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Water has no taste??

G-Falo Son

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Ok I got to thinking about this the other night with my fiance. I don't like water because I think it taste bad and then she goes it has no taste so how can't you like it.  Now if the no taste were infact true explain this to me.  When she or anyone else gets a drink from a drink machine from like McDonalds or something and they start to drink it and says this taste watered down.  How can it taste watered down if water has no taste???  If you can taste "watered down" or a "watery" drink, then clearly water DOES have a taste.  What do you guys think?

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interesting.  i think this is a common misconception with people, i think water does have a taste, but people mix up saying "water is tasteless" when they are really referring to water's lack of taste.  It doesn't have much taste, but there is something there.

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Water has no taste, if you think it does, it's actually because your mouth has residue or w/e from some previous meal/drink. if your mouth was 100% sterile the water would be tasteless. ALso, water from taps and even bottled water has additives, it isn't pure water.

When something is "watered down" for instance juice, it becomes less concentrated. IF water had a more intense concentration then the liquid it's being mixed into, it wouldn't be watered down.

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Watered down doesn't mean you can taste the water.. It means the strength of what ever you were drinking is lessened to what your used to it tasting like.

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pure water has no taste

we never drink pure water, they all have minerals etc, and have taste.

every water has a different taste, can't really discribe them..

(and taste changes if you drink while eating)

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I'm putting this to the test today. I just woke up and I'm going to wait 2 hours then drink a water.  Nothing else will be eaten or drank before then either

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I think what you taste in water is its impurities. Water from the tap may have minerals, dirt, etc in it. You can kind of taste the plastic in water from a bottle. If you could get pure water I don't think it would have a taste.

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In America, we have a TON of fluoride in our water which gives it a distinct taste.

Fluoride is good though because it prevents cavities, whitens teeth etc, compare the US to a country like Britain and you'll see.

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Sam|Stop Lying

In America, we have a TON of fluoride in our water which gives it a distinct taste.

Fluoride is good though because it prevents cavities, whitens teeth etc, compare the US to a country like Britain and you'll see.


<3 you british messes.

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I'm putting this to the test today. I just woke up and I'm going to wait 2 hours then drink a water.  Nothing else will be eaten or drank before then either

and the water will have a taste due to the minerals in it/bacteria in your mouth.

it's almost impossible to test this theory, but i'm sure some scientists have done it.

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You will never not be able to taste water unless somehow you managed to purify your mouth and get rid of the millions of bacteria.

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G-Falo Son

I must say, water hasbecome very michievious(yea I probably spelled that wrong) to me from all this

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you have to be american to drink this >.<

i had friends who went to usa on a student exchange program. They drank so much soda that when they came back to france they only drank water for about 6 months...

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you have to be american to drink this >.<

i had friends who went to usa on a student exchange program. They drank so much soda that when they came back to france they only drank water for about 6 months...

That's their faults not ours lul

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