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Goodbye to a Foe member and a friend.

I Meleed I

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Hello everyone, for those of you who remember me, you will know I was in the clan a long time ago. Over that period I met some fantastic people, in and out of FOE.I made friendships that have spanned the best part of a decade and still, continue to this day. Recently I decided to start playing again, casually, and sure enough many of those old friends were still there!


However, I've just received some shocking, and heartbreaking news. An ex-member, who has been in and around FOE foe years, and a very very good friend of mine, died last month. He was involved in a car accident, and it was fatal. I'm still shaking a little as I type this. His name was Aidan Williams-Martin. On runescape he was called Purleypk.


Aidan was a fantastic guy, everyone loved him. He was a loyal FOE member, and a good friend. I just feel like people should know. He was making a new pure to get back into FOE too. It makes me so sad that we will never see him on a trip again. His friend, is now using his account, he seems nice, just told me of the news today. I didn't believe it at first. I thought Aidan was fucking with me. But after a google search, the horrible truth became oh so apparent.


So, I don't know. I guess I just felt like I needed to let you guys know. It seems wrong that the clan he loved so much wouldn't even know he passed. If any of you knew him, you'd understand why I needed to post this. I know it was a long time ago, and chances are a lot of members won't even know who he is. But he was one of us, years ago, and that is something worth remembering, and respecting.


Goodnight buddy. I love you :(

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Damn... never met him but still feels sad to hear news like this


I had 2 friends last week who got into car accidents on the same day :l Nothing serious though

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Shocking tbh, this guy was well and truly old school, one that really did help kick start foe on to what it went on to do. If I remember he's like from 05?


Just goes to show though live life to the full because you never know whats gonna happen

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Shocking tbh, this guy was well and truly old school, one that really did help kick start foe on to what it went on to do. If I remember he's like from 05?


Just goes to show though live life to the full because you never know whats gonna happen


Yep, thats about right. He was with us when we were pulling 40 opts to friday night trips and having to hide from MM and TLP. 


24 years old. Such a waste.

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I definitely recognize the rsn, I don't think I've ever met him though. It's always a shame to see someone young pass.


Thank you for sharing. 

Edited by Mighty Irwin
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Thanks for all the kinds words everyone.



The fact that even though many of you may have never even met him, yet you still post your respects means a lot and speaks volumes of the FOE community. Its the reason I'm still here.

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I didn't get a chance to meet him. But regardless my heart goes out to his family and friends. I'm very sorry you lost your friend mel :/

Stay strong

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