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Thought I'd make a topic about this since one about Christianity is already there.

removed website link since people were hating on it, and I have to admit it was full of shit lol


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There is a difference between extremists and actualy Islamic muslims. Remember the crusades that the christians did back in the day? Killing lots of innocent people that didn't want to convert? yeah. fuck you, stop being so ignorant when your own religion did the same thing.

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Any religion is fucking dumb. They brainwash their kids to believe that any god is real. Only religion that I could accept is Buddhism just because they are the most peaceful and the only religion that makes sense.


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There is a difference between extremists and actualy Islamic muslims. Remember the crusades that the christians did back in the day? Killing lots of innocent people that didn't want to convert? yeah. fuck you, stop being so ignorant when your own religion did the same thing.

That was "back in the day" civilization is different now, people are more civilized..... people have more rights and one of those rights is the right to your own opinion.

As Scotty said, all religion is complete and utter fucking bullshit, all it does is causes death, pain, and people to spend their lives being complete fucking tools in fear of going to a place that there is no proof, or logic behind existing.

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There is a difference between extremists and actualy Islamic muslims. Remember the crusades that the christians did back in the day? Killing lots of innocent people that didn't want to convert? yeah. fuck you, stop being so ignorant when your own religion did the same thing.

that's the whole point

Islam is a few centuries late. Mankind needs religion, it answers questions science can't.

Nowadays christians don't cause thousands of deaths every year, they aren't affiliated with terrorist groups etc etc....

will say more later i gtg for now lol

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There is a difference between extremists and actualy Islamic muslims. Remember the crusades that the christians did back in the day? Killing lots of innocent people that didn't want to convert? yeah. fuck you, stop being so ignorant when your own religion did the same thing.

that's the whole point

Islam is a few centuries late. Mankind needs religion, it answers questions science can't.

Nowadays christians don't cause thousands of deaths every year, they aren't affiliated with terrorist groups etc etc....

will say more later i gtg for now lol

I understand. And you're right to a certain extent, but the fact that is that it did happen, just like hitler and the holocaust, you can never say it didn't happen. I myself only belive in Budhism and Hinduism, I do not follow these religions but they make sense, they promote peace and they have never caused any violence. My point is, all these Profitable religions like Christianity and Islam are corrupt, also fake and gay.

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There is a difference between extremists and actualy Islamic muslims. Remember the crusades that the christians did back in the day? Killing lots of innocent people that didn't want to convert? yeah. fuck you, stop being so ignorant when your own religion did the same thing.

that's the whole point

Islam is a few centuries late. Mankind needs religion, it answers questions science can't.

Nowadays christians don't cause thousands of deaths every year, they aren't affiliated with terrorist groups etc etc....

will say more later i gtg for now lol

I understand. And you're right to a certain extent, but the fact that is that it did happen, just like hitler and the holocaust, you can never say it didn't happen. I myself only belive in Budhism and Hinduism, I do not follow these religions but they make sense, they promote peace and they have never caused any violence. My point is, all these Profitable religions like Christianity and Islam are corrupt, also fake and gay.

Every single religion has caused pain and violence.

Hindus have been fighting Muslims for dozens of years in India (thx to the british lol)

what is important is the message they give to their followers today.

And it seems like in a lot of places the message given is hateful, and bring violence.

If the message given by Islam was to bring peace on earth, would there be some brainwashed idiots blowing themselves up shouting god is great evey day?

Would they treat women like dog shit? (which is the case in more that one country)

Would they not try to be a bit more open to other religions and cultures?

Islam used to be tolerant, middle east was prosperous, technology and science were way more advanced than in western countries... But today, conservatives rule over this decadent religion.

And I really don't see how anyone could help them in any way.

Can anyone answer me without saying "you racist lololololol"?

And boudhism isn't a religion ^^ (no god)

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There is a difference between extremists and actualy Islamic muslims. Remember the crusades that the christians did back in the day? Killing lots of innocent people that didn't want to convert? yeah. fuck you, stop being so ignorant when your own religion did the same thing.

that's the whole point

Islam is a few centuries late. Mankind needs religion, it answers questions science can't.

Nowadays christians don't cause thousands of deaths every year, they aren't affiliated with terrorist groups etc etc....

will say more later i gtg for now lol

I understand. And you're right to a certain extent, but the fact that is that it did happen, just like hitler and the holocaust, you can never say it didn't happen. I myself only belive in Budhism and Hinduism, I do not follow these religions but they make sense, they promote peace and they have never caused any violence. My point is, all these Profitable religions like Christianity and Islam are corrupt, also fake and gay.

Every single religion has caused pain and violence.

Hindus have been fighting Muslims for dozens of years in India (thx to the british lol)

what is important is the message they give to their followers today.

