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Does anyone want to make GFX for me?


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Hi all, just wondering if anyone could make me a Pro GFX, Anything is good to me so whatever you post would be fantastic :).

My Stats are:


Maybe something to do with the Firemaking or Mage anything will do.

My RSN: Neurologix


- Neurologix -

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Here's a couple of reasons why I refuse.

First off, you post your posts in a variety of colours. I dislike people who post in colours, because it's annoying as shit and is incredibly unnecessary. I know you're new to the forums and all but it doesn't make you look innovative, it doesn't make you look "hip", it makes you look like an idiot, and it's distracting as shit.

Second off, nobody here really knows you. Sure, you made an app, sure, you're probably on the road to joining the clan as another dime-a-dozen that FOE accepts at an alarming rate, but with 7 posts you've first off made no contribution to this community whatsoever, as I highly doubt that one of your seven posts has been groundbreaking enough to make people shed tears, and second of all you're not really known.

And thirdly, it looks like you're requesting a pixel or cartoon. I don't do pixels any more, especially not for free, and knowing the others who actually do pixels you're looking at around 10-20m for a decent one, and that's if they're willing to do it.

Welcome to the forums :Hi:

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