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Fauserk BH/PVP Video One - 99% Hybriding, HUGE Risks, HUGE Hits!


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So after many long tough months it's finally here.  Fauserk PVP/BH Video One.

First of all, a little about myself.  I started this off as any normal pure would be, then decided that becoming a zerker would be my best option on the path to having a flawless account.  Many hundreds of hours later, Fauserk was born.  Barrows gloves, 200 Quest points, 42 defense, EVERY defence quest DONE.  100% Quested Defense Exp.  This IS the best account.

I hope you guys have as much fun watching it as I had making it!  Enjoy!!! <3

tl;dr ->

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x redvsblue

Would be better if:

-less corrupts

-less safing

-less pure killing


other than that, great for your first pk vid.

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Nice teles, dont risk what u dont wanna lose...

Btw, u get crazy when u owned dutch lmfao, everyone dies he doesnt safe like u did on ur vid

Pot barrage rofl?

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Nice teles, dont risk what u dont wanna lose...

Btw, u get crazy when u owned dutch lmfao, everyone dies he doesnt safe like u did on ur vid

Pot barrage rofl?

seriously quit bitching about teles, they can if they want to it doesnt make them suck. every main has teles including bonesaw

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Hey guys thanks for the great comments :)  I was really excited about my first video and I can tell you guys are too!

About the safing:  I know I know, I'll try not to be such a food munching monster for the next vid :D (Although do take note I'm 82 hp.. <3)

The fact that you're that happy about killing a pure at the end tells me you're shit.

lol.  I don't usually get happy about killing a pure, unless it is one of my sort of (here comes the nerdy part) runescape idols.  I look up to Dutch, some of his videos are very inspiring to me.  When I fight someone like this, I tend to get emotional.  Maybe I'm a weirdo.  Maybe I really am shit.  But I will never ever be anything but myself.  So deal with it. 

@Mori:  I will risk whatever I want, I will tele whenever I want.  This is Runescape.  I am not bound by the infinite rules of FOE or any other clan organization.  Thus, I will risk whatever I please, I will NEVER pray however (unless prayed upon), and I will never tele from a fight that a) I started, or b) I agreed to participate in. 

@Everyone with positive comments, thanks very much! <3

@Everyone with negative comments, thank you very much too!  I need constructive criticism, how else will I improve? :D


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Would be better if:

-less corrupts

-less safing

-less pure killing


other than that, great for your first pk vid.


but without the -less corrupts

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Would be better if:

-less corrupts

-less safing

-less pure killing


other than that, great for your first pk vid.


but without the -less corrupts

There are only 3 clips in the main video of me killing pures.. :| (That's not including Dutch Lmfao)

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Was way to slow bro.. at 1:48 u only had two fucking pks. u gatta put a large variety. Was clean editing and awesome quality. Music.. not so good. 2.5/5

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Was way to slow bro.. at 1:48 u only had two fucking pks. u gatta put a large variety. Was clean editing and awesome quality. Music.. not so good. 2.5/5

u gatta finnish highschool before you attempt to criticize me.  Sorry breh.

Edit: O Lawd.  I just watched your Third (3) pk video.  I guess I revoke my previous statement, seeing as I don't want to go to jail for making fun of a retard.  Just looking at your sweet inventory setups make me want to gouge my own eyeballs out.

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I'm really glad you posted this video even though I get mad at the people who just join the FOE community to post there video and not look at their replies but just to gain views, but you're not. You seem like a nice person and who I hope could stay in the FOE community. But if you do post in the FOE community people are going to down grade your video based on the pures you kill because there your level and you played your account right, and if you bring tellies because its against the FOE rules. Now on to the video.

I loved the editing and the clips. I loved the risk and the corrupts. Some people may say use less corrupts but they can't say anything unless they say it to Bonesaw too which they don't have the balls to be honest. I liked the intro, fancy but simple, straight to the point and not long. The only thing I didn't like about the video was that the second song didn't flow with the first at all.

Overall: 4.5/5, Great video watched it all the way through.

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@Giraffe:  Thank you SO MUCH for your comments/thoughts.  I really appreciate what you have to say and to be honest, I agree 100% with everything you have said.  It's true my songs didn't flow.  I was trying to get two different musical tastes into the song, and I guess it didn't work to well, heh.  I'll remember that for my next video! :)  Also I know I kind of just joined the community to upload videos, but yeah, it was not with the intention to soley gain views.  I basically did it for comments just like the one YOU left me <3  I really hope to get some more feedback like it and hopefully I should have another video produced before summer comes.  And hopefully I will have turmoil by the time that video is finished :D

Thank you one last time,


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