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Im gonna look like an idiot..


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Im 16. About 6'3/6'4 :embarrased: quite tall for my age. I weigh about 11 stone.

I know nothing about all this gym talk or anything. I basically want to put on weight and then look like a big, ripped tuff guy.

What should i eat?

What should i do to look big and ripped?

I have some 3kg weights lying round from a couple years ago. Should i use them? If so what exercises? I dont understand any of these reps or things so a reply in non-gym speak would be nice :nice:

My local gym has some treadmills, bike machines, rowing machines etc which i know how to use and some other things but nothing great like all them bench pressing things u see people always using on tv and stuff.

Thanks 4 reading :victory:

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I have some 3kg weights lying round from a couple years ago. Should i use them?

fucking lol'd

there is no hope for u welsh tom. do not worry about what to eat, just eat, and eat more at this stage, anything and everything counts

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Guest ph0ne

Eat a lot of Meat, bread and shit like Oats.

You'll bulk up fast from bread and oats, but remember to drink lots of water.

Work different muscle groups each day and keep daily regime.

If you only have the 3KG dumbbells i'd suggest buying 5KG/7KG/10KG dumbbells to start with, then eventually move up to 15 within half a year. Dependent on how much you weight there's different exercises but i'd suggest doing pull ups and doing bicep curls with the dumbbells for the upper body and don't abandon your legs so go regular jogging in the evening when it's not as hot, there's plenty of great videos on youtube about it..


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Eat a lot of Meat, bread and shit like Oats.

You'll bulk up fast from bread and oats, but remember to drink lots of water.

Work different muscle groups each day and keep daily regime.

If you only have the 3KG dumbbells i'd suggest buying 5KG/7KG/10KG dumbbells to start with, then eventually move up to 15 within half a year. Dependent on how much you weight there's different exercises but i'd suggest doing pull ups and doing bicep curls with the dumbbells for the upper body and don't abandon your legs so go regular jogging in the evening when it's not as hot, there's plenty of great videos on youtube about it..


lol what work up to 15kg in half a year? that is silly why not just sign up to a gym lol

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Guest ph0ne

Eat a lot of Meat, bread and shit like Oats.

You'll bulk up fast from bread and oats, but remember to drink lots of water.

Work different muscle groups each day and keep daily regime.

If you only have the 3KG dumbbells i'd suggest buying 5KG/7KG/10KG dumbbells to start with, then eventually move up to 15 within half a year. Dependent on how much you weight there's different exercises but i'd suggest doing pull ups and doing bicep curls with the dumbbells for the upper body and don't abandon your legs so go regular jogging in the evening when it's not as hot, there's plenty of great videos on youtube about it..


lol what work up to 15kg in half a year? that is silly why not just sign up to a gym lol

15KG Dumbells aren't that light, and it's not about how heavy you can lift, it's the constant lifting of a consistent type of weight that will tone the muscle.

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join the gym make sure it has machines and free weights, they should also give you an induction to show you how to use each machine etc. if not ask them or others in the gym. middle ages people tend to help. Look at bodybuilding.com/forum(i think its called that) and look for the beginner routine called rippetoes. dont eat junk foods and just eat as much as you can and if you need to know about supplement pm tango he know shis shit :).

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Eat a lot of Meat, bread and shit like Oats.

You'll bulk up fast from bread and oats, but remember to drink lots of water.

Work different muscle groups each day and keep daily regime.

If you only have the 3KG dumbbells i'd suggest buying 5KG/7KG/10KG dumbbells to start with, then eventually move up to 15 within half a year. Dependent on how much you weight there's different exercises but i'd suggest doing pull ups and doing bicep curls with the dumbbells for the upper body and don't abandon your legs so go regular jogging in the evening when it's not as hot, there's plenty of great videos on youtube about it..


lol what work up to 15kg in half a year? that is silly why not just sign up to a gym lol

15KG Dumbells aren't that light, and it's not about how heavy you can lift, it's the constant lifting of a consistent type of weight that will tone the muscle.

get toning tommy

Tom just get gym membership n eat lots.

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Meleed i read ur guide. Some of it was too complicated 4 me to be bothered understanding it lol. Got the bits about cardio and weight lifting tho.

