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When someone gets a DFS pk and posts it here, everyone else says 'OMFG YOU'RE SO LUCKY WTF I GET NOTHING'. Then they consider themselves unlucky. You people don't know the fucking half of it..

For years now I've had really bad internet connections, at my house, my grandparent's houses, friend's houses etc. Weird lag too, not just really slow, but I get randomly logged out, or it lets me walk but not type, and vice versa. While having this lag, it's asthough someone is watching me and teasing the shit out of me.

Right, today for example; (bare in mind this happends almost ALL the time for the past few years. ALLL THE FUCKING TIMMME!)

I was at flesh crawlers for about an hour, it's going fine. I get a few attack levels on a new pure of mine, and sell some things on GE. Go on my PKing account, I'm at level 2 getting a target + EP while talking to random mains, no problems at all. It's going fine. Then I get a target, I'm in F2P BH +1, but still he's in full rune just like EVERY SINGLE target I get. This doesn't really bother me, I ask him to no arm. Of course he says no - because he's a fucking cunt, then I attack him. We are both at about 30 hp, he eats. I go to eat too but it doesn't let me. I click the stat page, that works, but for some reason the fucking shitcunt swordfish isn't. then I know what's comming next so I just sit back as it takes him 30 seconds to take down 30 hp, then eventually die to a 4. Of course, soon as I was dead I was free to get out more supplies, it lets me do that.

After that I think 'Fuck getting a target, what a waste of time' then go into the wilderness and hop to a non-+1 world. First guy my level I see has nothing on apart from a rune scimitar, I guess the thought it a +1 world, since he didn't eat or even attempt to run. I think to myself FUCK YES! A BIT OF GOODLUCK then see a pair of corrupt D legs on the floor, I print screen as I go to click them an error message for Windows comes up, so I quickly click 'end now' and try to load up rs as quick as I can. I'm in a panic so I forgot to go to a BH world, and log into a normal world. I'm fucking dead. I still don't really care since I think I'm getting some C. D legs, so I hop worlds. WRONG FUCKING WORLD. Hop worlds again, WRONG FUCKKKKKKKKKKKING WORLD.

Also, this is the second time I've typed this up. My internet went off soon as I clicked 'post' last time.. Fucking tipical.

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Same here.

I can only get satellite internet where i live, and it only works really good during 11 Pm - 3 Am Pacific time...

Most of the time I'll have 2-3 second delay, but i get lucky sometimes and I'll have a decent connection for FOE trips or mid-day pking.. but most of the time it sucks.

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