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Adam's Training Log


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Pec Dec Machine

40 x 12

45 x 4 Dropset-

35 x 4

30 x 7

25 x 12

Chest Press

30 x 12

40 x 8

50 x 0 Damn.

30 x 3

30 x 3+4 Assisted.


5 x 5 No rest-

6.25 x 5 No rest-

7.5 x 5 No rest-

10 x 5 No rest-

6.25 x 12 Slow Negatives.

Incline Bench

25 x 12

30 x 7

Incline Flyes

10 x 8

10 x 7

Alternate DB Curls

16 x 6 Neva done dat b4.

8 x 11

Cable Curls

10 x 8

15 x 6

12.5 x 10

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60 x 12

60 x 12

90 x 8 PR

85 x 12

Low Row

60 x 12

75 x 12

85 x 7 Dropset-

60 x 6

V Bar Pulldown

55 x 9

50 x 12

50 x 9

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Standing Shoulder Press (been using curl bar up until now, started usin olympic bar)

20 x 12

25 x 12

30 x 12

35 x 7

30 x 7

Arnold DB Press

14 x 11

14 x 6

Seated Front Raise

8 x 12 x 3

Seated Rear Delt Raise

4 x 12

4 x 12

5 x 12

Seated Lat Raise

5 x 12

6 x 12

8 x 12

Upright Row

12.5 x 12

15 x 6 Dropset-

10 x 11


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Skipped leg workout last night, had a power nap last night, woke up with the worst cramp in my right calf, couldn't walk on it. skipped it.

Edited by Adam|Spakka
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Flat DB Bench

12s x 12 x 2

16s x 12 x 3

20 x 4

Incline DB Bench

16 x 10

14 x 12 Bad form on last few reps, w/e


6.25 x 12 x 2

7.5 x 12

Barbell Curl

20 x 8

25 x 8

30 x 5

Cable Curl

15 x 6

17.5 x 4 cheat reps

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60 x 12

80 x 12

90 x 10

100 x 4

Low Row

60 x 12

70 x 12

80 x 8

DB Rows

22 x 12

24 x 12

26 x 10

Wide Straight Arm Pushdown

20 x 12

25 x 6 Don't like this exercise anymoar.

Lat Pulldown

40 x 12

50 x 8+3 Cheat reps, banged the bar on my nose last rep from momentum ;(

40 x 12

V Bar Pulldown

35 x 12

45 x 7 Dropset-

40 x 2

25 x 25

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Military Press

20 x 12

25 x 12

30 x 12

35 x 12

40 x 7

Lat Raise

10 x 12

12 x 12

14 x 12

Rear Delt Raise

7 x 12 Bad form, not feelin delts

5 x 12

5 x 12

Smith Shrugs

40 x 12

60 x 12 x 2

Rope Pushdown

15 x 12

20 x 12

25 x 10

One Arm Tricep Pushdown

5 x 12

6.25 x 10 tended to go out wide with this, went down and concentrated on pushing down in a straight line close to my body

3.75 x 12

Overhead DB Extensions

18 x 10

18 x 7 Dropset-

14 x 5

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10mins of cardio/bicycle, 4km, lvl 6, high intensity.

Incline Bench

20 x 12

30 x 12

35 x 12

40 x 8

30 x 12

DB Bench

16 x 10

12 x 12

20 x 2 Dropset-

16 x 4

Incline Flyes

12 x 12 Bad Form

10 x 12 x 2


6.25 x 12

10 x 4

7.5 x 6 Dropset-

5 x 12

Flat Bench

30 x 12

35 x 7

Cable Curls

10 x 12

15 x 10

20 x 6 x 2

22.5 x 3

One Armed Cable Curls

5 x 5

3.75 x 12

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Lat Pulldown

30 x 12

40 x 12

50 x 12

60 x 5 Dropset-

55 x 5

30 x 12

Standing Straight Arm Pushdown

20 x 12

25 x 12

30 x 2 Dropset-

20 x 8


60 x 12

90 x 5 Woops, more lighter sets required.

60 x 12

80 x 12

100 x 5

Low Row

60 x 12

75 x 12

85 x 8

Did some hanging leg raises too.

