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==Real Life Pictures==

Justin|1 PureDevil

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lol nice, i thought they made everything illegal there now?

fuck no, I live there mate :p.

@James, haha :p.

A lot of parents here were hippies back in the day.

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Hahahahahhahaha Tomas, epic!

Didn't know you went Amsterdam mate :p.

Good shit am I right?

It was amazing man, i am going again either at the end of summer or in december. ( Only shops and coffeshops pissed me off, people there are hustlers.  I had to start arguing about prices every time. )

Btw, do you ride with motorcycle ? Coz I swear i seen there someone going by who looked like you. With a bitch at the back.

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Hahahahahhahaha Tomas, epic!

Didn't know you went Amsterdam mate :p.

Good shit am I right?

It was amazing man, i am going again either at the end of summer or in december. ( Only shops and coffeshops pissed me off, people there are hustlers.  I had to start arguing about prices every time. )

Btw, do you ride with motorcycle ? Coz I swear i seen there someone going by who looked like you. With a bitch at the back.

What? Are you serious? I've never argued about prices at coffeeshops, maybe cuz they know your english ( dont talk dutch)? I dunno.

Nice to hear you enjoyed it haha, never heard of a weed-tourist not enjoying Amsterdam though  :shifty:.

I laughed at your 4 baggies haha, how much did you get?

Nah man, I got a car but no motorcycle.

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Yeah man that's it, because I am tourist they tried to rip me off every time. But when you say, no thanks, they will drop the price wayyy down.

In that picture you can't see all bags. It's from day one and i had like 6 grams of different weed. Some hash and i got 5 grams of purple haze ( loved the smell ). So I ended up spending shit load on weed because i was smoking like +10g's a day easy.

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Yeah man that's it, because I am tourist they tried to rip me off every time. But when you say, no thanks, they will drop the price wayyy down.

In that picture you can't see all bags. It's from day one and i had like 6 grams of different weed. Some hash and i got 5 grams of purple haze ( loved the smell ). So I ended up spending shit load on weed because i was smoking like +10g's a day easy.

Wow sad.. they usually have this plate near the counter which says what kind costs how much.

In my opinion it's really cheap in Amsterdam for the good shit.

Hahaha day one only, sounds like you went all-out bro :D.

Purp Haze is like the worst weed you can get :p, I like it to though ^^.

It's so different from other weed tbh.

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Yeah man that's it, because I am tourist they tried to rip me off every time. But when you say, no thanks, they will drop the price wayyy down.

In that picture you can't see all bags. It's from day one and i had like 6 grams of different weed. Some hash and i got 5 grams of purple haze ( loved the smell ). So I ended up spending shit load on weed because i was smoking like +10g's a day easy.

Wow sad.. they usually have this plate near the counter which says what kind costs how much.

In my opinion it's really cheap in Amsterdam for the good shit.

Hahaha day one only, sounds like you went all-out bro :D.

Purp Haze is like the worst weed you can get :p, I like it to though ^^.

It's so different from other weed tbh.

Yeah they got menus, but once u walk about you can find same weed half price. Purple, yeah i know it was cheap as hell that's why i picked up 5 grams straight up. But it just smelled so good, it was sweet. Also, I didn't want to get just best shit coz it knocks you out. Then I wouldn't be able to get my ass around the place. So i usually bough some cheaper weed instead of cigarettes, had to smoke.

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Yeah man that's it, because I am tourist they tried to rip me off every time. But when you say, no thanks, they will drop the price wayyy down.

In that picture you can't see all bags. It's from day one and i had like 6 grams of different weed. Some hash and i got 5 grams of purple haze ( loved the smell ). So I ended up spending shit load on weed because i was smoking like +10g's a day easy.

Wow sad.. they usually have this plate near the counter which says what kind costs how much.

In my opinion it's really cheap in Amsterdam for the good shit.

Hahaha day one only, sounds like you went all-out bro :D.

Purp Haze is like the worst weed you can get :p, I like it to though ^^.

It's so different from other weed tbh.

Yeah they got menus, but once u walk about you can find same weed half price. Purple, yeah i know it was cheap as hell that's why i picked up 5 grams straight up. But it just smelled so good, it was sweet. Also, I didn't want to get just best shit coz it knocks you out. Then I wouldn't be able to get my ass around the place. So i usually bough some cheaper weed instead of cigarettes, had to smoke.

Oh yeah true.

I always go to the same coffeeshop cuz it's close to Central Station :p. It has like 2 grams of very good shit for 12eu.

And a spot where when you buy 12euro's of weed/hasj you get a free gram of weed with it on fridays.

Haha yeah Purp smells good bro :). Did you go with more people?

That weed beer was fucking nasty btw am I right? Never tried it cuz I just thought it would be terrible lol.

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I am one fucked up kid, you are right. I don't think I have a soul.

The first thing I think of when somebody dies, is... "DO A FLIP!"

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3 hit you actually look like a cool person to hang out with :p

Thanks bro, it's never boring when you kick it with me.

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*drumm rolllllllllll*

thats me :))

meh jkin :P

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Do you live in Nova Scotia? You look familiar..

nope I dont even know where that is :O

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ilx ace ilx

when u guys post all these pictures of you and maybe your friends in them, do they know about it? :wow: if not, what if they find out about it?  :o

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when u guys post all these pictures of you and maybe your friends in them, do they know about it? :wow: if not, what if they find out about it?  :o

3 of my best friends played it and another good friend has seen me play it :p.

Don't care to much but I don't show it to many people as it is an embarrassing game and no girl I know knows I play it ( except for gf ).

Don't think they would mind if they see me posting them pics, like you guys would ever see them in rl or w/e :p.

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