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criti--damn boy u dont even know what u are talking about?

u use a site that is against muslamic religion as a source of information?

boy l2learn about others before even jugdjing them and that none sence caus i am muslim my self and i never tried to blow my self and no one ik (who is mulslim ) tried

thats some serius bullshit

btw evryone has the right to think what they want boys but its illogic to spray false information and use it to as a source

Every post I see of yours is retarded, seriously.

You're telling people to learn, when you yourself can't even learn basic grammar or spelling.

Jeez ...

On Topic:

I don't know shit all about religion, and I really couldn't care for it.

I just find it all useless. My Opinion

@ jugg, yes that website is full of shit, I didn't even read 1/10th of it.

@elven: the point of having a debate is questioning other people's opinions. Religion was created to answer questions science couldn't, help the people cope with the fact that they are going to die, reassuring ignorant people.

Nowadays it is a way of getting people together, having a friendly community, and still is about reassuring ignorant people, since we have yet to learn what comes after life, or how it began.

The day science answers all the questions about life and death i will cease to be catholic (not that i would become muslim...)

theres nothing about being intelligent i dont like english grammar and stuff nothing else im already good with myself but knowing 2 different language think i can be perfect in 3?

I'm perfect in 4...

you're a disgrace to the french. Oh wait you're probably an immigrant.

Here's the only thing you were born to be: unemployed. And it'll be people like me who will pay for you.

Stop embarassing yourself and "your" country, gtfo this website.


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who even said am french i said i talk frecnch nothing else and whats the point of trying to to flame this topic isn`t made for this if u think i ersonnaly took those comments ur wrong say what ever u want i didnt even look at the comments

oh criti please read this:  pourquoi essayer de faire vos intelligents et de m'insulter juste pour une reponse dans cet article.Tu ne gagne rien a me dire ca et tu croit que le fait de m'insultler appuis ton opignon sur moi?c'est vraix je suis con et que mes reponses parraisent stupides mais ca na aucune raison de me traiter d'imbecile et tout.

au fait je voudrais aussi souligner que je nài jamais etait en englais niveau basic

j'ai passer mon etape avec une moyenne de 85% en niveau enrichit ou avancer.

et aufait si tes poyr me dire que je suis un gachie de la societer je te fait connaitre que j'ai eu le cerfificat du meilleur en mathematique a mon exole a maintes reprises

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Vu tes erreurs d orthographe ahurissantes et tes expressions a coucher dehors tu dois etre un gamin belge. Je te pisse a la raie. Bon je te laisse, va crever.

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putain! peut-etre que je suis un gamin est ca explique ma immaturité mais toi tes sérieusement un connard immature.tout le temps que tu m'insulter j'avais jamais sortie une insulte dans tout mes post dans ce topic mais j'ai juste une putaine de question

pourquoi tu fait ta pute qui est sur le point d'avoir ses regles tout le temps a m'insulter et me faire chier?

ta quelle age bordel tu me parrais d'un enfant de 8 ans qui vient a peine de s'avoir insulter!

et au fait nique toi salope chui pas belge espece d'enculer  :victory:

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I tend to speak condescendingly about most organized religions, due to the fact that the vast majority of it's "followers" are a bunch of ignorant, regurgitating dimwits who are so confident that what they believe is right, and everyone else is wrong, that they will argue the points their religion makes, without any valid information backing it up.

The moral points of almost all of the 20 most popular religions are the same. The only difference is the bullshit story about what happened 22 centuries ago.

Really, if you are a strong believer in your religion, eat my dick. You definitely have no idea what you're talking about, as any intellectual person would see there's obvious reason to be skeptical about religion.

I am not atheist. I have agnostic tendencies, and I am a Unitarian Universalist, because frankly, community is far more important than spiritual rambling.

In reflection:

If you can give me an articulate and well rounded reason to believe strongly in your religion, I will have infinite respect for you as a person. If you are part of the 99.9% that can't, but believe in it until your dieing day anyways, there's no shame being part of the ignorant masses.

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I tend to speak condescendingly about most organized religions, due to the fact that the vast majority of it's "followers" are a bunch of ignorant, regurgitating dimwits who are so confident that what they believe is right, and everyone else is wrong, that they will argue the points their religion makes, without any valid information backing it up.

The moral points of almost all of the 20 most popular religions are the same. The only difference is the bullshit story about what happened 22 centuries ago.

Really, if you are a strong believer in your religion, eat my dick. You definitely have no idea what you're talking about, as any intellectual person would see there's obvious reason to be skeptical about religion.

I am not atheist. I have agnostic tendencies, and I am a Unitarian Universalist, because frankly, community is far more important than spiritual rambling.

In reflection:

If you can give me an articulate and well rounded reason to believe strongly in your religion, I will have infinite respect for you as a person. If you are part of the 99.9% that can't, but believe in it until your dieing day anyways, there's no shame being part of the ignorant masses.

Strong words, I'm just glad we're finally on topic again. I understand the frustration you may have with followers of a religion. It's tough for me to agree with such a wide generalization. Just remember that religion is not meant to outside of community. The reason religion has rules regarding everything in the human experience (dietary rules, social rules, etc.) is a clear indication that religion is the community, as opposed to being a separate entity. When I say religion I am speaking of true religion, not the ones damaged over the centuries by OTHER cultures (religion is a culture itself).

You can replace the word "religion" with whichever religion you feel is deserving, but the one I am referring to is Islam.

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Lol, there are extremists in any religion, you're just ignorant (or misinformed) if you don't believe that.

It's human nature to stereotype, and we all do it.

E.G. Terrorist groups - people act as though it's only Al Quaeda and other Islamic groups, but look at Ireland - the IRA

Etc etc

You cannot break a faith

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