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Wow, Don't go abusing 99 HP. He's done more for the clan than you guy's period.

And 99, don't flame man. You are better than that.

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Wow, Don't go abusing 99 HP. He's done more for the clan than you guy's period.

And 99, don't flame man. You are better than that.

The fact that he flame baited me twice for no reason is why we did it.

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Level 99 Hp

Wow, Don't go abusing 99 HP. He's done more for the clan than you guy's period.

And 99, don't flame man. You are better than that.

The fact that he flame baited me twice for no reason is why we did it.

Flame baited? I said you failed for having 3 def and I have you and two other morons flame me and thinking their above me for being officers. If you've seen my thread I've taken more opt pics than any officer in foe history. Also my computer crashed which made me lose around 100+ pics. The fact is when I was in Foe I did a hell of a lot of work but everyone really forgets how much I did

I don't want people to think I'm a fag when anyone who remembers me knows otherwise. Although I shouldn't be shit talked because I said you fail for 3 def when it's sort of sarcastic and serious at the same time.

And to p4, I never ever flame people... you know that. I spoke my opinion and 3 people attacked me. What am I supposed to do?

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Wow, Don't go abusing 99 HP. He's done more for the clan than you guy's period.

And 99, don't flame man. You are better than that.

The fact that he flame baited me twice for no reason is why we did it.

Flame baited? I said you failed for having 3 def and I have you and two other morons flame me and thinking their above me for being officers. If you've seen my thread I've taken more opt pics than any officer in foe history. Also my computer crashed which made me lose around 100+ pics. The fact is when I was in Foe I did a hell of a lot of work but everyone really forgets how much I did

I don't want people to think I'm a fag when anyone who remembers me knows otherwise. Although I shouldn't be shit talked because I said you fail for 3 def when it's sort of sarcastic and serious at the same time.

And to p4, I never ever flame people... you know that. I spoke my opinion and 3 people attacked me. What am I supposed to do?

You didn't say it in a joking way and there was no need to reply again, you should just moved on...

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Flame baited? I said you failed for having 3 def and I have you and two other morons flame me and thinking their above me for being officers.

And to p4, I never ever flame people... you know that. I spoke my opinion and 3 people attacked me. What am I supposed to do?

"Gratz man, but 3 def fails :P:P lol" Would be sarcasm, and acceptable, but shit like "How do people fail so hard and get 3 def?" That's just flaming, it's not sarcasm, it's not even an opinion, it's a simple question intended as flame, it's not needed.

I don't care what you did years ago, times change, we're newfags, if you want things to be as they were, well, they're not. End of.

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Wow, Don't go abusing 99 HP. He's done more for the clan than you guy's period.

And 99, don't flame man. You are better than that.

If you was actually IN the clan for all this time we have been officers, you would realise different, 99 came onto a lower leaderships topic and starts flaming him for no reason whatsoever then you back him up saying abusing? any GOOD officer would of muted him for his actions on behalf of him embarrasing the clan he used to rep.

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Level 99 Hp

You need to calm down. By you typing out three seperate posts, you're not only revealing that you can't organize you're ideas into one simple post but also showing that you actually care about this matter. I don't know what "Newfag" is, maybe it is what you are, idk... but the reality is you care enough to post 3, mark them, 3 seperate posts. What you interperet as flame and what I do is different but it's only human to assume people are individualized.

I'm not sure how old you are, but you don't represent this clan by flamming someone who one, did more work than you as the same rank and two who played back when the founders actually played.... when the clan was of the highest importance. You may think you're smart, but trust me.... I'm much smarter than you, and in any battle of wits I will always come on top.


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You need to calm down. By you typing out three seperate posts, you're not only revealing that you can't organize you're ideas into one simple post but also showing that you actually care about this matter. I don't know what "Newfag" is, maybe it is what you are, idk... but the reality is you care enough to post 3, mark them, 3 seperate posts. What you interperet as flame and what I do is different but it's only human to assume people are individualized.

I'm not sure how old you are, but you don't represent this clan by flamming someone who one, did more work than you as the same rank and two who played back when the founders actually played.... when the clan was of the highest importance. You may think you're smart, but trust me.... I'm much smarter than you, and in any battle of wits I will always come on top.


You're right, I do care enough to make seperate posts, you was told not to come posting on this topic as you decided to take it upon yourself to flame, and yet you STILL come back to it wanting to argue more. Why don't you do what I said in my other post and fuck off the topic if you don't have anything positive to say

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You need to calm down. By you typing out three seperate posts, you're not only revealing that you can't organize you're ideas into one simple post but also showing that you actually care about this matter. I don't know what "Newfag" is, maybe it is what you are, idk... but the reality is you care enough to post 3, mark them, 3 seperate posts. What you interperet as flame and what I do is different but it's only human to assume people are individualized.

I'm not sure how old you are, but you don't represent this clan by flamming someone who one, did more work than you as the same rank and two who played back when the founders actually played.... when the clan was of the highest importance. You may think you're smart, but trust me.... I'm much smarter than you, and in any battle of wits I will always come on top.


U saying foe isnt important today? Just because the founders dont play anymore?

Oh and gratz ben good job xd

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