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The Dutch Storm Area 51


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Obviously it would be the Dutch who would first get arrested as the "Storm Area 51" meme date gets closer. l0l!.. xD



“We did not want to cause any trouble, it has all gone a little bit out of hand,” said 20-year-old Ties Granzier – the Dutch YouTube star charged last week with his 21-year-old friend, Govert Charles Wilhelmus Jacob Sweep – in a video statement the Nye County Sheriff’s Office released Monday. “We learned from our mistakes, and it’s good to be back in a bit.”


The men were sentenced to one year in the county jail with all but 10 days suspended. But their plea agreement comes with conditions: Stay away from any events near or related to the Nevada National Security Site and avoid stepping within 500 yards of the site for the next year. The men could be released from jail Thursday morning if their fines and fees – $2,280 each – are paid. “It was important to us that these men serve jail time and pay a substantial financial penalty,” Arabia said. “We take this crime seriously, and people need to understand that we will not put up with this kind of nonsense."



The site is a 1,360-square-mile desert patch where scientists decades ago detonated more than 900 nuclear bombs. But the guarded government area is also 18 miles southwest of Area 51 – a military facility set inside a classified test and training range the size of Connecticut.


The arrest

Deputies found a car parked 3 miles past the entrance gate.

Identified as the occupants of the vehicle, Sweep and Granzier told deputies they speak, read and write English. They saw the “No Trespassing” signs – but still they wanted a look.

Deputies found in their possession several cameras, a phone, a laptop and a drone. The men consented to a search of the cameras. Deputies found video footage captured on the Nevada National Security Site property.


“We’re not going to be in trouble again,” Sweep said.

Edited by W3`
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1 hour ago, Paul said:

Free as fuck exposure lmfao high IQ dutchies win again

That’s what I thought lol. They are lucky though the outcome wasn’t worse.


edit: $4,500 exposure

Edited by W3`
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