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Most Likely when you clicked on this topic, you thought to yourself right away about... "The End Of the World Superstition"

Well, you were correct. What are you opinions on it?.

To me, its all Bullsh*t. I won't go into detail about why, so that's where you guys come in  :embarrased:

Heres a Quicklink for people that have Researched about it, so you can look at this if you would like. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=2012&aq=f&oq=&aqi=g10

Off Topic|On Topic -  Heres a Video Trailer of the Movie "2012"


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Dam I might die as a virgin.

Lmao  :wow:

I think its all bullshit, but i wish it wasnt, it would be cool to see the end of the world. And we get to see it, what a honor

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Dam I might die as a virgin.

Lmao  :wow:

I think its all bullshit, but i wish it wasnt, it would be cool to see the end of the world. And we get to see it, what a honor

Lmao it would be an honor to see the end of the world but at the same time it would blow. We would see like .005 seconds of the end of the world before we were dead.
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Not like we'll can do anything about it if it happens, they said other years to be the end of the world too and they weren't correct. Don't really care.

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The only thing I am concerned with is scientific data showing that we will be aligned with the dark rift (center of Milky Way galaxy) around that time. It is suspected that this could cause the magnetic poles to change, which would obviously have devastating results for humanity. However, studies have shown that this shifting is a very slow process, and may not immediately affect us (if it does happen). As far as the Mayan superstitions, etc., I am not worried.

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complete bullshit.just because people in loin cloth were too lazy to keep going doesn't mean it's over. also they sacrificed people to make the sun rise,rain, etc., they're not the most credible group of people.

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I use to believe this 2012 bs.

Until someone reminded me about the 6-6-6 rumor. All bs tbh

Nostradamus just got lucky with his predictions with tsunami & etc.

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The only thing I am concerned with is scientific data showing that we will be aligned with the dark rift (center of Milky Way galaxy) around that time. It is suspected that this could cause the magnetic poles to change, which would obviously have devastating results for humanity. However, studies have shown that this shifting is a very slow process, and may not immediately affect us (if it does happen). As far as the Mayan superstitions, etc., I am not worried.

I'm goign with Mike, he always seems to be into this kinda mysterious stuff and a great answer too it, something my Biology teacher would have said :p

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