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knikker pk vid 2


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ur still the apprentice son



l0l u only kill noobs from what i can see, why hide ur name


what ? ill kill u but ur never on


behave urself ezark man ffs


Oh ur dezark? That guy that used to talk shit until i killed him and he never returned?


its shared with 5 ppl congrats bro its not me if u got no bring fam try again i never die

also belgian never heard of u  r u supposed to be good


lel noobie

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ur still the apprentice son



l0l u only kill noobs from what i can see, why hide ur name


what ? ill kill u but ur never on


behave urself ezark man ffs


Oh ur dezark? That guy that used to talk shit until i killed him and he never returned?


its shared with 5 ppl congrats bro its not me if u got no bring fam try again i never die

also belgian never heard of u  r u supposed to be good


lel noobie


i just watched ur most watched vid "sunrise" seems like u tripled ur usual dpi to look fast but u shake like a retard u dont even bother switching 15s and not to mention ur brews smfh irl

query knikker on irc we can do riskfights tomoro

wtf was that cringe edit

Edited by knikker
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ur still the apprentice son



l0l u only kill noobs from what i can see, why hide ur name


what ? ill kill u but ur never on


behave urself ezark man ffs


Oh ur dezark? That guy that used to talk shit until i killed him and he never returned?


its shared with 5 ppl congrats bro its not me if u got no bring fam try again i never die

also belgian never heard of u  r u supposed to be good


lel noobie


i just watched ur most watched vid "sunrise" seems like u tripled ur usual dpi to look fast but u shake like a retard u dont even bother switching 15s and not to mention ur brews smfh irl

query knikker on irc we can do riskfights tomoro

wtf was that cringe edit


get on my lvl noobie

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ur still the apprentice son



l0l u only kill noobs from what i can see, why hide ur name


what ? ill kill u but ur never on


behave urself ezark man ffs


Oh ur dezark? That guy that used to talk shit until i killed him and he never returned?


its shared with 5 ppl congrats bro its not me if u got no bring fam try again i never die

also belgian never heard of u  r u supposed to be good


lel noobie


i just watched ur most watched vid "sunrise" seems like u tripled ur usual dpi to look fast but u shake like a retard u dont even bother switching 15s and not to mention ur brews smfh irl

query knikker on irc we can do riskfights tomoro

wtf was that cringe edit


i was even shitting on you whit my 74cmb the other day so bad smh

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ur still the apprentice son



l0l u only kill noobs from what i can see, why hide ur name


what ? ill kill u but ur never on


behave urself ezark man ffs


Oh ur dezark? That guy that used to talk shit until i killed him and he never returned?


its shared with 5 ppl congrats bro its not me if u got no bring fam try again i never die

also belgian never heard of u  r u supposed to be good


lel noobie


i just watched ur most watched vid "sunrise" seems like u tripled ur usual dpi to look fast but u shake like a retard u dont even bother switching 15s and not to mention ur brews smfh irl

query knikker on irc we can do riskfights tomoro

wtf was that cringe edit


i was even shitting on you whit my 74cmb the other day so bad smh


na u didnt lmfao every1 i asked called u a retard / baddo

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Looks to me like ur fighting ur friend the whole time with priv chat off with high risks training ur switches on each other 

looks like ur jelly to me tbh

very few ppl can compete u little mediocre brid

i agree im the best kyp

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