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Pixul Pirate

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Pixul Pirate

So basically I've been wanting to bulk up a little for a while, I've bought creatine, Whey Protein, all that fun stuff, my problem is I live on my own. I have to provide my own food etc and i just lost my job and looking for a new one. But basically I'm having a hard time figuring out what to do as far as diet wise since I'm on a strict budget. Also one of my big problems is I can't keep working out cause I lose motivation, especially since I don't see many results cause of my diet, I was wondering if there were any tips to keep me motivated to reach my goal.

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Pixul Pirate

chicken and rice



How much would I have to eat a day cause that could get pricey in the long run. At the moment I've been just trying to eat Peanut Butter sandwhiches cause theyre hella cheap.

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you might put on 2 lbs at the max with peanut butter sandwiches, ive tryed that id just eat alot of protein, and workout regularly and as far as motivation goes you get paid to do a job, and working out you get paid in muscles thats how i like to think of it

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Pixul Pirate

you might put on 2 lbs at the max with peanut butter sandwiches, ive tryed that id just eat alot of protein, and workout regularly and as far as motivation goes you get paid to do a job, and working out you get paid in muscles thats how i like to think of it

yeah i see it that way as well, my problem is i never get the results i want because of my diet and not having money aka broke as shit, i dont put any weight so its like working for free haha.

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half the people who posted dont lift.

Firstly post your budget. You can get by with under £20 a week on food.

Your not going to become arnold in 2 weeks with a good diet remember that. If your just doing it for the looks, you will never succeed and will always give up.

Read stickies on bodybuilding forums etc.

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u wasted ur money on ur supplements.

full fat milk, aim for 2-4 litres a day, look in frozen food sections at big chain supermarkets, for things like chicken breasts, white fish, none of that branded shit in fattening sauces, u could prob get quite a few days worth of frozen chicken breasts/fish for under £5. also yea peanut/almond/nut butters, whoever said u can gain 2lbs max with peanut butter is dumb as fuck lol, ur body doesnt 'get used' to a certain food and just decide its not gonna gain weight from it anymore lol.

generally most complex carb sources come pretty cheap, can get like a kilos worth of potatoes for about 1-2 quid, oats are cheap as hell too.

in response to the bit where u said u lose motivation easy, what exactly do u workout for?

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Do you want me to give you a picture of myself..?

Yano, give you some motivation that with some hard work and dedication you can acheive what i have

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Peanut butter is cheap and is good for bulking also watch kai greene vids for motivation trust me it helps haha also use a preworkout i recommend craze or sci-mex xplode. Go to lidl or tesco get shit loads of chicken, white fish tuna and oats.

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no if he wanted motivation he would buy some test, not some flavoured caffeine water that every lifter and his nan drinks.

If you arent motivated enough to work hard at the gym and eat the right nutrition you dont diserve to be achieve :s

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yh u dont deserve to be achieve.

A MOMENT ON THE LIPS A LIFETIME ON THE HIPS FATBOY. find some intrinsic motivation u runt

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Pixul Pirate

I didnt buy the the Pre-workouts first things first, Second to answer the question what I do, I've been trying to do the p90x workouts, then the ab ripper x mon. wed. fri. along with those days i also try to do cardio cause im trying to get back into soccer shape for college.

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if you have no motivation, you clearly don't wanna do it that bad, only you can motivate yourself, sure ppl can be inspiring, but if you don't wanna do it, clearly it's not your thing, you should love doing it anyway and not need motivation... how can you not be bothered to work out? it's the best thing in the world.

just get your grocery stores' most basic own brand shit, cheapest way to live like that would probably be

chicken breasts




and ofc some greens.

you could bulk on just that and it'd probably be the cheapest way if you bought the very cheapest of each thing in the store. as above said look at reeveseys pastebin, but that only applies to UK, but it still gives ideas of what to buy

also watch these, he's american so he knows what stores there is etc:

find the other parts in related videos

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