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Same top laner 2 games in a row check out the enemy top laners score in both of them lmao.... I'm pretty sure in lane he went 0-6 in both games but unlucky xd :) also not to mention that blitzcranks build could of won it if he actually bought support items

Edited by shootmyfruit
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2 hours ago, shootmyfruit said:




Same top laner 2 games in a row check out the enemy top laners score in both of them lmao.... I'm pretty sure in lane he went 0-6 in both games but unlucky xd :) also not to mention that blitzcranks build could of won it if he actually bought support items

14 day ban for flaming this retard top laner lmao

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when u destroy a hardstuck "d5 player" on his "silver smurf" lol


McNuggets:  ahhh silver elo
McNuggets:  what fun
McNuggets:  kassadin ur name
McNuggets:  lmao
McNuggets:  i just noticed

Retard:  :-)

McNuggets:  u smurfing or kata just bad?

Light Mayhem:  400 lp chall
Light Mayhem: boosting me

Retard : 400 lp chall
Retard : boosting light mayhem

McNuggets:  well
McNuggets:  i am pretty prroud then

Light Mayhem :  thanks for playing

@Nice Net @I Pk Virginz

Edited by Fred
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3 hours ago, Fred said:


we lost 2/3 games ur heavier than craig fd5839567e208d2ff99ff8b9c7667029.png

ROFL, only because kanker fuck spastic team mates :( will redeem myself tomorrow ;)

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Serious question why are some people so bad at engaging and getting picks when they pick leona, malphite any champ with hard engage. It's so tilting seeing a free kill stood still and no one engaging lmao. Just played varus with a leona and all the picks we got where from my ult while leona either missed every ult or didnt use it lmao

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