And it seems like in a lot of places the message given is hateful, and bring violence.

If the message given by Islam was to bring peace on earth, would there be some brainwashed idiots blowing themselves up shouting god is great evey day?

Would they treat women like dog shit? (which is the case in more that one country)

Would they not try to be a bit more open to other religions and cultures?

Islam used to be tolerant, middle east was prosperous, technology and science were way more advanced than in western countries... But today, conservatives rule over this decadent religion.

And I really don't see how anyone could help them in any way.

Can anyone answer me without saying "you racist lololololol"?

And boudhism isn't a religion ^^ (no god)

Buddhism is a religion, it has a prophet - therefore a leader.

you racist lololololol

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It's because of idiots like you, tumbling, that we can't have a proper debate on runescape forums.

Let those balls drop then come back troll with that squeaky voice of yours.

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The link bored me, so i didn't read it, but i assume from the posts that some Islamic people killed a load of other people?

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It's because of idiots like you, tumbling, that we can't have a proper debate on runescape forums.

Let those balls drop then come back troll with that squeaky voice of yours.

U mad?

Suddently off topic has to be serious, as i've typed earlier the website was fucking brainwash, although some of it is the truth. Please don't flame when you're not right, Buddhism is still a religion although you can have your own opinion. Accusing other people of being immature? Now you cant even post a single joke in a debate without being immature ... Grow some balls srsfag :)

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There is a difference between extremists and actualy Islamic muslims. Remember the crusades that the christians did back in the day? Killing lots of innocent people that didn't want to convert? yeah. fuck you, stop being so ignorant when your own religion did the same thing.

that's the whole point

Islam is a few centuries late. Mankind needs religion, it answers questions science can't.

Nowadays christians don't cause thousands of deaths every year, they aren't affiliated with terrorist groups etc etc....

will say more later i gtg for now lol

I understand. And you're right to a certain extent, but the fact that is that it did happen, just like hitler and the holocaust, you can never say it didn't happen. I myself only belive in Budhism and Hinduism, I do not follow these religions but they make sense, they promote peace and they have never caused any violence. My point is, all these Profitable religions like Christianity and Islam are corrupt, also fake and gay.

Every single religion has caused pain and violence.

Hindus have been fighting Muslims for dozens of years in India (thx to the british lol)

what is important is the message they give to their followers today.

And it seems like in a lot of places the message given is hateful, and bring violence.

If the message given by Islam was to bring peace on earth, would there be some brainwashed idiots blowing themselves up shouting god is great evey day?

Would they treat women like dog shit? (which is the case in more that one country)

Would they not try to be a bit more open to other religions and cultures?

Islam used to be tolerant, middle east was prosperous, technology and science were way more advanced than in western countries... But today, conservatives rule over this decadent religion.

And I really don't see how anyone could help them in any way.

Can anyone answer me without saying "you racist lololololol"?

And boudhism isn't a religion ^^ (no god)

Buddhism is a religion, that's not even debatable. And it's not the Hindus that fought the muslims, it was the Sikhs.

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I found this video quite entertaining

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFbUEWY7Z98&hl=en_US&fs=1"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFbUEWY7Z98&hl=en_US&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFbUEWY7Z98&hl=en_US&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

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There is a difference between extremists and actualy Islamic muslims. Remember the crusades that the christians did back in the day? Killing lots of innocent people that didn't want to convert? yeah. fuck you, stop being so ignorant when your own religion did the same thing.

that's the whole point

Islam is a few centuries late. Mankind needs religion, it answers questions science can't.

Nowadays christians don't cause thousands of deaths every year, they aren't affiliated with terrorist groups etc etc....

will say more later i gtg for now lol

I understand. And you're right to a certain extent, but the fact that is that it did happen, just like hitler and the holocaust, you can never say it didn't happen. I myself only belive in Budhism and Hinduism, I do not follow these religions but they make sense, they promote peace and they have never caused any violence. My point is, all these Profitable religions like Christianity and Islam are corrupt, also fake and gay.

Every single religion has caused pain and violence.

Hindus have been fighting Muslims for dozens of years in India (thx to the british lol)

what is important is the message they give to their followers today.

And it seems like in a lot of places the message given is hateful, and bring violence.

If the message given by Islam was to bring peace on earth, would there be some brainwashed idiots blowing themselves up shouting god is great evey day?

Would they treat women like dog shit? (which is the case in more that one country)

Would they not try to be a bit more open to other religions and cultures?

Islam used to be tolerant, middle east was prosperous, technology and science were way more advanced than in western countries... But today, conservatives rule over this decadent religion.

And I really don't see how anyone could help them in any way.

Can anyone answer me without saying "you racist lololololol"?

