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99 Agility worth it?


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So ye i was rcing.. and i thought HMmm.., :rolleyes:

why i don't make 99Agility? B)

I got 4 pairs of brawling gloves aglity and im atm 70 agil so ye,

should i make 99 or not? ;)  ( I like skilling )

please respond.

Thanks!            :victory:

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cool cape

handy in p2p pking/other p2p stuff with running

respectful :)


EDIT: Also it helps with getting around the place with shortcuts (taverly dungeon, slayer tower/cave etc)

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i have 6 pairs, they got me about 500k xp each.

its actually fun getting so much xp so fast.

You should use them early in the morning (ur timezone :p ) since no1s there. Don't bother going in the evening, u'll get 1itemed every time u tele deep.

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It's definitely worth it. I would kill to have those gloves since I'm going for 99. if you want to use them semi safely the clanchat "jlushin" usually has people who "guard" the entrance to the agility course in world 65 or 18. Although it usually has someone who thinks it's funny to kill the agility trainers(which in my opinion it is, even though I am one)

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Hmm, use the brawlers first, then do it a week, we will see if u still want it. I know it's a great skill, im 73 also, but it's also very boring if ur doing it alone. So think about it wisely, although, if u achieve it, ur a master =p

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