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Weekly workouts


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Share your workouts, I know I'd like to hear some of you guys workout regimes. You can also put your max lifts and your working weights to give people a rough idea of what %'s are good to work at etc.

MAXIMUM'S (I've not actually done my max lifts before, but I will on monday after a rest on sunday):

Push ups - I reach failure at 87 - at RAF Regiment Selection I did 60 in 60 seconds


Although I consider myself in pretty good physical condition, I know I'm not insanely strong either, but I'm not trying to be a power lifter, I just aim to keep as fit as possible for military standards. This is my weekly workout, made by moi. If this helps you in any way then that's a bonus:

MONDAY - chest, triceps, abs/core

Incline bench press - 1x 12 warm up + 3 sets: 8, 6, 6 @ 40kg

Flat bench press - 3 sets: 8, 6, 6 @ 50kg

Clap push ups - 3x 10 reps

DB Flys - 3x 12 reps @ 12kg

French press (Skullcrusher) - 8, 6, 6 @ 20kg

Cable push down (with bar) - 2x 10 @ 20kg

Cable push down (with rope) - 2x 10 @ 20kg

Few minutes rest.

CORE WORK - Plank: 90 seconds / Crunches: 25 ----90 second rest----

Then without a break, keeping legs raised off the floor at all times:

Leg raised crunches: 15 / Knees to chest: 15 / Leg raised oblique twists (knee to elbow): 10 each side / Leg raised sit up hold (i dunno how else to explain it, do half a sit up then hold it): 30 seconds / V sit crunch together without legs touching floor: 10 / Leg raise hold: 40 seconds

----60 second rest----

Hanging leg raise - 3x 10

2.4km/1.5miles run on treadmill @ 2.0 incline on best effort (best time so far: 9m08s)

TUESDAY - Back, shoulders, bicep

Morning @ 9am:

Run 3 miles steady state (approx. 7 minute mile pace)

After work (gym):

Pulldown - 1x warm up 12 reps @ 40kg

Wide grip overhand pull up - 3x 5 reps (slow + controlled with full elbow lock on way down)

Barbell row - 3x 10 @ 40kg

Straight arm cable pull down - 8, 6, 6 @ 20kg

Upright row - 1x warm up 12 reps @ 20kg - 3x 10 reps @ 40kg

Shrugs - 3x 10 reps @ 40kg bar

Preacher curl - 1x warm up 12 reps @ 10kg - 3 sets 8, 6, 6 reps @ 30kg

Hammer curl - 3x 10 reps @ 12kg dumbbells

WEDNESDAY - legs + abs/core

Morning @ 6am:

Swim - 20 lengths doing 1 front crawl 1 back stroke + repeat (10 of each stroke alternating)

After work (gym):

Squat - 1x warm up 12 reps @ 20kg - 3x 10 reps @ 70kg

Leg press - 3 sets 8, 6, 6 reps @ 100kg (hate leg press machine, I get slight knee pain if I pack on the weight or do too many reps, so I just keep it low)

Leg extension - 3x 10 reps @ 50kg

Leg curl - 3x 10 reps @ 50kg

Calf raises - 3x 10 reps @ 50kg

(Same CORE WORKOUT as monday)

THURSDAY - Chest + tricep

Morning @ 6am:

Swim 20 breast stroke lengths

After work (gym):

Push ups - 2x 10 warm up - 3x 40 reps

Incline DB press - 8, 6, 6 @ 12kg dumbbells

Decline DB press - 2x 10 @ 16kg dumbbells

Decline bar press - 3x 10 @ 50kg

(If I'm in one of those moods I'll add flat bench press in here, 3x 10 @ 40kg)

Cable fly's - 3x 12 @ 10kg (each side)

Close grip bench press - 3x 10 @ 30kg

Dumbbell kickback - 3x 12 @ 6kg dumbbells

Cable push down with bar - 3 sets 8, 6, 6 reps @ 20kg

FRIDAY - Back, shoulders, bicep, abs/core

Morning @ 6am:

Run 8-10 miles steady state (keeping to 8 mins mile pace)

After work (gym):

Barbell row - 1x 12 warm up @ 20kg - 3 sets, 8, 6, 6 reps @ 40kg, 50kg

Lat pulldown - 3x 10 reps @ 60kg

Deadlift -  2x 10 warm up @ 20kg + 30kg - 3 sets 8, 6, 6 @ 60kg, 80kg

Arnold press - 1x 12 warm up @ 10kg - 3 sets 8, 6, 6 @ 14kg/16kg

Front raise - 3x 10 reps @ 6kg dumbbells

Lateral raise - 3x 10 reps @ 6kg dumbbells

Concentration curl - 1x 12 warm up @ 8kg dumbbells - 3x 10 @ 12kg dumbbells

Hammer curl - 3 sets 8, 6, 6 reps @ 14kg dumbbells

Forearm curl - 3x 12 reps @ 10kg


Same CORE WORKOUT (without hanging leg raises) as monday + wednesday.

SATURDAY - Circuit

Quick warm up, quick stretch - alternating between slow jog + sprints, few sets of 10 push ups and some star jumps

20 push ups

20 leg raised abdominal crunches

20 squat jumps

30 second leg raise hold (legs straight)

10 clap push ups

10 oblique twists (each side)

5 underarm pull ups to chest

3 minutes skipping/jump rope

90 second rest + repeat 5 times

Finish with bleep test - my last score, 12.2 - (go to thebleeptest.com + download it for your mp3 player, mark 15metres and just go)




That's mine anyway, what are yours?

P.S. My diet is about 4-5k calories a day, about 80-100 grams of protein + LOADS of carbs as I do a lot of cardio.

My supplementation: Whey protein, creatine monohydrate, glutamine peptides (I also eat a lot of fruit and have an extra portion of vegetables and meat with all my dinners).

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monday - arms

tuesday - legs

wednesday - chest

thurs - back / traps

fri - shoulders / calfs

Any details? Exercises etc? :)

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Monday: Legs: Leg Press, Leg extension, Standing calf, Lying leg curl.

Chest: Pectoral, Chest Press.

Biceps: Dumbells, Arm curl, multi-station

Tuesday: Cardio.

Wednesday: Triceps: Triceps press, multi-station.

Back: Pulley, Lat machine, Vertical row, and another one... forgot the name of it.

Shoulders: Shoulder press, Delt's

Thursday: Cardio

Friday: Legs: Leg Press, Leg extension, Standing calf, Lying leg curl.

Chest: Pectoral, Chest Press.

Biceps: Dumbells, Arm curl, multi-station

Monday: Triceps: Triceps press, multi-station.

Back: Pulley, Lat machine, Vertical row, and another one... forgot the name of it.

Shoulders: Schoulder press, Delt's


This is my first schedule, I'm getting a new one this Monday :)

Then i´ll be doing benches :P and other things

Oh and im doing 4x10.

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monday - shoulders

tuesday - arms

wednesday  - legs

thursday - back

friday - chest

sat/sun off.

do an hour of quick walking a day (split into 2 sections) and i do core exercises (planks etc) every other day

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2-3 warm up sets on heavy compounds, 3x6 unless otherwise stated





Decline Bench

Push Press

Upright Row

Tricep exercise 2x10



Yates Row

Pull ups/lat pulldowns

Leg Curls 2x10

Bicep Curls 2x10

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Sam you have only one rest day?

Monday- Chest/Biceps

Tuesday- Rest

Wednesday- Back

Thursday- Rest

Friday- Shoulder/Triceps

Saturday- Rest

Sunday- Legs

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