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Does she like me?


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A few things... you can lock your own topics.

Irony at it's finest. "too off-topic"? I'll remind you this is the off topic section.

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What's her name? I wanna find her on Facebook and link her to this topic, so then her and Australian boyfriend can come onto these boards, name themselves 'Slutty Bitch' and laugh at you, then call you a dickhead and befriend a few people.

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Sam|Stop Lying

What's her name? I wanna find her on Facebook and link her to this topic, so then her and Australian boyfriend can come onto these boards, name themselves 'Slutty Bitch' and laugh at you, then call you a dickhead and befriend a few people.


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What's her name? I wanna find her on Facebook and link her to this topic, so then her and Australian boyfriend can come onto these boards, name themselves 'Slutty Bitch' and laugh at you, then call you a dickhead and befriend a few people.


When are you going to get banned again mate?

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Sam|Stop Lying

What's her name? I wanna find her on Facebook and link her to this topic, so then her and Australian boyfriend can come onto these boards, name themselves 'Slutty Bitch' and laugh at you, then call you a dickhead and befriend a few people.


When are you going to get banned again mate?

When are you going to get over the fact that Naomi never loved you?

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Everytime you retaliate, you get trolled more. Y U NO LEARN THIS!?

You probably never will learn this because you can't get over her. So man the fuck up and move on.

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What's her name? I wanna find her on Facebook and link her to this topic, so then her and Australian boyfriend can come onto these boards, name themselves 'Slutty Bitch' and laugh at you, then call you a dickhead and befriend a few people.


When are you going to get banned again mate?

Not for a while you're the first person i've took the piss out of for a while and nobody likes you anyway lololo

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Everytime you retaliate, you get trolled more. Y U NO LEARN THIS!?

You probably never will learn this because you can't get over her. So man the fuck up and move on.

Dr Phil in the phuckin howze.

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O.K. This is how it goes. You get an orangutan. I'm not talking a monkey or some dancing chimp BS, I mean a damn orangutan. Don't ask me how you're gonna get an orangutan that's not my problem. So the orangutan's name is Clyde. This is non-negotiable, all orangutans are named Clyde. I don't know why this is, it's just how the world works. So you and Clyde become man (and ape) about town. You're seen everywhere together, you make the scene. You and friends go out in big groups. You talk loud, you laugh louder. Every time you say something witty you high-five the orangutan. The town begins to buzz. It gets back to her. "Did you know the guy with the orangutan?" "You used to like the guy with the orangutan?" "Why wouldn't you go out with a guy with an orangutan?"

Next thing you know she's calling. "I'm hoping we can still be friends. Wanna hang out sometime?" "Geez I dunno, me and Clyde were going to a monster truck race tonight. (Orangutans love monster trucks) In fact the whole social calendar seems kinda full. I tell you what, I'll make a little note (what was your name again?) and maybe I can squeeze you in." "Oh, well you know my number so don't be a stra-" "Hey look at the time! I gotta skate, Clyde's making Mojitos."

At this point the upper hand is yours. You can let her twist in the wind; you can draw her back into your life at the pace you decide. Whatever, it's your life. But if you're a smart man? You slowly phase her back in. You're IMing. You're talking on Live. You get invited to family functions. You bring Clyde, he becomes like one of the family. You're one big Brady Bunch

There really is nothing like a nice original post to make some friends on a forum where clearly nobody likes you.


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Clarence L.

im black=)

anyway, dont talk to her about it! not yet. ask her friends to hint it at her, and get info from them. if you ask her, and she doesn't like you, its gonna feel realllly awkward.

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Zz Nektas Zz

Get ur chance i had the same situation and you never will get the same girl as her so ask her

Tip ask her out to go whit her to a nice place like the beach when the sun is raising down (my grammer is not 100 %) hold her hands and ask her :) btw she will kiss you of you do that

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Its zeh noob

Get ur chance i had the same situation and you never will get the same girl as her so ask her

Tip ask her out to go whit her to a nice place like the beach when the sun is raising down (my grammer is not 100 %) hold her hands and ask her :) btw she will kiss you of you do that

Living in a fairy world?

On topic, just ask. Easiest way and probably the best way to find out.

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Zz Nektas Zz

Lol dan niet ik heb het zo ongeveer gedaan maar dan niet bij zonsondergang maar gewoon ergens chilling btw is geen fairly world -.-

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Ohh en zeh noob morgen 1v1 tegen mij ik pm je in irc of ingame hybrid fight 20 deff cap

ohh en zeh morgen tegen mij i cant speak dutch

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