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Scary dreams


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okay so I had the most fucked up dream of my life..

I was still living with my parents house and my mom told me that they had to put down our Dog and cat because of rabies or some random shit it bit someone, idk. Anyways I'm like.. fuck yeah I can do this, im a sicko I dont give a fuck. They give me a bat and i goto the cat and try to bash its head in, It was probably the most horrible bat ever made, I missed and nicked its head like 20 times and the more I swung the more it transformed into a kitten. The fucked up part was it didnt move, it just cried and accepted its death. So I proceed to bash its head in blood is flying everywhere, its the most gruesome thing ever and then it started twitching after I was done and I had to keep hitting its already jello-like skull. Then I go on to my dog and I talk to it and shit and its just whimpering with its paws over its eyes and I lift up the bat and get ready, then it transforms into a puppy and all my memories of growing up with it come back. But I still bashed its head in with the bat, blood brains and all that shit flying everywhere and then I woke up..

I thought I was hard yet I woke up in tears..

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I would like to thank my mom, God, and all the fans for being there for me.

I'd love to thank condoms too stop more sick fucks like you coming into the world.

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i had a fucking dream about zombies just now, it woke me up (3:36 am atm). i was in some building downtown and there was some like massive fucking outbreak of a zombie attack and this family was trying to get out of the city, so i showed them some sewer and then when they went down they got killed and shit and people fucking takeing cyanide because they didnt want to become zombies it was creepy shit

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Wtf is with all the pricks calling him a sick fuck and that he should be banned? it was a dream, morons, you don't choose what you dream of, jesus christ. You think he enjoyed it or something?

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Wtf is with all the pricks calling him a sick fuck and that he should be banned? it was a dream, morons, you don't choose what you dream of, jesus christ. You think he enjoyed it or something?

Alot of them lack reading comprehension lol
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