And boudhism isn't a religion ^^ (no god)

Buddhism is a religion, that's not even debatable. And it's not the Hindus that fought the muslims, it was the Sikhs.

do you know that Hindus bs Muslims almost started a civil war in India a few years ago?

It was over a mosque being demolished, and the Muslims burnt down the train of workers going there and then the Hindus returned the favour...

And what about kashemire? India's main religion is Hinduism and they're almost at war with Pakistan over it, but they do shoot at each other at the fronteer. And the origins of that confict are regilious.

And no, bouddhism isn't a religion. Studied it in philosophy class a few years ago.

Read this if you want

Buddhism is an Education, Not a Religion

  According to the Webster's Dictionary, the definition of religion is as follows, "An organized system of beliefs, rites, and celebrations centered on a supernatural being power; belief pursued with devotion." Buddhism is not a religion because: First, the Buddha is not a 'supernatural being power'. The Buddha is simply a person who has reached Complete Understanding of the reality of life and the universe. Life refers to ourselves, and universe refers to our living environment. The Buddha taught that all beings possess the same ability within to reach Complete Understanding of themselves and their environment, and free themselves from all sufferings to attain utmost happiness. All beings can become Buddhas, and all beings and the Buddha are equal by nature. The Buddha is not a God, but a teacher, who teaches us the way to restore Wisdom and Understanding by conquering the greed, hatred, and ignorance which blind us at the present moment. The word 'Buddha' is a Sanskrit word, when translated it means, "Wisdom, Awareness/Understanding". We call the founder of Buddhism Shakyamuni 'Buddha' because He has attained Complete Understanding and Wisdom of life and the universe. Buddhism is His education to us, it is His teaching which shines the way to Buddhahood.

  Second, Buddhism is not a religion because 'belief' in the Buddha's teachings is not blind belief, blind faith, and far from superstition. Shakyamuni Buddha taught us not to blindly believe what he tells us, he wants us to try the teachings and prove them for ourselves. The Buddha wants us to know, not merely believe. The Buddha's teachings flow from his own experience of the way to understand the true face of life and the univ`rse, and show us a path of our own to taste the truth for ourselves. This is much like a good friend telling us of his trip to Europe, the sights he has seen, and the way to go there and see for ourselves. The Buddha uses a perfectly scientific way of showing us reality in its true form.

  Third, Buddhism is not a religion because all the 'rites and celebrations' are not centered on a supernatural being, but rather the people attending the assemblies. The ceremonies and celebrations in Buddhism all serve an educational purpose, a reminder of the Buddha's teachings and encouragement to all students who practice it. For example, the Thousand Buddhas Repentance Ceremony practiced during Chinese New Year is to help the participants cultivate a humble heart and respect for others. The point of all 'ceremonies' is to help others awaken from delusion and return to Wisdom and Understanding.

  Finally, Buddhism is not a religion because the 'devotion' used in Buddhism is not one based on emotion, but one based on reason. Students of the Buddha are devoted to their practice of maintaining Purity of Mind because this practice brings true happiness. We are devoted to help others and the Society attain Complete Understanding and Wisdom. Only through Complete Understanding and Wisdom can we realize our true selves and living environment. The Buddha's education is truly not a religion but an education, teaching us the way to break through ignorance and arrive at a perfect understanding of ourselves and everything around us.

  Our goal is True Happiness

But that's not the subject is it

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There is a difference between extremists and actualy Islamic muslims. Remember the crusades that the christians did back in the day? Killing lots of innocent people that didn't want to convert? yeah. fuck you, stop being so ignorant when your own religion did the same thing.

that's the whole point

Islam is a few centuries late. Mankind needs religion, it answers questions science can't.

Nowadays christians don't cause thousands of deaths every year, they aren't affiliated with terrorist groups etc etc....

will say more later i gtg for now lol

I understand. And you're right to a certain extent, but the fact that is that it did happen, just like hitler and the holocaust, you can never say it didn't happen. I myself only belive in Budhism and Hinduism, I do not follow these religions but they make sense, they promote peace and they have never caused any violence. My point is, all these Profitable religions like Christianity and Islam are corrupt, also fake and gay.

Every single religion has caused pain and violence.

Hindus have been fighting Muslims for dozens of years in India (thx to the british lol)

what is important is the message they give to their followers today.

And it seems like in a lot of places the message given is hateful, and bring violence.

If the message given by Islam was to bring peace on earth, would there be some brainwashed idiots blowing themselves up shouting god is great evey day?

Would they treat women like dog shit? (which is the case in more that one country)

Would they not try to be a bit more open to other religions and cultures?

Islam used to be tolerant, middle east was prosperous, technology and science were way more advanced than in western countries... But today, conservatives rule over this decadent religion.

And I really don't see how anyone could help them in any way.

