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The Ugliest Pure


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So I finally decided to start working on my pure. The goal is to make a useless pure with maxed 75 attack and 50 strength, yes 50 strength. Then pk my way to 99 attack whilst staying 50 strength, yes 50 strength. (UPDATE: OR MAYBE NOT CAUSE THATD BE BORING AS SHIT)


Have all quests done except dt, will do eventually




Most Recent Achievement

75 attack








Thanks, I look forward to updating you with my stupid pure progress





Big bad 70 range - going for 75 then starting on 75 attack




75 range, 60 atk, 60 mage




70 Magicians




75 magicians done and 61 attack, on the way to 75





Edited by Devour
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It's not that bad, its the perfect low level pure for clanning, 99 attack for d scim spec, almost guaranteed droppping prayers, then just brid the rest of the fight, and itll be fun as heck to pk with low level with 75 attack 40 str at lvl 58


Besides, 99 attack is a long long way down the track, so will mostly just be low level godsword pking


Is actually pretty good

Edited by Devour
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uhhh gl :D I would say at least 75 att/75 str so you could potentially KO. Idk how you are going to train str d scim speccing then bridding 

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