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An Avatar :\...


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Hi.. I'm Puscy--Pker.

Some of you might remember me, some might not.

If anyone remembers, Ranging Imp once made me an avatar with the letters P U S C Y on it fading in and out. I know it's very easy to make but I can't do it myself.. It just reminded me of him and that felt good everytime I posted somewhere. Unfortunately Imageshack decided to ban the link like last week :wacko: And I have no clue why.

(This is the link as they changed it to: http://img24.echo.cx/img24/3823/puscy0xl.gif )

I was hoping someone knew a way to restore it or possibly make me a new 1. I'd like it to have a darkblue/darkpurple(good looking mix of them 2) background with maybe something fancy.. But not too much as it would make it all ugly :( I really hope someone can do me this favour.

Thanks :)

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Know of any topics on the old forums? You could probably find a topic by you and then the avatar should still be there.

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Know of any topics on the old forums? You could probably find a topic by you and then the avatar should still be there.

Yer, you can click your profile then go "view recent posts" or some shit.

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