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i forget again, why did jagex changed it the +1 and non +1


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i understand the skull thing, but is there a need for the pro item being removed

i dont understand why they did this still, its been a year in my head :s

no point in making non +1 and +1 imo

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Because pkers complain too much and 95% of them are so illiterate they can't defend what they stand for and therefore the company does what they think is best.

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You could have 4 items over 75k and be risking. When you get attacked put on protect item and you wouldn't be risking anything. Jagex thought it was too easy to gain EP so they made it like this.

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You could have 4 items over 75k and be risking. When you get attacked put on protect item and you wouldn't be risking anything. Jagex thought it was too easy to gain EP so they made it like this.

which is why they made it skulled so u risk 1 item

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realized something, cause u could pro item if u were skulled and protect something to gain ep but then again, u had to not be afk and u can do dart trick now which is like the same thing except now more 1 itemers as they dont have to worry about pray to protect their stuff

ahhhhhh boy, wonder who the content team is on jagex, making pk updates so great... 

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You could have 4 items over 75k and be risking. When you get attacked put on protect item and you wouldn't be risking anything. Jagex thought it was too easy to gain EP so they made it like this.

which is why they made it skulled so u risk 1 item

in old bh/pvp you could be attacked and not be skulled.

they only introduced the skull on entry to bh world AFTER bh+1 worlds

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they need to make PvP +1 i dont understand why that isnt possible..

And ruin the one good thing left in pking? Fuck off. You don't understand how annoying 1itemers are.

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You could have 4 items over 75k and be risking. When you get attacked put on protect item and you wouldn't be risking anything. Jagex thought it was too easy to gain EP so they made it like this.

which is why they made it skulled so u risk 1 item

in old bh/pvp you could be attacked and not be skulled.

they only introduced the skull on entry to bh world AFTER bh+1 worlds

well how i remember the update was

they made it so u couldnt protect items and no bh worlds +1 was out yet and u were skulled right away

1 or 2 days later, they made 2 bh worlds +1 and thats how it was till now

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