steriods :P but srsly fattest nation .. not everyone's fat

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^How the fuck does that make sense?? We can only enter so many people in the Olympics. By that logic it wouldn't be possible for us to do well.... The only thing a bigger population should mean is that you should have higher quality atheletes.

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Are you really that stupid? Its because you have a 300M poulation, if you compared Eurpoe and the US you'd see you aren't all that brilliant.

Beijing Olympics 2008;

Europe - 273 medals.

The US - 110 medals.

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You either weren't talking to me or didn't get what I was saying... I understand that we only win because we have a bigger population. But the whole 1/300m  1/1m so you suck thing doesnt make sense.

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