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best thing u can do is join a hardcore gym. at these posh fucking faggot council gyms they just turn their nose up at you and itll be full of scruffy charvers, so go to the most hardcore gym where all the 'roidheads' go in ur town/city and that is where u shall find the most help.

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Yeah dont listen to phone, dont start running as ur skinny enough.

Dont do any cardio, join a traditional bodybuilding gym (as dale said, where all the roidheads go), eat like fuck, get a mass gainer shake and follow a workout plan.

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Guest ph0ne

Yeah dont listen to phone, dont start running as ur skinny enough.

Dont do any cardio, join a traditional bodybuilding gym (as dale said, where all the roidheads go), eat like fuck, get a mass gainer shake and follow a workout plan.

Yeah man, just abandon cardio at all, look buff upper body and have 2CM legs  :facepalm:

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Yeah dont listen to phone, dont start running as ur skinny enough.

Dont do any cardio, join a traditional bodybuilding gym (as dale said, where all the roidheads go), eat like fuck, get a mass gainer shake and follow a workout plan.

Yeah man, just abandon cardio at all, look buff upper body and have 2CM legs  :facepalm:

nice techno-gym no squat rack phagz. hence y i said roidhead gym.

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I'm quite interested in this, seeing as i'm about 6'1 and weigh the same as you.

I've been told the best bet is just to work on bulking first, who knows...

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Meleed i read ur guide. Some of it was too complicated 4 me to be bothered understanding it lol. Got the bits about cardio and weight lifting tho.

lol it's put simply there.

ez mode for you = eat alot of protein, eat alot of food. go on bodybuilding.com and find a ready made routine which you can copy which best suits your goals. i'd suggest a strength training routine for obvious reasons (new to lifting). on the routine if you don't know what the exercise is that it's telling you to do just youtube it for the correct form. squats and deadlifts are hard to master but worth it.

pm me if you need any help concerning this

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Yeah dont listen to phone, dont start running as ur skinny enough.

Dont do any cardio, join a traditional bodybuilding gym (as dale said, where all the roidheads go), eat like fuck, get a mass gainer shake and follow a workout plan.

Yeah man, just abandon cardio at all, look buff upper body and have 2CM legs  :facepalm:

rof running doesn't get your legs big mate. please stop giving people advice untill its valid.

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Yeah dont listen to phone, dont start running as ur skinny enough.

Dont do any cardio, join a traditional bodybuilding gym (as dale said, where all the roidheads go), eat like fuck, get a mass gainer shake and follow a workout plan.

Yeah man, just abandon cardio at all, look buff upper body and have 2CM legs  :facepalm:

rof running doesn't get your legs big mate. please stop giving people advice untill its valid.

exactly lol. He's probs never done squating, lunges or anything lol

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Guest ph0ne

Yeah dont listen to phone, dont start running as ur skinny enough.

Dont do any cardio, join a traditional bodybuilding gym (as dale said, where all the roidheads go), eat like fuck, get a mass gainer shake and follow a workout plan.

Yeah man, just abandon cardio at all, look buff upper body and have 2CM legs  :facepalm:

rof running doesn't get your legs big mate. please stop giving people advice untill its valid.

Works your calves and endurance, Hes doesn't want to go pro he's asking advice.

Please stop replying with bullshit crap that's not even needed, reply with advice that's what this thread is about

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HE WANTS TO GET BIGGER, RUNNING DOESNT DO THIS MATE!! do you think that only pro bodybuilders work legs other than cardio lol?? just doing cardio will leave ur legs well out of proportion if you're building ur upper body.

idiot ill delete all ur replies untill you show some knowledge.

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Tbh man, buy a door frame pull up bar, do it every night b4 you go to bed. You'll see nice gains over time.

HE WANTS TO GET BIGGER, RUNNING DOESNT DO THIS MATE!! do you think that only pro bodybuilders work legs other than cardio lol?? just doing cardio will leave ur legs well out of proportion if you're building ur upper body.

idiot ill delete all ur replies untill you show some knowledge.

Jesus christ lol, chill out captain cocaine...

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