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Discussion of the Pyramids


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When was the last time france won a war?

algeria 1962

and you?

Algeria was fighting for its independance, which it gained in 1962? is that victory...i guess its the closest thing you've ever been  ;) Best army you have is the FFL which is made up mostly of foreigners  o.O

Haven't you ever been to a history lesson?

my grandfather was colonel in the FFL, and he's 100% french

algeria was won by the french, but we decided to give them independance anyways

took you this long to look it up on wikipedia?  :shifty:

So you won, but backed down and gave them what they was fighting for....maybe you should have given them it in the first place.

and i said mostly of foreigners.

and didnt france just pull out the few forces they actually had in Libya?

anyway back to the point, i think ancient aliens existed

maybe you should have given them it in the first place.

i believe we should've left them sand niggers alone in the first place

and didnt france just pull out the few forces they actually had in Libya?

we are only using planes, and no we didn't pull out anything that wasn't there in the first place

france is bombing the bad guys

anyway back to the point, i think ancient aliens existed

you started baiting with that overused "when was the last time france won a war" question, but ok

read what i said in "aliens real?" topic and you will realise that's highly unlikely

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"Thanks aliens for the pyramids... do you need them at all? No? You're just going to put them here? Okay, do you mind if we use them to bury our kings in preparation for the afterlife? Thanks a lot guys."

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"Thanks aliens for the pyramids... do you need them at all? No? You're just going to put them here? Okay, do you mind if we use them to bury our kings in preparation for the afterlife? Thanks a lot guys."

Was it in preparation in the afterlife, or was it something else?

You've obviously heard of the roswell incident, whats your ideas on that?

Try to be open minded rather than just trying to slaughter the arguement because you think we are the only ones in the universe or that its impossible to go above light speed (just like the earth used to be flat)

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The Earth didn't used to be flat, nor did people think it was. And it is impossible to go above the speed of light. Physics proves this. It's not that I think something is, it's just a rule.

I'm not really sure, as to what happened, just like nobody else is. I'm more likely to say it was a plane/balloon crash than an alien crash. Surely, if you're an advanced lifeform, you wouldn't crash ever and if you did manage to lose control or your spaceship decided to not work for whatever reason I'd say you have the brainpower to fix it or find an appropriate manner of survival. And then after I'd have survived what minimal chance of a crash ther is, I'd be sure to have a self destruct mannerism or a cloaking device because I can design those things because i'm an alien.

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I better argument would have been

"Hey france, how'd the world cup go!"

Not about wars lol,

And rofl Joe at SandNiggers

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Tom (Rendition)

So you won, but backed down and gave them what they was fighting for....maybe you should have given them it in the first place.

and i said mostly of foreigners.

and didnt france just pull out the few forces they actually had in Libya?

anyway back to the point, i think ancient aliens existed

M8.....Britain had over 10 African colonies.  Most of these colonies struggled for independance, but in the end Britain granted these colonies independance.

Arguing about who's military is better, or which country has a more prestigious military history is all very childish in my opinion.   Does the fact that your country has won many wars and has a very impressive military make YOU, as an inidivual any more impressive? No it doesn't, pipe down.

OT: As much as the idea of aliens and magnets excite me, it has no basis in science or history.  My guess is.....they used logs, perhaps pulleys and alot of man power.   Put a breeze block on a straw and it will collapse.  Put a breeze block on 30 straws and it will support the weight.  Try it.

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all i know is bak in the day the rich ppl/ kings and shit would have tones of slaves and the slaves would build it , if they didn't work they'd get whiped

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