Can anyone answer me without saying "you racist lololololol"?

And boudhism isn't a religion ^^ (no god)

Buddhism is a religion, that's not even debatable. And it's not the Hindus that fought the muslims, it was the Sikhs.

do you know that Hindus bs Muslims almost started a civil war in India a few years ago?

It was over a mosque being demolished, and the Muslims burnt down the train of workers going there and then the Hindus returned the favour...

And what about kashemire? India's main religion is Hinduism and they're almost at war with Pakistan over it, but they do shoot at each other at the fronteer. And the origins of that confict are regilious.

And no, bouddhism isn't a religion. Studied it in philosophy class a few years ago.

Read this if you want

Buddhism is an Education, Not a Religion

  According to the Webster's Dictionary, the definition of religion is as follows, "An organized system of beliefs, rites, and celebrations centered on a supernatural being power; belief pursued with devotion." Buddhism is not a religion because: First, the Buddha is not a 'supernatural being power'. The Buddha is simply a person who has reached Complete Understanding of the reality of life and the universe. Life refers to ourselves, and universe refers to our living environment. The Buddha taught that all beings possess the same ability within to reach Complete Understanding of themselves and their environment, and free themselves from all sufferings to attain utmost happiness. All beings can become Buddhas, and all beings and the Buddha are equal by nature. The Buddha is not a God, but a teacher, who teaches us the way to restore Wisdom and Understanding by conquering the greed, hatred, and ignorance which blind us at the present moment. The word 'Buddha' is a Sanskrit word, when translated it means, "Wisdom, Awareness/Understanding". We call the founder of Buddhism Shakyamuni 'Buddha' because He has attained Complete Understanding and Wisdom of life and the universe. Buddhism is His education to us, it is His teaching which shines the way to Buddhahood.

  Second, Buddhism is not a religion because 'belief' in the Buddha's teachings is not blind belief, blind faith, and far from superstition. Shakyamuni Buddha taught us not to blindly believe what he tells us, he wants us to try the teachings and prove them for ourselves. The Buddha wants us to know, not merely believe. The Buddha's teachings flow from his own experience of the way to understand the true face of life and the univ`rse, and show us a path of our own to taste the truth for ourselves. This is much like a good friend telling us of his trip to Europe, the sights he has seen, and the way to go there and see for ourselves. The Buddha uses a perfectly scientific way of showing us reality in its true form.

  Third, Buddhism is not a religion because all the 'rites and celebrations' are not centered on a supernatural being, but rather the people attending the assemblies. The ceremonies and celebrations in Buddhism all serve an educational purpose, a reminder of the Buddha's teachings and encouragement to all students who practice it. For example, the Thousand Buddhas Repentance Ceremony practiced during Chinese New Year is to help the participants cultivate a humble heart and respect for others. The point of all 'ceremonies' is to help others awaken from delusion and return to Wisdom and Understanding.

  Finally, Buddhism is not a religion because the 'devotion' used in Buddhism is not one based on emotion, but one based on reason. Students of the Buddha are devoted to their practice of maintaining Purity of Mind because this practice brings true happiness. We are devoted to help others and the Society attain Complete Understanding and Wisdom. Only through Complete Understanding and Wisdom can we realize our true selves and living environment. The Buddha's education is truly not a religion but an education, teaching us the way to break through ignorance and arrive at a perfect understanding of ourselves and everything around us.

  Our goal is True Happiness

But that's not the subject is it

Thanks for enlightening me about the Buddhsim thing. To me it makes sense, I guess everyone is right when they say religion=bullshit, I guess Buddhism is the truth :). And about the Hindus vs Muslim thing, it was the Muslims who invaded trying to convert the Hindus into Muslims. Bottom line is that Hindus are peaceful, they didn't start a war with the Muslims, the Muslims thought their religion is the superior and the right way so they went and tried to convert. Just like the Christians with the Crusades, the invasions of South America, etc.

EDIT: The point I was trying to make was that not all Muslims are like this, they're not all terrorists, they're not all fucked up trying to convert everyone to an extreme, they are no different from Christians, it just pisses me off how they get classified as "terrorists" when one extreme group and infact, a minority of these people take it to the extreme.

Good debate though, I enjoy debates like this, you always learn something new. :)

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There is a difference between extremists and actualy Islamic muslims. Remember the crusades that the christians did back in the day? Killing lots of innocent people that didn't want to convert? yeah. fuck you, stop being so ignorant when your own religion did the same thing.

that's the whole point

Islam is a few centuries late. Mankind needs religion, it answers questions science can't.

Nowadays christians don't cause thousands of deaths every year, they aren't affiliated with terrorist groups etc etc....

will say more later i gtg for now lol

U like to argue? www.racists.com

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