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those earnings are from work, he still earns much more due to royalty + he donates a shit ton. hes made 14b in 2-3 years so yea dont use shit sites for ur info

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Like everyone else said he donates a shit ton to charity. His kids are getting like 0.02% each of his net wealth I read somewhere, which is still a shit ton of money.

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he isn't earning 1-3m a year. He's stepped down from microsoft and set up a charity anyway.

Also nobody cares about your opinions TJ

Suck my fat cock.

warnwarn.gif plz no flame, flame is bad - pieter
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Lol tards... His earning is like 1-3m a year, but almost all of his income is from stocks.

So if he's making income from stocks on top of that 1-3m a year then he's making more than 1-3m a year. LOL TARD

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Lol tards... His earning is like 1-3m a year, but almost all of his income is from stocks.

So if he's making income from stocks on top of that 1-3m a year then he's making more than 1-3m a year. LOL TARD

I consider his annual income to be from what he's received while in the company,

and the stocks to be a bonus earnings in their own right.

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was it him, steve jobs, or both that work for $1 per year

they make all of their money from the stock market, and investing.  why would they want more money from their own company when they already have/had billions to invest.  bill gates donates a ton because he wanted to die with nothing left and have it all donated to charity but it's almost impossible because he makes so much per year, donating billions to 3rd world countries and still profiting: win.

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