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I was probably asking for it...GF BANK I QUIT RS


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THAT much combo food and THAT many high-spec weapons and you still die? Sorry but you're pretty bad.

And a lil quote of mine:

Only the weak quit after losing everything, the strong come back fighting and become stronger.

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THAT much combo food and THAT many high-spec weapons and you still die? Sorry but you're pretty bad.

And a lil quote of mine:

Only the weak quit after losing everything, the strong come back fighting and become stronger.

uhm idk how you can tell if im bad by one clip but ok.. :whistle:

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why do ppl like u pk?

cus i play for the luls and not take game srsly like u :D :D :D

only thing id get luls from is seeing how bad you are.

if its fun to you to get 40m then go lose it on a massive fail, whatever works for you.  :embarrased:

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