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4th cartoon sig xD


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Hey, i just realised ive only got 6 days left on my photoshop trial, so i thought id make use of it before it runs out, it's in my sig, tell me what you think of it, it's only my 4th, i didn't do outlines, because i've only ever done sigs with outlines, and i like the look of ones without them :P

Rate and CC please no flaming xD

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simple but nice, u should do a better background eg. Wildy

But me rikey rock crabs  ;o

And i don't like BH worlds, i prefer world pvp, who's to say that this sig isnt on a pvp world eh? =]

Edit: although.. i'm an f2p pure, why the hell wud i be at rock crabs on a pvp world :P cept to train ofc.

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Loving it. :) Nice job on this one.

Although I think you should try to shade it and you should install some cooler fonts.

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why are the background + rock crabs like the same luminosity/saturation? :\ can't see em.

Because thats what rock crabs are like ingame, theyre only a slight different colour to the ground, and also because, this is my 4th sig?

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