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What if...

I Pown3r I

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I Pown3r I

What if Finland wins Canada in icehockey today? I promise you, I will come drunk to school tomorrow. The game starts in a matter of minutes, you know you want to follow how Finland will do. Yet, realistically, we'll get our asses raped...

Actually, 1-0 To FINLAND! HAHAAHA!

NO!, It's FUCKING 2-0!

As a matter of fact, the french fags pulled a 2-1. Still, I've already commenced drinking.

Damn, we're standing at a 3-3, gonna be incredibly interesting now.

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I can't express how little this american cares about hockey.

Lol? Do you know what "touche" means?

(16:36:32) -[iM]RuneScript- *** [ URBAN ]: Definitions: 7 | "touche" 1. an expression borrowed from French used | 1)to admit that an opponent in an argument has made a good point | 2)when someone has said a good comeback line | 3)to concede a point to an opponent when fencing

(16:36:33) -[iM]RuneScript- *** [ URBAN ]: Example: 1)A: You only think that because that what you raised to believe | B: Maybe, or maybe you only think THAt because that's what YOU were raised to believe. | A: touche. | 2)A: Why can't you put the toilet down? | B: Why can't you get a job and stop flirting with other guys? | A: touche. | 3)touche. You got me. That's another point for you.


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