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Runescape vs League vs Call of Duty


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  • Yeah White


We'll since this is being discussed on a RUNESCAPE CLAN's website, my vote is Runescape. Considering I started when I was 14 and still find myself here 7 years later haha. Never tried LoL though and cod is boring..

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We'll since this is being discussed on a RUNESCAPE CLAN's website, my vote is Runescape. Considering I started when I was 14 and still find myself here 7 years later haha. Never tried LoL though and cod is boring..

its drifting away from an rs forum though
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  • 1 month later...

well to me its


graphics dont really matter to me, league is ok but honestly their commmunity is relatable to the community of runsecape in like 2006, aka you want to kill yourself, its not bad like rs's but its just like what the fuck


cod = shit 

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  • 2 months later...

Well, after having play all of them I would have to go with League over the rest. League is by far more competitive as they have tournaments across the world not just in the United States. Not to mention, they have cash prizes for the top teams and is year round. Call of Duty you see a tournament here and there that do offer cash rewards but not nearly as often as League. As well as, Call of Duty Ghost as least is nothing but a camp fest now people trying to hard to keep their K/D high which in return makes the game slow paced and over all boring. As for Runescape its too much of a grind but if you are into to that then Runescape probably suit other more but as for me I like the fast paced game play in League . Yes, league can be annoying when you have people that flame and do nothing but bitch the whole game ,however, this happen in almost every online multi-player game. 

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Well, after having play all of them I would have to go with League over the rest. League is by far more competitive as they have tournaments across the world not just in the United States. Not to mention, they have cash prizes for the top teams and is year round. Call of Duty you see a tournament here and there that do offer cash rewards but not nearly as often as League. As well as, Call of Duty Ghost as least is nothing but a camp fest now people trying to hard to keep their K/D high which in return makes the game slow paced and over all boring. As for Runescape its too much of a grind but if you are into to that then Runescape probably suit other more but as for me I like the fast paced game play in League . Yes, league can be annoying when you have people that flame and do nothing but bitch the whole game ,however, this happen in almost every online multi-player game. 


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  • 1 month later...

Don't really care, what makes me cringe is when kids are like omg 20 years old and still playing runescape ?!


Just lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

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