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Clean & Press

Tom (Rendition)

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Tom (Rendition)

Going to swap military press for clean and press.  I think it suits my needs better. 

Should i go back down into deadlift position after every rep, lower to my thighs after every rep or just lower to shoulders after every rep? 

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lowering it to ur shoulders would just be millitary press?

and yeh as you said just design it to ur needs. want to be training some back at the same time as you dont weight train that much anymore? might aswell go to deadlift position.

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Tom (Rendition)

steroids: with military press you keep you legs straight, with clean and press you use your legs to aid you in the press.

reevesy: I get what you are saying, but the weight that I clean and press would be quite alot less than the weight I would be deadlifting.  As a guesstimate, I will be clean and pressing 70kg, which is halfish of what I could be deadlifting.  So hopefully it won't put more stress on my back than i can handle.

Clean and press is more explosive than military, and that's what I want - explosive strength.

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Tom (Rendition)

u mean push press then lol and you would be surprised, sometimes you'll end up leaning back like fuck.

Sometimes when I'm just getting myself ready for military press my back feels like it's this far | | from jamming.

And yeh I guess that would be push press lol.  I'll try clean and press, if my back can't handle it :(, I'll do push press.

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Tom (Rendition)

My gym doesn't have the space to do the whole leg split thing though :(, and if I drop the weight, the weights will proabbly go throguht the floor.

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If you want to work your lumbar region and work your legs then I suggest push press.

It won't be as much of a strain on your back because you're not actually lifting heavy deadlift weight.

It's a good exercise, but it's so tiring.

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If you want to work your lumbar region and work your legs then I suggest push press.

It won't be as much of a strain on your back because you're not actually lifting heavy deadlift weight.

It's a good exercise, but it's so tiring.


Personally i'd stick with overhead press but to each his own.

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Tom (Rendition)

If you want to work your lumbar region and work your legs then I suggest push press.

It won't be as much of a strain on your back because you're not actually lifting heavy deadlift weight.

It's a good exercise, but it's so tiring.

mmmm, after thinking about it probably will just go for push press.  i have to do the clean motion to get the bar to shoulder level anyways, no rack in my budget gym.

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If you want to work your lumbar region and work your legs then I suggest push press.

It won't be as much of a strain on your back because you're not actually lifting heavy deadlift weight.

It's a good exercise, but it's so tiring.

mmmm, after thinking about it probably will just go for push press.  i have to do the clean motion to get the bar to shoulder level anyways, no rack in my budget gym.

inb4 kicked out of gym for performing dangerous freeweight exercises in the leisure zone

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