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Supplement stack for this month:

XL Nutrition whey protein





Green Tea Extract


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Military Press

20 x 12

30 x 12

35 x 12

40 x 3 Meh, crappy, prob didn't have enough rest, dropsetted-

35 x 2

Dumbell Press

14 x 10

14 x 4

Rear Delt Row

6 x 12

7 x 12

8 x 12

Lat Raise

10 x 12

10 x 11

9 x 12

Tricep Pushdown

15 x 12

20 x 12

25 x 10

One Arm Tricep Pushdown

3.75 x 12

5 x 12

6.25 x 10

Post workout shake... 1 can of nourishment, 250ml water, 30g vitargo, 10g glutamine/BCAAs. Bloody horrific man.

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Machine Chest Press

30 x 12

40 x 12

50 x 7

90 x 8 Negatives

35 x 12

DB Bench

16 x 10 x 2

20 x 2

14 x 12

Incline Bench

14 x 10 x 2


7.5 x 12

10 x 8

10 x 4

Pec Dec

30 x 12

40 x 7

35 x 8

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60 x 12 Was feelin this hard in my hamstrings, felt like trying a new posture, sumo style, wide legs, narrow grip-

60 x 12 x 2

90 x 1 Na, back to normal form.

90 x 10

100 x 6


Low Row

65 x 12

75 x 12

90 x 12 Ok, at this point, this hot gym instructor comes and stands right in front of the low row machine, arse right in my face, this is what motivation looks like lads.

Close Grip Pulldown

45 x 12

55 x 12

65 x 8 Cheat reps (using lower back for momentum)

DB Rows

24 x 12


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Standing Military

20 x 12 x 2

30 x 12

35 x 12

40 x 5

30 x 7

Lat Raise

10 x 12 x 2

12 x 12 Got one rep out, couldn't get another, stood up, bit of a swing

10 x 10

Rear Delt Row

8 x 12 x 2

9 x 12

Rope Pushdown

20 x 12

25 x 12

30 x 8 Couple cheat reps thrown in

One Arm Tricep Pushdown

5 x 12

6.25 x 12 Cheat reps

3.75 x 12 Slow reps

Overhead DB Tricep Extension

16 x 12

18 x 6

12 x 12

Big delt/arm pump, took pic, will upload l8r

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20 x 12

30 x 12

40 x 12

50 x 4 Hmm..

40 x 10

Pec Dec

35 x 12

45 x 5

40 x 8

Incline DB Bench

14 x 12

16 x 8

18 x 4


10 x 12 x 2


5 x 12

7.5 x 12 Felt this too much in my delts


10 x 12 Cable [With back to cables, feeding bar through legs]

17.5 x 12 Cable

22.5 x 3 Cable - Wrists in agony :(

12 x 6 Alternate DB

12 x 8 Hammer DB

12 x 6 Alternate DB

14 x 5 Alternate DB

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60 x 12 x 2

90 x 12

95 x 7

Low Row

70 x 12

80 x 12

90 x 12

Lat Pulldown (Behind head, slow, controlled)

40 x 12

50 x 7

40 x 12

V Bar Pulldown

40 x 12

50 x 8

45 x 12

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17/4/12 - Gym was absolutely packed today :/ was awkward with dumbells aswell, couldnt rly find any out of use, so i picked up some 10s and kept em with me :P

5mins treadmill slow/moderate pace

Shoulder press machine

20 x 12

35 x 12

45 x 10

45 x 2 (woops, forgot to change the weight) continous:

50 x 4

40 x 8

35 x 12

45 x 3

Rear Delt Row

10 x 12 x 3

Front Raise

10 x 12

Lat Raise

10 x 12 x 2 wasn't pleased with my form on second set.

9 x 12 x 2

One Arm Tricep Pushdown

5 x 12

7.5 x 12 Questionable form towards end :P

10 x 12 Cheat reps, swinging entire body, still using triceps.

6.25 x 12 controlled reps.

Tricep flat bar pushdown

25 x 12

35 x 5 Crap reps.

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Usually aim to do quite a few/several sets on all main compound exercises, burning more calories + making sure i'm exhausting my muscles to failure each set, if i still got more in me, ill do another set :P

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