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Weightlifting goals?


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So what are yalls short and long term wight lifting goals?

My short term is to bulk back up to 200 lbs and hit 300 lbs bench max. I stopped lifting heavy and cut back to 180 by doing sets of 15 reps but now i wanna bulk back up by doing sets of 5-8 reps and eating 3k calories and up.

Ultimately I wanna weigh around 210 which shouldn't be too hard cause I'm 6'3" and have a decent frame to put on the extra weight. I also wanna bench around 350 and squat around 350 as well, but these are my long term goals so it'll take a decent amount of time to reach it.

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i want a 353 bench, over 400 squat and over 500 dead this year. after these ill cut. in an ideal world ill get 353 bench 440 squat 530 dead

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150 squat, bench 100 by aug 2012 (dale bet me £100 i wont make it)

hes talking in pounds lol

sooooo.........how tall are you and how much do you weigh? cause thats such a low goal for such a long time frame? I used to be 6'3" and weighed 160 and i could do that weight even though i was a twig lol

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150 squat, bench 100 by aug 2012 (dale bet me £100 i wont make it)

hes talking in pounds lol

sooooo.........how tall are you and how much do you weigh? cause thats such a low goal for such a long time frame? I used to be 6'3" and weighed 160 and i could do that weight even though i was a twig lol

i'm new to this, i'm 6 foot, weigh 70, my max bench is 50 atm, i have no idea how long it will take me to be able to bench 100

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How are you 6ft and only weigh 70lbs? Pretty sure that's impossible unless your talking about kilograms, and once you get the right form for all your exercises you should see quick gains but you'll eventually plateau. After I finished my first tub of N.O. Shotgun I added 100 lbs to my max bench. That was due to being in the gym 5 days a week with my older brother who who had alot of weightlifting experience

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also why 353 bench? thats such a random weight unless you include the clamps as weight

cos im british. 3 and a half pl8s = 160kg = 353lb.

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Spittles (Old School)

(all in lbs.) 245 bench, 405 squat, 225 x5 power cleans, dumb bell bench 100 lbs. each

Plan to accomplish this by December.

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