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Giant chin pking


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Idk if this is common knowledge, if it is u can lock it

He uses the lvl 27 sum monster, Giant Chinchompa, which he detonates with the scroll. Its basically like pokémanz, selfdestruct for major damage lol. He's hitting crazy with it o.O

Could this be of any use or is it only possible for "summoning tanks" to use this strategy? Discuss


(You might want to turn the music off)

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ahh im in school so i cant view but if this is maxed at 62, he lost full statius trying this against some lvl 60's rofl.

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Jagex will fix it soon. As you can probably see, he is spam clicking the familiar's special attack... And hence using 5-6 scrolls and making the chin hitting 5-6 times.

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Good call on turning the music off. Weird way to pk lol but extremely effective by the looks off things.

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was that a triple or quadruple kill at the end?

I'm pretty sure it was close to a quad kill but he ended up only getting 3.

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Jagex will fix it soon. As you can probably see, he is spam clicking the familiar's special attack... And hence using 5-6 scrolls and making the chin hitting 5-6 times.

So it's basically a bug.  Hope he doesn't get banned.

Summon pures are really starting to own in pvp.

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Thats pretty sick, but in a way massing that isnt so 1337. Still summoning tanks are kinda nice. AND WTF VLOOIE RETIRED SINCE WHEN?

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