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email my mom sent to me.

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what she sent to me.


From: a_dumb_cunt@live.com

To: me@hotmail.com

Subject: Spread the Joy

Date: Thu, 7 Jan 2010 19:40:56 -0600

Dear Dalton,

It was nice to see you today.  Too bad we didn't get a chance to talk.  Hope all is well with you.

Please know I am typing this because I care about you -- no conspiracy.  However, I know that trusting others is very difficult for you, if not impossible.

I am sending this because I think you are old enough to stop some of the behaviors that you know deep down are wrong:

You need to stop texting things like "STFU" on Wyatt's phone to his friends pretending to be him.  This is a poor example to Wyatt.  You also need to stop texting or calling your brother a "fag" or "retard".  Again, a poor example and is cruel and hurtful to him and bullying behavior on your part.  When people call names it says more about them than anything.  It is not funny and is not a joke. Me and Brian want this to stop and so does Wyatt.

Stop worrying about if, when or why Erica goes to your Dad's house--this is not your responsibility or within your control so quit harassing her about it.  Me and Brian want it to stop and Erica wants it to stop.  The amount of homework Erica does or does not have is also not your concern. You have your own studies to focus on.

Stop talking about child support/custody issues with Wyatt and Erica.  None of this is your concern and is for the court to decide -- not you.  Wyatt and Erica have enough to worry about and do not need to be worried about these issues on top of it.

If you want to focus on anyone's choices/behaviors, please start with your own.  You could start with learning about "parentification", get honest with yourself and others and begin sorting things out in your life.

I love you very much and it hurts me when I see that damage that has been put on all three of you.  I apologize for anything I may have done or may not have done that may have contributed to the obvious hurt you have inside.  I did the best I knew how and cannot re-do the past. 

It is now time for you to take responsibility for who you are and who you want to be without blaming others.  You have always known right from wrong -- it all comes down to the Golden Rule (the 10 Commandments are good reminders). 

If you ever need anything please just ask Brian or I.  We know we are not perfect but our door is always open (although we still have ground rules as always).

Let us know if you'd like to get together sometime -- maybe a movie and lunch.  We love and miss you.

Always Remember "Momma and Jesus Love You"    Spread the Joy.

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what i sent to her.


mmkay.. i didnt send stfu on wyatts phone. when i ever DO call wyatt a name, i say it in a joking manner, one that even he could see is a joke.

i never did say it was my responsibility, or anything for that matter about erica never coming up. we both know that when erica says she has homework to do, thats a bs lie. she could just as easily do it here. there is everything you have down there up here to help her do homework. so i called her on it.. i know you want me to stop saying stuff about it so she never comes up here, real sad. and it was not only i who called her on it, it was also dad. he isnt dumb.. he can see when he is being used, erica only comes up when she wants something. thats pathetic.

there is no reason i can not talk with ericka or wyatt about child support, unless you want something covered up. i HAVE done a lot of research into the subject and will give them what ever info i think they should know. keeping them ignorant, like you tryed to keep me, is also.. sad. and i will do everything i can to make it so they know what up. they are old enough to know stuff, they definitely can handle it.

its up to the courts to decide..? well the court seems to be a one way bull shit system that if you know how to manipulate it, you can do what ever you want and get away with it.. so i dont really trust in the courts too much, but since they seem to favor you so much, i can see why you like them.

i KNOW i am making good decisions with my life, if you think differently, then definition of good decisions is wrong. i go to work, i go to school, i pay all my bills on time.. i really dont do anything that bad.. so, i really dont know what you were getting at with that..?

i looked up parentification. says kids under the age of 18. im 19. that means its not parentification. i do/say what i think is right for erica and wyatt. you are right, i am not their parent, but when the real parent is making wrong decisions, and i think a lot of your decisions are..., i am going to say something.

obvious hurt i have inside..? what? you are the only one ever to say im depressed or anti social or all the other crap you said i am. so.. im going to go out on a limb and say im not hurt, im not depressed, or anti social. you make stuff up from nothing and make everyone feel angry. i now just shrug it off and dont care what you think either way.

you talk about god and treating everyone how you would want to be treated, well you really never put yourself in our shoes did you? you never really took the time to step back and say.. maybe im hurting my kids with everything im doing.. if you dont think you are, then you are nuts.

i do know right from wrong.. whats your point?

take responsibility for myself without blaming others? what do i need to take responsibility for? going to collage? having a job? not pointing out everyones problems to make myself feel better? yeah ill take responsibility for that. why not.

"grounds rules as always" aka my way or the high way.

i have no intention into turning this into a fight, but im sure you will make it one. but maybe not?

you emailed me back, so you obviously wanted one back..

im also emailing this to others to get their opinion on it. and to prove im not the asshole you make me out to be.


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Who still uses E-mail?

Also, stop being so butthurt, if you simply cannot get along with your parents then move away and forget they ever existed. That's what I did, feels good man.

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i did move..when i was 17.. 2 years ago. hence the email. only reason i still take to her is cuz my bro and sis still live with here.. and shes a complete bitch.

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what i should have sent to her


Hey asshole.................. suck a bag of dicks!

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This topic stinks of adolescence. Stop feeling sorry for yourselfs because your parents make you do housework, or atleast stop posting about it on the forums.

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This topic stinks of adolescence. Stop feeling sorry for yourselfs because your parents make you do housework, or atleast stop posting about it on the forums.

what dont u understand about i dont live with her?

i only posted it to see what people thought about it all. see if they thought she is as ridiculous as i think she is.

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If you want to focus on anyone's choices/behaviors, please start with your own.  You could start with learning about "parentification", get honest with yourself and others and begin sorting things out in your life.

Omg, your momma is a total bitch man!

Glad I got a good mum and not one like this, rofl...

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wtf is wrong with u ur mom is the woman that brought u in to this world love her till the end and dont talk against here what she says is right! learn that Dont hate ur mother!

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wtf is wrong with u ur mom is the woman that brought u in to this world love her till the end and dont talk against here what she says is right! learn that Dont hate ur mother!

shes a controlling sadistic bitch. im glad you have a good relationship with your mom, and i wish i did... but its not that way for everyone. what she says is right..? no comment.
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call your brother a fag or any name really, is just part of being a brother i think, i dont really do it to be mean, and dont really think about it when i do it. not like im a straight up dick head to him though.

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