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new sig thingy


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Alright, I'll tell yah what's up :D

What you're doing right so far:

You're experimenting with different tools, which is definitely a good thing to be doing as a beginner to get used to the whole feel of the program.

What's kind of off:

It's really kind of simple, and the main image is kind of washed out by the gradient (?). Also, 28 Days Later font can get really annoying and tacky if not used correctly.

How you can make a masterpiece:

Practice, practice, practice! You're still a beginner; everyone has to start somewhere. Don't be discouraged at all, just keep making signatures and post your work here for better reviews so that we can point you on the right path. I know I overuse this a lot for people starting to use the tool, but these two sites will become your friends if you're going to keep photoshopping:



Register an account at GameRenders, and browse through their tutorials until you find one that would appeal to you. If you keep using tutorials, you'll eventually start adding your own spin on how things work together, and in turn, create something that looks ergonomically appealing :D

For resources, you should use DeviantArt. There you can find a lot of stock photos taken from actual artists, as well as other PhotoShop resources such as brushes. If you can't find anything good on DeviantArt, something good has to be on Google, so just head over to their image search and search away! :victory:

So in conclusion, you're doing good by trying new things besides throwing text onto a random stock image. Once again, don't be discouraged to post any of your new work up here; Although we're a dying breed, our GFX community would be more than welcome to push you onto the right track ^_^

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Font is overpowering the character first of all, the purple stuff coming out from the outsides are completely unneeded, theres no true flow, u should probably overlay the text and change the color to dark green to blend more. You should really learn how to smudge it would help this signature by a million. If you want any help add my msn: chainlord@runescapeservices.com

Edit: Id also just use a 2px border and u need to shrink the sig. I can show u on teamviewer how to make a sig look nicer aswell. You also didnt use any lighting or gradient. Photo filter i would say but not sure if needed in the signature

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Font is overpowering the character first of all, the purple stuff coming out from the outsides are completely unneeded, theres no true flow, u should probably overlay the text and change the color to dark green to blend more. You should really learn how to smudge it would help this signature by a million. If you want any help add my msn: chainlord@runescapeservices.com

Edit: Id also just use a 2px border and u need to shrink the sig. I can show u on teamviewer how to make a sig look nicer aswell. You also didnt use any lighting or gradient. Photo filter i would say but not sure if needed in the signature


you should apply for graphics artist, ya

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Font is overpowering the character first of all, the purple stuff coming out from the outsides are completely unneeded, theres no true flow, u should probably overlay the text and change the color to dark green to blend more. You should really learn how to smudge it would help this signature by a million. If you want any help add my msn: chainlord@runescapeservices.com

Edit: Id also just use a 2px border and u need to shrink the sig. I can show u on teamviewer how to make a sig look nicer aswell. You also didnt use any lighting or gradient. Photo filter i would say but not sure if needed in the signature

the purple stuff was just added cuz i thought it looked better than just plain black, it was a smoke thingy i had made earlier with the gradient i had added to the pic. can you give me some suggestions of what would look better there? also, do you know anywhere where i can find some cool fonts? thanks for the help.  ^_^

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