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Hi im new, and need help! >.<


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:mellow: Just wondering if my ObbyTanker would be accepted... I'll list the stats  :lmao:

Any help would be great :)


Combat Level: 62 (At 99 strength & Hitpoints, I will be level 72-73)

Attack: 10

Defence: 45

Strength: 75 (getting to 80 very soon)

Hitpoints: 64 (getting to 75-80 soon)

Ranged: 61

Prayer: 43

Magic: 43

Misc: almost 76 crafting :)

Formally A council member of ZDZIRA

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Nah I got 45 defence for [glow=red,2,300]fighterhat[/glow], I didn't want 16 attack. :rolleyes:

And not to be rude, but the whole 20- def idea is great, as it keeps low level noobys from joining the clan. But it does not mention pk accounts such as Obbytanker's; like my self. Why not add an exeption... like be a certain combat level?... I will be a low level with a 99 combat skill... Why does my having 45 defence determine why or why not i can not join FOE? I have 10 Attack... Is that not good enough???

And for the record, technically having only 10 attack and 45 defence... Is equal to having just 60 attack and 1 defence. (just i have more restriction on Range and Magic levels.)

BTW: I will be level 99 strentgh and Hitpoints at level 72 or 73.

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We're a generic pure clan, 20 def and below, as in the traditional hybrid.

Also, an obby mauler would not help us effectively during PvP times. We fight multiple mains and such at fast paced combat, and having a tanker in the clan would not effectively help. Also, at such a low attack level, this cripples the weapons you would bring to help during fights as you can only wear up to black. It's not about members joining for a community, the clan itself is based upon strategy. The whole fact of being a low combat with hybrid stats is a great combination. Also, when we would P2P PvP, would you bring the required 500k+ and all applicable armours and gear to execute your PKing style? Would you be willing to risk more than 500k every time we PK?

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[glow=red,2,300]LOL!!![/glow] :p

:omg: I risk more than 4m usually when I go out pking, I usually bring d bow, obby maul, berserker neck, full rune(including rune boots) although at times ill use elite for it's look 133t :). Sometimes i'll bring berserker ring and fighter gear [usually when I'm feeling lucky], 20 dragon arrows,  Ranging gear when i'm range /mauling, sharks.

And as far as being not able to do much against people with defence... I can always Range and use d bow. Just for the record, i hit 34s with obby maul with out fighter gear, which could be somewhat of a help against other 1 defence pkers. :nice:


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Yes... :mellow:  hell if I had 65 defence I would be using bandos lol  o.O but I would be much to high of a combat level then  (n)

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FOE is sadly out of the question on that acc with 45 def but there are other clans who you could join beast bank btw possible in game look at that cash pile? :D

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:omg: So I cant... Join... All because i have 45 defence....? Sorry to say, but that sounds quite stupid. (n)

I will still be in the level range you are all at, when im maxed, out so why should having defence matter??  :angry:

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O Ce An O

Impressive bank. But foe is, like stated before, the more traditional pure clan.

There are other places you can go, and if your feeling like you want a challenge maybe start your own clan specifically for pures like you. :)

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I don't think you understand fully TJ.  Foe is a PURE clan.  This means anyone with higher then 29 defence will not be accepted into the clan.  It's always been like this since the beginning of the clan.  We can't just change our requirements for one person to join.  If we did, then we would get loads of people complaining why their accounts with defence didn't make it.

No offense to you, but if you did in fact take 4-5m gear on a trip you'd be targeted by any clan and be the first killed.  People are greedy and don't like seeing anyone else have more wealth then they do.  That cash pile you have would dwindle in less then a month.

Hope this answers your question. ;)

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k... but i have 10 attk... thats like having 10 def.... just reversing def with attk... :unsure2:

so.... maybe you guys should make an exception for obbytakers (stated earlier)

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As I said before, we won't make any sort of exception with anyone who has defence.  We've never accepted an obby tanker in the past, why would we change it now?  Attack is attack, defence is defence, it's just the way it is.  You're not going to get into Foe with defence over 29.  I'm sorry but it's the truth, just accept it.

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Fortunately, no. 

Unfortunately however, I think your dad does it a bit too often.  I don't think you understand common sense enough for me to even try explaining anything to you anymore.

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