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Dear gympeople,

Been lurking this part of the forum for years, always mirin' the progress and dedication some of you people have. I myself have always been quite thin and (relatively) small, have used my asthma as an excuse to not do anything about my horrific physique. I was one of those people who signed up for the gym, stuck to my original eating habits and quit/gave up after not having any visible results after one week (lol). 

Few months back around May I decided to make a change, as I was really close to being underweight (if not actually underweight). So I signed up for a gym and have been going 3-4 times a week ever since. Trying my best to keep my protein/carb intake up. (I must admit after a month or so I stayed away for a good 2 weeks, pretty much losing all my weight and strength gains)

ANYWAY, my goal at first was not to look like a greek god carved from stone, but just to look healthy. However the addiction is starting to kick in now and i'm really excited to keep going and look like a god next summer!

So here's a picture of how I looked before, and an impression of what I look like now. I know it doesn't look like much, and I probably could've achieved far more within these three months. But I myself am quite pleased with the results thusfar! PS. Just because the pictures don't include my legs/back don't assume I haven't been working them aswell!


Let the roast begin!






o ps. currently sitting at around 15%~ bodyfat i think, will most likely be gaining till late winter/early spring before cutting for summer. 

Edited by Ronald
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I was one of those people who signed up for the gym, stuck to my original eating habits and quit/gave up after not having any visible results after one week (lol). 


Sounds familiar.


Lekker Ronald 

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